Borderlands 2

Borderlands 2

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Top Gear for Axton the Commando
Av Charmander787
This guide will explain the best items for all of Axton the Commando's slots. It will give the best parts for said items and where you can obtain them.
Skill Trees
Explosive Axton

A build based around using weapons that benefit from grenade damage bonuses. This is a generic skill build; it can be specialized to your certain playstyle

Grenade Axton

A disciple of the Explosive Axton. This build centralizes around doing lots of damage with grenades (Specifically the Fastball grenade covered under the grenades section)

Turret Axton

This build is much less viable for general mobbing at higher levels on Axton since his turrets lose damage in higher difficulties. However, this build centralizes on having your turrets out at all times.
This can be beneficial in coop modes as your double turrets can draw fire while your friends can do the bulk of the DPS without going into FFYL.
Unkempt Harold
  • Parts/Prefixes: Torgue Grip and Double Penetrating or Hard Prefix
  • Where to Obtain: Torgue Vending Machines in DLC 2 or Savage Lee in Three Horns Divide
  • Why: I dont really need to explain this. This is the highest DPS pistol in the entire game and can be used on almost anyone. It especially excels on Axton becuase the Unkempt Harold benefits from Grenade and Gun damage bonuses.


    • Parts/Prefixes: Dahl Grip and Twin Prefix
    • Where to Obtain: Knuckle Dragger in Windshear Waste
    • Why: This is another pistol that benefits from grenade damage bonus. Sadly it only comes in corrosive element but that means you can chew through any thing weak to corrosive damage.

    Grog Nozzle
    • Parts/Prefixes: It doesnt matter. It is a mission weapon and is randomized everytime.
    • Where to Obtain: Starting the "The Beard Makes The Man" Quest given by Claptrap in DLC 4
    • Why: The highest healing Moxxi weapon at 65%. This weapon makes the list due to its great slagging and healing potential. This weapon can slag for Axton and heal him passively at the same time. This weapon is another one of those weapons that work on all characters.
Plasma Casters
  • Parts/Prefixes: Plasma Casters are made by 5 Manufacters so Prefixes will vary for the Damage one. The best version of Plasma Casters are the ones made by Maliwan, Hyperion, and Tediore.
  • Where to Obtain: Any loot source or the Golden Chest in Sanctuary
  • Why: The three before mentioned plasma casters get grenade damage bonuses unlike other SMGs. Stacked with gun damage bonuses and the increased damage that PCs have, they can do some pretty insane amounts of damage with an explosive axton build. Stick to Hyperion for accuracy and damage , Maliwan for DoTs, and Tediore for reload throws.

  • Parts/Prefixes: Dahl Grip and Flying Prefix
  • Where to Obtain: "Whoops" Quest in DLC 1
  • Why: Now you may be thinking: The Sandhawk is only good with The Bee shield. Thats where you are wrong. The Sandhawk, with or without The Bee, is still the single highest DPS SMG in the game. Even though it may not benefit from grenade damage bonuses, the pure damage potential of this gun is why it makes it on this list.

  • Parts/Prefixes: Bandit Grip and Refill Prefix
  • Where to Obtain: Legendary Loot Midgets and 010011110100110101000111010101110101010001001000
  • Why: This is one of the only reload guns that gets Amp damage from The Bee. This gun can be used for speed killing most raid bosses with an explosive axton build. This gun also has SMG ammo regen which is great for getting a few extra rounds when mobbing. Other than that, this gun has really no other purpose.

Baby Maker
  • Parts/Prefixes: Bandit Grip and Refill Prefix
  • Where to Obtain: Madame Von Bartlesby (Located in Tundra Express. Mini-boss unlocked during one of the Tiny Tina's side quest)
  • Why: Essentially the mobbing version of the Avenger. It doesnt have a weird bouncing reload but rather a straight path. Great gun to pair with the fastball in an explosive build. Also much easier to farm than the avenger.

Sniper Rifles
  • Parts/Prefixes: Maliwan Grip and Banbury or Barking Prefix
  • Where to Obtain: "Dont copy that Floppy" Quest from DLC 1 given in the Washburne Refinery
  • Why: This is the single highest DPS sniper in the game becuase of the extra projectiles that the gun has. The Slag version is also a very reliable slagger and almost has a 100% to slag an enemy due to its extra projectiles. Like I said earlier, the fire and corrosive versions of the gun will melt through any enemy in this game. Some people like to have a Jacobs grip for more damage but I think having the 10 bullets in a mag is more important so I went with the Maliwan grip.

