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Simple ThirdPerson - Sliders & Fixes!
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Content Type: Addon
Addon Type: Tool
Addon Tags: Scenic, Realism
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25 déc. 2013 à 11h57
20 sept. 2016 à 8h15
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Simple ThirdPerson - Sliders & Fixes!

Its just a simple client side ThirdPerson.
Note, the playermodel is a PAC

Wanna help out? Check

If you Don't see yourself when in thirdperson, make sure there isn't an addon overwriting this one.
Known Addons :
- Make sure you disable sharpeye's thirdperson! It will overwrite this addon.

Its quite simple! Just press C (context menu) and click on the ThirdPerson icon.
Then just play with the Camera Settings =).

=== Toggles ===
simple_thirdperson_shoulder_toggle (Toggles ShoulderView On / Off) simple_thirdperson_enable_toggle (Toggles ThirdPerson On / Off) simple_thirdperson_crosshair_toggle (Toggles Default Crosshair On / Off) simple_thirdperson_custom_crosshair_toggle (Toggles Custom Crosshair On / Off)
=== Other ===
simple_thirdperson_enabled 0/1 (Enables / Disables Thirdperson) simple_thirdperson_smooth 0/1 (Enables / Disables Smoothing) simple_thirdperson_smooth_mult_x <number> simple_thirdperson_smooth_mult_y <number> simple_thirdperson_smooth_mult_z <number> simple_thirdperson_smooth_delay <number> (Smooth Delay) simple_thirdperson_collision 0/1 (Enables / Disables Camera Collision with Walls) simple_thirdperson_cam_distance <number> (Camera Distance) simple_thirdperson_cam_right <number> (Camera Right Offset) simple_thirdperson_cam_up <number> (Camera UP Offset) simple_thirdperson_cam_pitch <number> (Camera Pitch) simple_thirdperson_cam_yaw <number> (Camera Yaw) simple_thirdperson_shoulderview 0/1 (Enables / Disables ShoulderView) simple_thirdperson_shoulderview_bump 0/1 (Enables / Disables Shoulder Bump) simple_thirdperson_shoulderview_dist <number> (Shoulder Distance Offset) simple_thirdperson_shoulderview_up <number> simple_thirdperson_shoulderview_right <number> simple_thirdperson_fov_smooth (Enables / Disables FOV Smooth) simple_thirdperson_fov_smooth_mult <number> simple_thirdperson_hide_crosshair (Hides / Shows the default crosshair) simple_thirdperson_custom_crosshair (Enables / Disables the custom crosshair) simple_thirdperson_custom_crosshair_r <number (0-255)> simple_thirdperson_custom_crosshair_g <number (0-255)> simple_thirdperson_custom_crosshair_b <number (0-255)> simple_thirdperson_custom_crosshair_a <number (0-255)> simple_thirdperson_menu (Opens simple_thirdperson menu)

Server Convars
simple_thirdperson_maxdistance - Sets the max distance the player can go (0 = disabled) simple_thirdperson_maxpitch - Sets the max pitch the player can go (0 = disabled) simple_thirdperson_maxright - Sets the max right the player can go (0 = disabled) simple_thirdperson_maxyaw - Sets the max yaw the player can go (0 = disabled) simple_thirdperson_maxup - Sets the min up the player can go (0 = disabled) simple_thirdperson_mindistance - Sets the min distance the player can go (0 = disabled) simple_thirdperson_minpitch - Sets the min pitch the player can go (0 = disabled) simple_thirdperson_minright - Sets the min right the player can go (0 = disabled) simple_thirdperson_minyaw - Sets the min yaw the player can go (0 = disabled) simple_thirdperson_minup - Sets the min up the player can go (0 = disabled) simple_thirdperson_shoulder_maxdist - Sets the max shoulder distance the player can go (0 = disabled) simple_thirdperson_shoulder_mindist - Sets the min shoulder distance the player can go (0 = disabled) simple_thirdperson_shoulder_maxup - Sets the max shoulder up the player can go (0 = disabled) simple_thirdperson_shoulder_minup - Sets the min shoulder up the player can go (0 = disabled) simple_thirdperson_shoulder_maxright - Sets the max shoulder right the player can go (0 = disabled) simple_thirdperson_shoulder_minright - Sets the min shoulder right the player can go (0 = disabled) simple_thirdperson_forcecollide - Forces the player to use collide or not (0 = disabled,1 = on,2 = off) simple_thirdperson_forceshoulder - Forces the player to use shoulder view or not (0 = disabled,1 = on,2 = off) simple_thirdperson_forcesmooth - Forces the player to use smooth view or not (0 = disabled,1 = on,2 = off)
Discussions populaires Tout voir (29)
30 sept. 2023 à 11h21
ÉPINGLÉ : Tracking the thirdperson issue
22 oct. 2023 à 15h34
weird glitch
5 mars 2023 à 10h07
Issues and suggestions
1 116 commentaires
JazzSkull 13 mai à 16h41 
im stuck in thirdperson which button is it
mark 7 mai à 22h42 
for some reason the icon isnt there for me. the commands also doesnt work
Ananace 23 avr. à 0h37 
Hi, can I make parameters defined for the third person which would be impossible to modify on the client side?
|KB| >KEKSQUAD 5 avr. à 13h39 
Hey so I found the menu command itself is not being recognized by the server. It could be in the wrong realm(s).
Mythical 5 avr. à 11h49 
Why does it sometime just enable itself
i cant disable it at times
Corrosion 3 avr. à 23h57 
How do you fix the annoying head bobbing that gets worse the faster you go?
Nugget9987 25 mars à 17h27 
スープ 17 mars à 11h48 
why is it that whenever i bind a button to the third person view (simple_thirdperson_enable_toggle) it also shows up with a web browser?
Devagardothefourth 16 mars à 12h51 
[Magic Wand Rewrite] Cannot call StopMotionController in a physics callback!
1. unknown - lua/entities/entity_hpwand_flyingspell.lua:133
sand 11 mars à 9h44 
this has a habit of breaking pac3 cameras randomly but it only does it some times which is what i dont get