34 évaluations
How to Install DZSA Launcher
De N0T-a-N00B
Unofficial DayZ Launcher (DZSA) which allows you to easily search and join modded servers! This guide will show you how to download and start using this launcher.
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What is DZSA Launcher?
DZSA is an unofficial, easy to use launcher for DayZ Standalone that automatically downloads mods when joining any modded server and helps you easily manage all your mods.
Where to Download?
DZSA Launcher can be downloaded here:

How to Install?
Step 1: Press the obvious red "Download" button on the website.

Step 2: Open the downloaded file (there will be a User Account Control pop-up, simply hit yes).

Step 3: Choose which folder you would like DZSA installed into.

Step 4: Leave this as is and hit next.

Step 5: Choose whether or not you want a desktop shortcut (recommended you have one).

Step 6: Installer should take seconds to complete. You did it!

How to Use Launcher?
The launcher itself is pretty straightforward.

Upon launching it the first time, it will ask you for you in game name (this can always be changed in the launcher's settings).

Once done, you can now find the desired modded server, join it and the launcher will automatically download the required mods. Once finished, you are able to start playing in the modded server. Happy gaming!
8 commentaires
SteveLmao 9 mai à 15h11 
romansemenchuk9 17 mars à 12h35 
ЧТО делать если официальный лаунчер в стиме не открывается а сразу заходит в игру
Seronix 29 mars 2023 à 23h22 
So fat he makes squish noises when he walks
watson 22 mars 2023 à 4h03 
launcher is actually
Jesse 20 mars 2023 à 9h32 
Do not download this shit
LQ 20 mars 2023 à 6h39 
"when spawned a modded server"

"died from the hacker due to scammed tittle"

never trust the devs man they are selfish.
N0T-a-N00B  [créateur] 3 févr. 2023 à 12h00 
As someone who plays DayZ mainly on custom servers, I found this launcher to be very helpful. I mainly use it to automatically download any mods/workshop items needed for a particular server which has been working very well for me.
Victor the Victor 3 févr. 2023 à 4h20 
This 3rd party launcher is absolute trash, i would not recommend. The official launcher is completely the same and way more stable . The only difference there is, is exact server time but server time you can look up on {LIEN SUPPRIMÉ} or {LIEN SUPPRIMÉ} anyway.