  • Parts/Prefixes: Vladof Grip and Vladof Stock with Groomky Prefix
  • Where to Obtain: Gettle in the Dust
  • Why: Think of it as a droog with extra damage and a shot that splits into 3 projectiles at a certain range. This gun can do massive amounts of damage when hitting critical hits and once you master where all 3 pellets can hit the crit spot of an enemy, you can get numbers close to the pimpernel.
Assault Rifles
  • Parts/Prefixes: Torgue Grip and Slippery Prefix
  • Where to Obtain: Warlord Slog in Murderlin's Temple in DLC 4
  • Why: One of the few assault rifles that are good and benefit from grenade damage bonuses. However, it is quite a rare drop as the Warlord Slog only appears in Round 5 and is not a confirmed drop. Overall, Its a spinigun that fires grenades. What more needs to be said?

  • Parts/Prefixes: Swift prefix, no gun sight, Vladof Grip
  • Where to Obtain: Finishing the Bandit Slaughter: Round 5 in The Fridge
  • Why: Another assault rifle that gets grenade damage bonus. If one can master the weird arc that the gun fires in, one can hit the critical hit spots and deal massive amounts of damage. If mastered, this thing will outperform the Ogre and is Axton's best assault rifle.
  • Parts/Prefixes: Torgue Grip and Casual Prefix
  • Where to Obtain: "The Sword in the Stoner" quest in DLC 4
  • Why: A shotgun that benefits from grenade damage? check. Does it shoot swords? Check. Is it Torgue? Check. Overall a great gun that deals a massive amount of damage. An upgrade to the Flakker and Ravager.
  • Parts/Prefixes: Torgue Grip and Casual Prefix
  • Where to Obtain: Any loot source and Torgue Machines
  • Why: Its an item that works very well in OP8 (And any difficulty) that does exactly what the swordsplosion does (But just a little worse). However, this thing is super easy to find and can be found multiple times with the correct parts throughout your playthrough. Its accesibility is the reason why it made this list.

  • Parts/Prefixes: Gentle Prefix
  • Where to Obtain: Drops from Bada$$ Creepers in the Caustic Caverns (Minecraft Easter Egg Area)
  • Why: Its another shotgun that benefits from grenade damage boosts. It has a 3x3 spread pattern and can mostly one shot any thing weak to fire. Too bad this thing doesnt come in other elements except fire. A great gun and easy to get aswell.
Rocket Launchers
  • Parts/Prefixes: Puissant Prefix and Maliwan Grip and Maliwan Exhaust (Honestly any Norfleet is amazing)
  • Where to Obtain: Hyperius the Invincible and Vermivorous the Invincible
  • Why: Most players with even 20 hours understand what this weapon can do. If you dont, let me explain. This gun can literally one shot life. Its the ultimate second win device. Get one if you want to feel the power of the nuke. Synergizes well with the Sham shield.

  • Parts/Prefixes: Big Prefix
  • Where to Obtain: King Mong in Eridium Blight (He will be randomly roaming)
  • Why: Its an explosive launcher that fires 6 rounds for only 1 round of rocket ammo. It does alot of damage. Its not as much as the norfleet can dish out but its much easier to acquire and is much more ammo efficient. It can also rocket jump with a Sham shield.
  • Where to Obtain: Boll from Three Horns Divide
  • Why: This is the highest damage grenade. It can oneshot most mob enemies. Great for second wins and just general mobbing using any build of Axton's. It also can come in all offensive elements (No slag)

Magic Missile
  • Where to Obtain: Badass Wizards in DLC 4
  • Why: Regenerative Grenades. Almost gauranteed slag. Works well with healing with a Moxxi Weapon. Nothing else to add. Great utility grenades.
  • Parts: 50% Deflection Chance, and 880% Deflected Bullet Damage, and 49% Damage Reduction are the best stats
  • Where to Obtain: Seraph Vendor in Flamerock Refuge (DLC 4)
  • Why: Very very very tanky shield. It especially works well with Axton's shield skills. He can keep up a tanky shield and can almost be unkillable in UVHM. Not to mention this shield can reflect bullets and shoot out slag balls with can help with slagging enemies.

