Arma 3
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Mis à jour le : 30 oct. 2022 à 7h14

- sculpting action was regularly executed twice within the same frame, resulting in nearly 50% lower framerate...sigh.
- converted terrain objects became visible again in some situations

- increased the maximum brush size by ~25%.

Mis à jour le : 23 oct. 2022 à 11h06

- objects with "Local Only" or "Simple Object" attribute in the editor should be at correct height in multiplayer.
- edits at map edges would cause the entire height map to fail. Such old broken missions will now work again.
- auto leveling objects failed on some occasions.
- some debugging was accidentally active and spammed logs at mission start.

Mis à jour le : 29 sept. 2022 à 11h25

- Enabling "Show edited area" could cause the game to freeze for minutes.
- "Hide Grass" didn't work when the toolbar was closed and reopened again.

Mis à jour le : 25 sept. 2022 à 9h38

- objects set to "Local only" in the editor are still in wrong positions in multiplayer.

- IMPORTANT! Erasing edits (ctrl+6 previously) and object conversion tool (ctrl+5) are moved into separate editing modes. These modes are activated with the two new mode buttons on the toolbar.
- The height map data is compressed when saved. Mission file is smaller and supports more edits, but in turn, saving edits can cause worse stutters.
- Added new "Tools & settings" menu to toolbar.
- Experimental noise generation tool. Hold ALT+3 (opposite of smooth). Noise pattern is randomized on each key press. Adjust noise pattern's size in the Tools menu.
- Dark brush mode in the Tools menu. More visible in bright environments.
- Tons of structural changes under the hood. Please report if mod catches fire.

- height limit tweaked when using raise/lower
- optimized some large area deformations.
- resetting all the edits at once was too slow.
- the grid overlay is now smaller on smaller brush sizes
- adaptive raise/lower made more smoother

- mission broke when there were too many edits. Maximum number of possible deformations is increased and player is notified if the limit is close. Old broken missions should now work and will be automatically converted to the new format.
- some height points at the same height as the default terrain were unnecessarily saved in the Deformer data.
- failing to convert terrain objects didn't mark the missing objects

Mis à jour le : 9 aout 2022 à 5h18

- The terrain object conversion system now works better. It was left to rot for weeks while I was thinking of removing it entirely.
- MP may have been entirely broken in some situations.
- Brush cursors tweaked slightly.

Mis à jour le : 7 aout 2022 à 11h48

- Undo now moves objects to their correct positions.
- New better looking and performing brush cursor and grid.
- Added button to toggle grass on/off. (This also temporarily lowers the terrain's detail level at farther distances.)
- Brush size slider is now slightly exponential. Controlling small sizes a bit easier.

Mis à jour le : 3 aout 2022 à 10h49

The terrain object conversion was completely broken for the last few days.

Mis à jour le : 3 aout 2022 à 9h07

Hotfixed a conflict with 3den 2.0 mod.

Mis à jour le : 31 juil. 2022 à 9h16

- Initial MP compatibility. Deformer works as a server-side mod.
- Added Undo button to toolbar, because the standard 3den Undo doesn't store deformations. 30 last actions can be undone.
- Highlight edited areas. Handy for erasing unneeded edits to save performance.

- "Rate" slider renamed to "Strength"
- Strength slider affects smoothing. Low value removes only small bumps, high can smooth small mountains.
- Hardness affects flattening. Low hardness flattens only the center of the brush, high evenly levels the entire area.

- Toolbar opens much quicker when scenario has a large number of deformations.
- Very small brush size caused jagged deformations in some situations.
- some performance issues.
- undoing object conversion with the 3den Undo action
- changing brush settings occasionally caused lower deformation strength

Mis à jour le : 6 juil. 2022 à 11h53

- The "autolevel objects" option now levels all placed objects
- Changing the objects' scale in the editor was removed to improve compatibility with other mods. Now that the game can handle terrain objects by itself, converting them is no longer relevant.

- Edited terrain now works in regular single player missions and not only in the editor.
- Objects are now in correct height when playing the mission.
- Toolbar was visible but not functional when creating a new scenario.
- Deformations are reloaded automatically after previewing the mission.
- After preview, objects are now in their correct height.

- better performance on wide deformations.