Hearts of Iron IV

Hearts of Iron IV

Millennium Dawn: A Modern Day Mod
Ergebnisse 1–10 von 36
< 1  2  3  4 >
Update: 20. März um 17:19

Update: 8. März um 14:47

Update: 25. Jan. um 23:03

Update: 25. Jan. um 17:38

Update: 21. Dez. 2023 um 18:31


- Fixed AI underflow from the International Market

- Increased the workforce reductions from the AI tree
- Added additional research slots to help developing countries catch up
- Rebalanced the Spanish agricultural section to actually give benefits to agriculture
- Increased the buffs from the Autonomous Communities for Spain
- All of the culture opinions for Spain now provide a productivity modifier
- Added a productivity modifier to the generic idea Public Service Investment
- Rebalanced the Danish clean energy initiatives to make it a bit stronger
- Added productivity to the Education Spending
- As you annex a nation you now gain their enrichment facilities
- Removed the give Hezbollah factories decisions

- Fixed the Japanese "Kikai-ka Ryodan" hole in the template
- Fixed the Generic Focus "Economic Measures" taking away your 20% resource export income
- Fixed the Danish idea Last Bastions of Corruption were not being removed
- Fixed Comorosian idea for vanilla Export
- Deleted empty Indian focus "Bharat Sarkar"
- Fixed Indian idea for Local market trade
- Fixed the Investment System remove from array error
- Fixed the crashing issues relating to the market
- Fixed Fire in Baku Iran focus not being valid
- Fixed the Pahlavi tree in Iran having a bad prerequisite
- Fixed Hezbollah raid issues
- Fixed is_locked in Ukrainian focuses
- Fixed the AKP tree in Turkey being unavailable

- NEW FOCUS TREE: South Ossetia
- Added a "Canarios Targeted Subsidies" decision to Spain
- Adjusted conditions for Venezuela focuses
- Added "Petro Dollar" idea back to America
- Adjusted Turkey focus time lengths to be shorter

- Adjusted the "End Game" victory screen to spawn in 2100 instead of 2070
- Added renewable energy hotspots to Spain, Portugal, Morocco, Tunisia, Algeria and France in areas they hadn't already had one
- Added a Renewable Energy hotspot map mode
- Added hydroelectric power to Spain and Portugal

- Removed the localization in Assume Debt referring to influence.
- Added descriptions to the Danish political parties
- Added a description to the Missile Button similar to the other top bar buttons
- Fixed a number of typoes in the Spanish content
- Fixed typoes in the Venezuela tree
- Fixed typoes in some influence decisions and content
- Fixed Indian localization issues
- Added a tooltip extension to fuel to tell people to look at their energy screen for their fuel consumption.

- Added a "Average Worker Fulfillment" to the Economic Preview screen

Update: 14. Dez. 2023 um 9:52


- Improved the AI navigation of the Generic tree to make it more optimal in padding its economic issues
- Improved the Bulgarian AI's navigation through her economic tree
- AI America and otherwise should not willingly accept corruption from Cartel Events
- AI should be more likely to accept assume debt since it's not a penalty
- AI Iran is more willing to fix it's economy
- Assume Debt AI now includes the value of a nation's interest rate since they are being given free debt assistance
- Improved the AI for the Internal Faction events so they're more intelligent of the choices
- AI Belarus is more willing to fix it's economy
- Adjusted some NATO joining AI
- Fixed the Greek AI from leaving NATO on historical focus
- AI now has the ability to invest fossil powerplants when the target country is negative energy balance, more likely the more negative it is
- AI now has the ability to invest renewable powerplants when the target country is negative energy balance, more likely the more negative it is and will only invest in it over fossil plants when you have lots of renewable power generation bonuses
- AI will dynmaically use the international market based on their economy size and if they are under threat of war or not
- Old MD EP system AI has been removed

