Counter-Strike 2

Counter-Strike 2

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UMP-45 | SkillChaser
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Arma: UMP-45
Estilo de revestimento: Pintura personalizada
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11.276 MB
11/nov./2017 às 16:26
13/fev./2018 às 5:04
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Em 2 coleções de dC^
DC's Custom Skin Collection
438 itens
SkillChaser Collection
2 itens
"The red UMP is yours.
-What do you mean?
You're representing me now.
What you think,I'm gonna let you roll with a PP-Bizon?"

A UMP-45 skin inspired by the Mitsubishi Evo 9 from Tokyo Drift, which is my one of favorite movies ever. I chose the name SkillChaser because the main Japanese text on the body reads "Skill".I chose a strong red for the skin as I have an intense love for red cars.

I hope you like it.

Discussões populares Ver todos (4)
3/set./2023 às 0:04
Русские. - Как вам оружие, ребят?
Julius Novachrono
14/fev./2018 às 0:35
12/nov./2017 às 7:50
♥♥♥ sacma bir boya tasarımı
ShadowBlade ✪