Black Mesa

Black Mesa

Juniez's Classic Weapons Pack
Showing 1-3 of 3 entries
Update: Apr 2, 2022 @ 10:06pm

More 357 ironsight adjustment
Updated Crossbow scope overlay
Adjusted HEV arms and MP5 chrome phong settings
Adjusted explosion sound volume and attenuation
Added fixed normal maps for the Gluon Gun's world model
Updated some wave pitch ranges
Brought MP5 FOV down a little to hide left arm when looking up
Added updated/fixed normal maps for Gluon Gun world model
Fixed left arm being visible in Snark idletosprint, sprint, and sprinttoidle
Rotated MP5 wrists to match Shotgun and Crossbow
Added distinct MP5 reload_long sequence
Fixed left arm going offscreen in Glock idletosprint, sprint, and sprinttoidle
Fixed right hand being visible in Gluon Gun idletosprint and sprinttoidle
Fixed right hand clipping into Glock's grip on reload, reload_long, and idle_fidget
Fixed MP5 magazine replenish frame incrementation for reload and reload_long
Fixed RPG round bodygroup disappearing
Updated a few sound channels
Updated Glock reload
Updated RPG reload sound channel
Ran high-pass filter over several sounds with very low buzzing frequencies in them
Changed $phongfresnel matrices in all weapons from [2 4 6] to [2 4 2]
Reduced all $envmaptint matrices by 50% and applied $envmapfresnel
(Done in order to alleviate "halo" effect on edges of models due to poor AA in-game)
-Old Hermit

Update: Jan 2, 2021 @ 6:36am

Late New Year's Patch
Fixed random weapons using their vanilla assets
Updated Crossbow scope mask
Fixed gib sounds occasionally failing to precache
Fixed sound attenuation for gib sounds
Fixed gib sounds not cutting off dead NPC voice lines
Adjusted Gluon Gun fire pitch to resemble the original more
Adjusted origins for Crowbar, Glock, 357, Crossbow, Shotgun, and Tau Cannon based on community feedback
Fine-tuned 357 ironsight alignment and fixed ironsight FOV
Updated Gluon Gun animations to fix visible right hand during most sequences, made the fire loop only grab only one handle like the original

Update: Dec 24, 2020 @ 11:50am