

830 ratings
[Unity 2017.4] Negotiator Minigun
Asset Type: Item
Item Type: Gun
File Size
8.116 MB
Jul 4, 2017 @ 10:55pm
Mar 27, 2019 @ 7:35am
10 Change Notes ( view )

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[Unity 2017.4] Negotiator Minigun

The Negotiator Minigun, an electrically driven rotary cannon capable of firing at 1,500 rounds per minute.

Check out the Negotiator's big brother, the Dominator!

Based off the M134D, the Negotiator provides a Military alternative to the Hell's Fury, but with a few key differences.

1. It fires Military ammunition.
2. It can fire a full box without going to 0%
3. It does less damage per shot (But makes up the lower damage with a higher ROF)
4. It is 2x5, not 3x5. It bugged me how you cannot put the Hell's Fury into a rifle rack nor a sentry turret.
5. More focused on anti-personal than raiding or anti-vehicle.
6. More ammo types.

The Negotiator has 4 ammo types at its disposal:

Normal - Uninteresting, it is just like any other gun's bullet.
Green Tracer - Green Tracer effect
Red Tracer - Red Tracer effect
Fragmentation - Explosive ammunition

The Negotiator comes in parts, and has a low chance of being found fully assembled. The Negotiator's ammo boxes and parts can be found in airdrops and Horde Beacon loot.

The Negotiator has four components: Barrels, Chassis, Mechanisms, and Electrical. With all four parts and Engineer III, you can assemble a Negotiator Minigun, and it comes with a free ammo box! (No free ammo, sorry)

All boxes except for the fragmentation can be refilled with Military Low caliber ammunition.

And of course, it features custom animations. Zubek animations would not cut it for a gun like this.


A weapon like this does produce some concerns about balance, and such concerns are well justified.

It's hard as hell to get. The chance of getting a Negotiator related item (part or ammo) is as probable as a Hell's Fury.

It does have a high firerate, yes, but it has low damage. With only 32 base player damage and only 1 structure damage per shot, the Negotiator is a horrible raiding gun. The Negotiator would be a silly weapon to use if ammo stores are low. Due to the nature of the gun, most shots will miss, so this is to be used if ammunition is not a problem.

The Fragmentation rounds are silly rare and don't boost the performance of the Negotiator that much. They're more novelty than anything.

The Blood Dragon has an extremely low spawn chance and it chews through ammo so incredibly fast. It does have 1600 DPS though....


32545 - Negotiator Minigun
32592 - Negotiator Minigun with Laser
32593 - Blood Dragon
32546 - Normal 250 round box
32547 - 250 round Green Tracer
32548 - 250 round Red Tracer
32549 - 250 round Fragmentation
32550 - Negotiator Barrels
32551 - Negotiator Chassis
32552 - Negotiator Electrical
32553 - Negotiator Mechanical
32590 - Negotiator Laser Mount

Copyright 2019. This item is not authorized for posting on Steam, except under the Steam account named Vilespring.
Popular Discussions View All (3)
Oct 28, 2024 @ 11:46am
PINNED: Suggestions
Aug 15, 2021 @ 12:22am
PINNED: Bug Reports
Mar 25, 2020 @ 4:49am
Dominator (XR-9) or Negotiator (Blood Dragon)
Goofy Goober Gaming Sep 29, 2024 @ 2:32pm 
Yes. Yes. I Shall Call You. Ariana.
NG6Heävy Weäpöns Männ Sep 4, 2024 @ 10:44am 
well the Blood Dragon with detonative Ammo is near point lessly expensive but the BRRRRRRRRRRT is worth it
Wyvern Feb 10, 2024 @ 9:20pm 
Hi Vilespring,

I'm hoping to set up an Unturned server in the near future. Would it be possible to use your mod for it? Full credit for the mod will be given to you and your team in relation to it. Please let me know what you think. If you would like to join our construction server to see what is happening with it then feel free to join using the discord server link below. Thank you :zaggrin:

The Door to Guf #FixTF2 Nov 30, 2023 @ 1:47pm 
hello, do you know what the exact drop chances are as I have done 10 hoard beacons and have not gotten a single piece of the weapon.
BoraTheExplorer Jul 2, 2023 @ 8:22am 
bro blood dragon is something you would see in a horror film.
[XA41]Ghost-_- Dec 30, 2022 @ 8:07am 
hello I want to use this mod for my server there is no problem?
Vilespring  [author] Sep 11, 2022 @ 6:56am 
Weapon not designed with Arid in mind.

Not surprised.
andries Sep 11, 2022 @ 6:13am 
Most OP thing ever, just put it on an Arid Sentry and it blows brains out
DragonFire Mar 30, 2022 @ 12:39pm 
Hey I made a video about your Mod I hope this is ok https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Go4u-r-vWNc
Vilespring  [author] Jan 1, 2022 @ 5:49pm 
Just include it as a dependency.