War Thunder

War Thunder

109 ratings
A Guide to the Tank Grind! (a 99.9% click bait rant on grinding)
By Gotgo
There are only two things you can do to help get past the Tank Grind. Both of which you already know, but neither of which you want to admit. Let me tell you the story of why I stopped Grinding.
Introduction to the Tank Grind
I've been exclusively playing RB Tanks on and off for about a year now and the one thing I've notice above all else is that the grind is long and tedious. There is only one way to counter this; spend money... You can buy Premium Time, buy Premium Vehicles, or buy Talismans for Vehicles. This is the only hard counter to the Grind. There are tricks such as playing Tank AB and spamming planes, but that works just about as well as Grinding in Tank RB or Tank SB. Spending money is the only way to speed up the grind. There is a reason people call this game “pay 2 not grind” and not “pay 2 win”

I personally have never spent any money on this game. The only currency I spent was time and I spent a lot of it so I know first hand the horrors of the Grind. I think I'm knowledge enough at this point to let you in on a few secrets about this whole mess. Let me start with a story...
My Personal Mission. The T34 Spade.
Recently a new US tank was released; the T34. After I heard about how stronk it was I decided to test something out. I was going to only play it until I unlocked all Modifications for it. I wanted to do this so I could get an understanding of just how bad the Grind was. I unlocked the T34 on April 29. I unlocked all Modifications for the T34 on May 19. It took me 20 days of off and on playing to unlock everything. Every booster I came across I used. Everything from 200% to 10% was thrown into the Grinding pot. Even then it was a struggle.

It took 185 RB Tank Battles and 3 SB Tank Battles to unlock all Modifications.The funny thing is it should have taken longer, but I received a Modification Unlock (FILTERS) through the Battle Trophy System. This essentially gave me 13,000 free RP for the Grind. I was able to keep a respectable 3.86 KDR and a 57.3% win rate. I don't say this to brag. I don't say this to get everyone riled up about how OP they think the T34 is. I say this to show exactly how many kills I had to get in order to achieve the Spade and to show I wasn't dragging out the Grind by playing poorly.

I also tell you this as a subtle warning. If you don't want to pay money then this is what it will take.
Stop it. Get some help.
I find this amount of Grinding unacceptable when it comes to casual play and overall intolerable for those looking to reach “End Game” as a Free to Play user. The T34 is a Tier 4 tank that sits at 6.7 Battle Rating. It isn't an end game Tier 5 tank in the 8.0+ BR range. The fact you have to, in all likelihood, play 200 RB battles or more to Spade a Tier 4 tank doesn't sit well with me and it is a driving factor as to why I gave up on the Tank Grind.

If you came here looking for a guide on Grinding for Tanks then let me use a famous quote from Michael Jordan,

Stop it. Get some help.

Once you do the former then I can hopefully help you with the latter. I will give you a piece of advice that I personally believe to be the best advice you can get...
Low tier is where the fun starts and never ends!
The moment you stop enjoying the grind is the exact moment you should stop doing it. Don't force yourself to Grind simply because, “it's just what you do in this game” The most fun I've had in this game is Low Tiers and to this day it's still a blast. The Modification unlocks are relatively easy to get so you wont feel at a disadvantage for long. There is a wide range of Tank Types and a large pool of tanks in general. The Battle Rating system at Low Tiers actually works and you will find yourself facing tanks that you feel confident in taking on (No WWII tanks vs Cold War tanks)

I'm not recommending that you quit. I'm not recommending that you pay money. I'm recommending you take a step back and have some fun. Most people forget that these tanks even exist. Dozens of tanks just get passed up by people who fall into the pit of disrepair that is the Tank Grind.
In Closing
I hope this guide was helpful or at least enjoyable for those looking into what the Tank Grind is like in this current META. If it was enough to convince people to head back to the lower tiers for some good old fun then it did it's job. To those people that it convinced I hope to see you on the battlefield!
kenjiett Sep 17, 2020 @ 7:03am 
i like it,it's a challenge not to get blown away every time you turn a corner or you can't see where the rounds are coming from. i love this game.
hellfire2386 May 17, 2020 @ 5:09am 
i have not been playing long and im not very good at the game. find myself yelling at the big screen "where the **** did that come from" Quite often. as such, i couldnt agree moor about slowing doen the grind and enjoying the game. i made the mistake of buying the makava early not being awhere that it would put me in a much higher level and totaly destroying any fun possible. so i have come back to a level where my abilities and experiance can be competitive and its much more enjoyable
MAG Mar 9, 2019 @ 8:40pm 
All I read was spend money. No thanks.
Morbo May 11, 2018 @ 6:58am 
BTW your SPAAs are intended to shoot down airplanes not to troll poor tankers. ;)
Morbo May 11, 2018 @ 6:52am 
Nice positive outlook on WT!
I'm all with you mate, came to the same conclusion on my own.

Good you share it! :D
derptomato Jan 21, 2018 @ 10:05am 
No actual help in grinding, useless guide.
Archer Aug 3, 2017 @ 3:57pm 
No truer truths have been told in all of truth-speaking ever spoken.
MDM1208 Aug 3, 2017 @ 12:14pm 
everything below 5.0~
BawwyWRLD Aug 3, 2017 @ 9:33am 
Whats counts as low tier? for example is it 1.3 to 3.7?
paauggie Jun 3, 2017 @ 12:07pm 
Great guide and well said sir! Funnily enough I'd just come to this conclusion a couple of days ago - I've only been playing a couple of months but loved it from the start and have racked up over 300 hours to date.. I bought a couple of the cheaper premium packs to support the game (and because the tanks I got look so cool of course) but was getting really frustrated of late at length of time to get past tier 4 when I suddenly realised what the dickens am I stressing about - the higher I go the less fun I seem to have anyway so why not just lie back, think of England and go back to the lower tier fun-fest - it's saved me a fortune on psychaitric help.