ARK: Survival Evolved

ARK: Survival Evolved

379 valoraciones
Coyodi Stacks 2 (big stacks + dropped meshes)
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9 MAY 2018 a las 12:56 p. m.
12 NOV 2022 a las 10:43 p. m.
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Coyodi Stacks 2 (big stacks + dropped meshes)

Mod ID: 1382008288

Aberration shrooms buffed, Honey has longer spoil time, Preserving Salt buffed.
Bigger stack sizes (mostly 1000, bigger on some, especially on dino foods like 10k raw meat/berries, smaller on some rare gatherable resources).
Ammo weight reduced.
Added dropped meshes to most resources and ammos.
Balanced/compatible for my PvE server. Mileage may vary elsewhere.
*insert all other disclaimers from other stack mods regarding new items compatibility with engrams/stacking etc*

A few items have ini options. It's pretty tedious to do so I'll need to be really bored to do too many more lol... below are default values.

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28 OCT 2022 a las 12:22 p. m.
FIJO: Bugs/Suggestions
99 comentarios
Finnsman 4 ENE a las 10:49 a. m. 
Hey. My wooden spear is infinite on my hand i can throw it multiple times.
Zgames1234 28 MAR 2023 a las 1:46 a. m. 
Any issues known right now with this?
c.Lamp 26 DIC 2022 a las 12:58 p. m. 
Ayone experiencing items dissapearing from there storage boxes and smithys
Monkeypad 11 DIC 2022 a las 3:04 p. m. 
Cannot craft Polymer or Propellant
Truppenterror 11 DIC 2022 a las 2:14 a. m. 
Is mutton and fillet also stacked? :)
Bdiem 13 NOV 2022 a las 1:41 a. m. 
Thanks for the quick fix. For other folks using this in a existing game: I had to rebuild affected crafting tables and let my character die (may not be necessary; tried that before rebulding the crafting table). After those things I was able to use the receipe.
Bdiem 12 NOV 2022 a las 1:00 p. m. 
Ah, thats great news.
Reggie 12 NOV 2022 a las 9:02 a. m. 
Explains why we also could only get chain bola via admin spawn lol
CoyodiSoul  [autor] 12 NOV 2022 a las 7:28 a. m. 
Thank you for pointing that out! I'm thinking that must have been an issue since launch based on the array that it's in.. I had the chain bola remapping to an invalid class. Shocked it hadn't been reported before tbh haha. I'll get an update cooking.
Bdiem 12 NOV 2022 a las 3:45 a. m. 
I'm encountering a problem regarding chain bolas. If the mod is enabled (it's the only enabled mod) the receipe in the crafting table states that I need to learn the chain bola engram which i already learned. Disabling the mod unlearns the engram. After relearning the engram I am able to use the receipe in the crafting table.