- Reduced money upkeep of helicopter equipment
- Improved Tooltips for Germany to help explain mechanics better
- Removed Turkic Council spirit being given without acceptance.
- Rebalanced the German Renewable dynamic modifiers
- Rebalanced the Spanish Renewable spirits to be better
- Increased the worker requirement for China to offset their insane monthly pop growth
- Added a receiving investment duration/cost to Public Service Investment
- Booned the generic tree "Our Place" from 8% to 10% domestic independence
- Increased Combat Foreign Influence decision to 4% domestic from 2%
- Increased the energy boons from Bulgaria's economic sector spirit
- Fixed stability in the "Dual Currency Period" in DPR and LPR
- Reduced the war time mobilization by ~6% so it's a bit cheaper
- Buffed air attack of long-range missiles weapon module for SPAA designer by 15%.
- Increased the likelihood of positive economic growth events to help those nations in depression so people are aiming towards Stagnation as the main economic
- Infrastructure Investiture project now provides Network Infrastructure construction bonus
- Rebalanced cont focuses a little bit to be stronger
- Rebalanced the GDP/C scaling on the modifier "Monthly Population" to make managing Unemployment easier (Max penalty should be at 60k and it softens the penalty on poorer nations)
- Doubled the time of Military Aid influence action as to push out the influence gain more
- Fascists and Salafi Jihadists can go to Total War without needing to demobilize
- Increase the Ulema/Clergy/Priesthood Stability to 15% and their political power gain to 30% at max opinion
- Removed the "Max factories in State" from the Farmers
- Added Agriculture Productivity and Agriculture Tax Income to Farmers, having the faction gives you a flat 5% workers in agriculture
- Internal factions across the board have been rebalanced including new modifiers from a variety of different areas
- Increased the Unemployment Threshold modifier from Social Budget
- Rebalanced the "Small Company Lists Shares on Exchange" to scale to 4% of GDP instead of 5 flat
- Added starting productivity to Oceanic microstates
- Fixed effects in the Aviation branch of Russia
- Removed the national spirit in the weakened army in the Ukrainian branch
- Significantly reduced the amount of Mafia events you get as Turkey
- Rebalanced the Energy Sector section in the Generic Tree
- Made some tweaks to the Indian tree to make it a big more balanced and utilize newer modifiers
- Maoists rebels in India now reduce productivity in the state
- Rebalanced a number of Greek ideas and focuses
- Rebalanced Switzerland focus effects and ideas
- The minimum bailout you can ask is no $1 billion instead of $0 billion
- India's Petrol Refineries focus now gives Oil instead of Renewable Energy Infrastructure
- Boosted the construction speed of Renewables within the first 15 years of the game
- The "Intelligence Community" now provides benefits to those who have LAR
- Made the Cartel Mechanics more difficult based no your difficulty
- Decrease and rebalance expected spending somewhat
- Added an option for queuing 3 Enrichment Facilities at a time to help the QOL
- Removed the extra 90 day cooldown on building Enrichment Facility
- Rebalanced American Foreign Influence Defense penalty so America doesn't give up it's entire economy to foreign powers
- Reduced aircraft heavy naval weapons strength
- Adjusted Sweden's starting plane designs
- POL military focuses with tech effect now costs treasury. The more valuable effects, the higher cost (MBT > APC > Artillery etc.). Research boosts from military focuses are highly nerfed.

- Fixed GEO going alt-history too much.
- Replaced ARM, BUL, GEO ideas and fixed bugs related to them.
- Added a "Do Not Cheat" message to people getting spammed by expired ideas on Germany. Stop cheating to overthrow the Republic!
- Fixed the inability to gain Urban Assault Specialists by fighting in Supercities
- Fixed "Governorates" in Russia Nationalist's tree
- Fixed a bug that prevents the branch of the Oligarchs of Russia from becoming Westerners
- Added stealth destroyers to MIO's with destroyers traits
- Fixed Chinese/Indian border was getting "stuck"
- Fixed German Bundeswehr Reform decisions not finishing if you got above 100% reform and not 100% exactly.
- Fixed Frigates not being able to utilize Nuclear Reactors (damn it birb)
- Fixed Renewable Energy Infrastructure being limited to 3
- Focuses that increase military spending not won't push you into needing to immediately demobilizing
- Fixed Salafist coup issues where you couldn't overthrow a country despite having 100% Salafist (haha pink typo)
- Fixed unit leaders dying but remaining an advisor
- Fixed Wagner Focuses in DPR and VTB
- Fixed the Ottoman path for Turkey not being made available
- Fixed the Turkish focus "Air Superiority Fighters" not giving a bonus to players with BBA
- Fixed the Hindus and Christians Butt Heads flipped option issue
- Fixed the Random Seed issue with the Maoist Indian decisions
- Fixed the Attempted to Coup Us! gaining negative opinion
- Fixed Turkish focus prerequisite where you couldn't go down the CHP path if you did "Maintain Headscarve Ban"
- Fixed China Mars city building event chain.
- Fixed the minimum days on missile production to always be 1
- Fixed an AI check in the influence actions for influence
- Fixed the Indian Join NATO to going to the faction leader if USA is not in NATO
- After forming Scandinavia, Integrate Finland decision becomes visible immediately like for other countries (even though Finland is not part of Scandinavia >:| )
- In order to start forming the North Sea Empire, you need to own the British Isles, not Finland
- Replaced a number of is_puppet checks to is_subject check to fix DLC compatibility
- Fixed the issues where Turkey/Iran/Ethiopia couldn't annex their puppets. Wow! That was fun!
- Fixed bugs related to the Union State of Russia and Belarus
- fixed one of the slots of medium aircraft not allowing medium GP hardpoints
- fixed a bunch of countries starting with nonBBA technologies when playing with BBA
- fixed a bunch of countries not having air forces at game start for non-BBA players
- fixed Russia not having an air force at game start for BBA players
- fixed initial aircraft carrier tech referencing an unavailable nonBBA tech while BBA loaded
- Fixed being able to send all designed equipment for dirt cheap convoy costs
- Fixed focus effect b

Update: 16. Nov. 2023 um 15:15

Full Changelog Available on Discord. v1.9.0 is too big to post on here.

Update: 14. Okt. 2023 um 13:31

Update: 10. Okt. 2023 um 8:36

v1.8.8 - 1.13 Compatch

- 1.13 compatibility

- Disabled Vanilla International Market
- Converted MD's Defense Companies to MIOs

- Removed an unusued Equipment Type "Engineering Equipment"
- Removed an unusued Equipment Type "Land Drone Equipment"

Update: 10. Okt. 2023 um 8:26