The Bee
  • Parts: Lowest recharge delay you can find. The Bee already can do insane damage combined with the Sandhawk.
  • Where to Obtain: Treants in the Forest (Most efficient) and Hunter Hellquist in Arid Nexus - Boneyards
  • Why: Everyone should know what the bee does. It gives guns an amp to their damage when fully charged. This works especially well with Axton since he can keep shields up as much as possible. Combine this with the Sandhawk SMG and tear through anything.

The Sham
  • Parts: 94% Absorb Chance
  • Where to Obtain: BNK-3R
  • Why: Axton can keep this shield up and keep absorbing all enemy shots. Good for using with a Norfleet.

Big Boom Blaster
  • Parts: Any
  • Where to Obtain: Pyro Pete the Invincible
  • Why: This is a great shield for grenade axton mobbing. When picking up the booster, you get a grenade and rocket. Thats about it. I have heard good things about it, but I just like the tankiness of the Antagonist.

COMs (Class Mods)
Legendary Soldier
  • Where to Obtain: Vermivorous, Pyro Pete, and Voracidous (Invincibles)
  • Why: It's the only legendary COM to boost 6 skills. Those skills are decent but the real reason why this COM is so good is because of the % boosts. You gain fire rate, cooldown reduction, and Gun Damage. Its one of those class mods that are universal. It can work on explosive and turret axton. Pick this class mod up ASAP.

Legendary Engineer
  • Where to Obtain: Tubbies in UVHM
  • Why: Best class mod for turret based builds. It allows Axton to keep him turret up and use battlefront to kill enemies.

Legendary Ranger
  • Where to Obtain: Tubbies in UVHM
  • Why: Best class mod for using shields. Works especially well with The Bee. Not the best class mod but it still can do work regardless.

  • Prefixes: Expert
  • Where to Obtain: Any loot source
  • Why: Axton's best grenade class mod. It gives more grenade damage boosts than he already has. Go for Expert grenadier

Bone of the Ancients
  • Parts: Get all the elements you can. Try for the highest %cooldown and %elemental boost
  • Where to Obtain: Legendary Loot Midgets (I prefer Wildlife Exploitation Preserve)
  • Why: You get more cooldown which means more turrets and you get a boost to a certain element. If you can get all elements, you can swap them out as you need them.

Elemental Relic
  • Parts: Explosive
  • Where to Obtain: Any loot source
  • Why: The only elemental damage type Bone of the Ancients dont spawn in are slag and explosive. This relic boosts explosive damage. This can be used for grenade/explosive axton builds. I however prefer a Bone of the Ancients for the cooldown since Axton can pretty much decimate anyone with his nades with or without this relic. However, it still can be used to maximize damage.

Thanks for looking at my guide.

I tried to spread my limited knowledge of Axton.

If you have any tips or any other weapons that are top tier, make sure to comment them down below!

Also let me know if you want me to do this for Maya or Zer0 ( I dont have experience with the other characters)
56 kommentarer
The Traveler 22 jan, 2020 @ 14:32 
>"one of the few assault rifles that are good"

So you're one of *those* players...
yumizhou 12 okt, 2019 @ 1:06 
Tihs is super helpful for me! (I love to play axton) You've really done a great job. Thank you so much man!
Gandalf 27 apr, 2019 @ 16:20 
Which one is DLC 4?
damyon 27 apr, 2019 @ 5:00 
Next time pls show the correct parts for some of these weapons
𝕍𝕚𝕟𝕕𝕫 16 nov, 2018 @ 10:27 
This is actually really good , Thanks.
Vostroyan55th 15 nov, 2018 @ 9:53 
thanks for guide!!! i use Commando as my main!!! :steamhappy:
sjackimczuk 17 jan, 2018 @ 22:43 
Pretty much, one thing to mention is the addition of purple class mods. Just more junk to chase after...
Charmander787  [skapare] 16 jan, 2018 @ 9:28 
I assume most of my lists transfers over (as the community patch just buffed bad weapons to the level of the good weapons)
Charmander787  [skapare] 16 jan, 2018 @ 9:27 
Oh yeah I have never played that so I wouldnt know the changes/top gear there.
sjackimczuk 15 jan, 2018 @ 1:31 
I'm sorry, I was speaking of the unofficial community patch.