Portal 2

Portal 2

Here's Your Cake (with vegetables) Broken by Publisher !
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Update: Jul 19, 2014 @ 9:49am

the editor is a witch. Getting a vantage point to see around some of the random blocks to place lights keeps interfering with placements and adjustments of secret panels etc.
frickin' MADDENING that I can see through my precise obstruction placements. I keep have to tear down areas and completely rebuild them !
Almost done here, but damn this editor/publisher....

Update: Jul 19, 2014 @ 9:01am

repaired access in second room to access lift, minor asthetic changes around glass walkway, and lighting, new frosting recipe.
NOW completed - Any further re-publishing will be for lighting adjustments only.
I do hope you will rate the chamber, and re-visit the workshop to leave comments.
Have fun.

Update: Jul 18, 2014 @ 1:06pm

still working on the second room access and asthetics around glass walkway, and surfaces throughout.

Update: Jul 17, 2014 @ 6:25pm

As I play through, I am making mior adjustments. Exit visibility corrected. More accessable secret areas, and connectivity to more areas, minor lighting adjustments.

Update: Jul 17, 2014 @ 5:48pm

Main paths, traps, and access points : Finished !
Minor adjustments on switch timing, amabush placements will not affect gameplay.

Update: Jul 16, 2014 @ 6:07pm

Update: Jul 16, 2014 @ 1:11pm

Update: Jul 16, 2014 @ 12:35pm

After I completely rebuild and relocate to repair what the publishing editor keeps screwing up, I repaly this a dozen times more all the way through.I want my reveals to be complex, not discovering them- but I don't want this to be one of those puzzles I can solve because I made it so complex only I know the secret. That isn't fun for people....

Update: Jul 16, 2014 @ 12:13pm

As I progress in testing / repairing, I come across disconnected switches I had to relocate to work around the editor glitches. My interconnections/multiple functions are lost during this extened repair.
Please try back if you reach dead ends- I am fixing it as I proceed through.

Update: Jul 16, 2014 @ 11:46am

fixed passhrough to 2nd half, connected service structures areas into secret passages.
I started this thing late in 2012, and it was completed and playable, and after testing it through and publishing saved corrections and adjustments the publishing 'editor'
would glitch my placements and change angles. This test chamber has precise, deliberate constructs that require precise trajectories and angles to keep the players guesssing where they will land. I concealed obvious paths to offer sudden reveals and perspectives. damn this Editor-what a hassle seeing around my obstacles.
Grrrrr...this was completed several times already!