Dota 2
Tangaroa's Oath - Shoulder
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Heroes: Beastmaster
Slots: Shoulder
Non Hero: Wearable
Utility: Imported
Marcadores: reborn
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15.359 MB
14/mai./2017 às 5:35
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Em 1 coleção de Threepgood!
Tangaroa's Oath - Beastmaster TI7
7 itens
When Maelrawn shattered its abyssal bonds and summoned Kanaloa, the giant Kraken, Tangaroa called upon Karroch to aid the defense of his Ocean kingdom.

Called by his will to defend all beasts, Karroch assisted and together the two defeated the mighty beast, sending it back to the crushing depths.

After the battle the Great Shark Dakuwanga offered Karroch a tribute, a necklace of his mighty teeth that Karroch could use to summon his spawn to aid him. As a final gift, Tangaroa bestowed Karroch with the title of Kaitiaki, a guardian of the Sky, Sea and Land.