Counter-Strike 2

Counter-Strike 2

Showing 1-7 of 7 entries
Update: Mar 30 @ 8:25pm

-fixed ugly shadows of hawkings t.scope silo dome
-there was several instances around the map (mainly windows at twin towers, zenith labs) of a prop being embedded in a brush wall, in such way that they were too close to each other (within 1 h. unit) causing ugly z-fighting when viewed from a far. Some time ago (2024) an update screwed up rendering, so these (from far, zoomed in) and decals (from far) which also very close to the brushes are producing the same flickering. nice work guys...

-minor clipping issues under the bridge

Update: Feb 25 @ 7:48pm


-missing collection icon on loading screen fixed
-overall fine tuning of lighting, this version's recompilation caused some of the lights and sprites to over expose
-3 of the darkest areas (h.telescope, around the labs and around the canteen terrace) got additional lights, and some color correction on textures
-various prop shaders got broken specular values, also tied to recompilation got fixed

-rman id sound fx added

Update: Aug 21, 2021 @ 2:12pm


-bombsite triggers received visible markings
-site B: the bomb now can be planted on top of the group of five barrels

-an extensive trigger system has been implemented to prevent "env_sprite" entities being visible through smoke grenades (not flawless, but should work for the most)

-canteen (entrance): complete rework of this part to fit the style more to the original concept of the building - triggered by the deletion of the gift shop display (and rearrange the models that has been there)
-canteen (lower level just before the rest rooms): extended to a small recreational room to give place to the new highstriker mini game. this is the new place of the Saturn V rocket. Without affecting the gameplay too much
-canteen (upper level): Instead of the old "satellite race" theme now there's the space shuttle orbiting Earth
-cable car station (t spawn): texture/UV fixes for the welcome ornament model
-skybox: textures received an additional rotation material proxy, to prevent visible looping in the star twinkling effect
-skybox: cloud textures are now doubled in resolution for the same file size (old textures were 1:1, now 2:1 is their ratio)

-new "the eagle has landed" win sound for the highstriker mini game.
-both music loops has been amped up just a little to be more recognizable over ambient noise.

Update: Nov 8, 2019 @ 7:02am


-DM Mode: fixed broken spawns (twin tower, data storage, terrace, cable car)
-navmesh: nojump attributes added to prevent bots from excessive jumping at ledges
-bridge (catwalk access): lowered playerclip to help movement

-mid: even more horizontal cuts around the area

-site B (helicopter entry): fixed clipping of wood stack props

-site A (haven): fixed missing metal railing texture
-CT spawn: skybox brush moved away from Hawking t.scope tower dome prevening ugly vertex shadows

Update: Oct 25, 2019 @ 11:21am


-Game modes: trimmed down from everything to: classic, deathmatch, custom
-DM mode: manually placed spawns added
-navmesh: place names added
-KV file: model variant bug fixed, obsolete data deleted
-overall prevention of unrecoverable dropped weapons at most critical places
-site B (gate): rotated white box to help grenade throwing through the gate
-server rooms (secret vent): box pulled up 2 units to help movement
-site A (haven): evened out lift collisions to prevent wrong grenade deflection

-all outdoor areas split horizontally at the lowest height
-proper split of corridors
-optimized brushwork around the terrace(ladder) area
-invisible wall inside CT spawn rocks for better visleaf splitting
-reworked Hawking t.scope tower for better visleaf splitting
-simplified brushwork at all 45° edited parts
-site B (server rooms entry): prop stack simplified
-site B (warehouse entry): prop stack simplified
-site B (under roof): prop stack simplified

-planetarium telescope (projection room): tv frame phys turned off to prevent boosted pixelwalk
-planetarium (projection room): haven window shade closed to prevent peaking at twin tower entry
-terrace (ladder): fixed boosted pixelwalk on canteen rooftop
-server rooms (secret vent): horizontal clipbrush to prevent looking inside site B from above with 3xboosting
-server rooms (mid entry): fixed clipbrush between doorframe and rocks to prevent players being stuck
-bridge (catwalk access): fixed pixelwalk on heat exchanger prop
-bridge (catwalk): clipped out heat exchanger pipe
-CT spawn (walkway entry): fixed pixelwalks on rocks -both side
-warehouse (CT spawn entry): fixed pixelwalk on big box stack prop
-site B (helicopter entry): raised metal box height to prevent 3xboost HS line
-site B (server rooms entry): raised clipbrush height of doors to prevent camping
-site B (central container stack): more accurate clipbrush work

-site A (haven): redesigned metal base with lights and white painted texture for lift props to eliminate darkness
-site B (warehouse entry): prop stack - dark elements changed to brighter panels
-about 10-15 textures brightened, most nuke prop colors lightened to ease contrast issues
-radar: brightened up dds

Update: Sep 6, 2019 @ 2:11pm

Description update.

Update: Sep 6, 2019 @ 12:09pm

Initial release.