Portal 2

Portal 2

41 ratings
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4.724 MB
Aug 7, 2012 @ 1:23am
Aug 8, 2012 @ 6:13am
5 Change Notes ( view )

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Messing around with paint this time. Let me know what you think.

Make sure you check out my other map as well:
Zomby Woof Aug 20, 2012 @ 2:59pm 
Well done. Great use of the cube and button positions.
Turtle  [author] Aug 9, 2012 @ 10:05pm 
That's right Goose. Glad you liked it.
Goose Aug 9, 2012 @ 9:04pm 
Excellent map. was I supposed to jump from the cube into the funnel to get to the upper button without portals?
Turtle  [author] Aug 8, 2012 @ 11:15pm 
Yep I know what you mean kexx. This map was a bit rushed so I ended up with an "artificially difficult" map rather than a "naturally difficult" one. I put the funnel polarity button on top as you would need to go through the funnel anyway. The gel button was probably unnecessary, only thing it serves is to pevent you from jumping into the funnel with the cube and avoid having to come back for the cube needed to exit the map.

I personally liked my first map better as the solution was more elegant, but experience is experience :)

Thanks for the feedback!
Kexx Aug 8, 2012 @ 9:38pm 
Finished this one also. Very nicely done, although a bit tricky. Obviously things are very subjective, but I would think that there's already a degree of difficulty involved, and some elements might be a bit excessive. Like, just making it a tad more difficult when it might not be needed. What exactly? I don't know. Maybe that the funnel polarity button is one height above and not on the ground. Or that the gel requires a button press. I don't know. Maybe if they weren't there, the map could become too easy.

Guess what I'm trying to say is, I really did enjoy it. Had me stumped a bit and I always like that. I've played your 2 maps and enjoyed them greatly. Can't wait to see what else you cook up! Thumbed up, obviously!
LPChip Aug 8, 2012 @ 11:27am 
Played it a second time, was indeed unable to glitch through, but was able to solve it nontheless. :) Good puzzle, not too difficult, but not easy either. Still liked your first puzzle better because it was simpler yet more difficult.
Turtle  [author] Aug 7, 2012 @ 10:29pm 
Thanks for your comments guys. I have adjusted the puzzle and hopefully you won't be able to glitch your way through now :P

Also, the puzzle shouldn't be too hard, especially considering you can solve it with portals either side of the fizzler. The process of legitimately placing portals like that isn't difficult.
Gun Tech. Aug 7, 2012 @ 1:08pm 
If you really want to make people angry you can also remove the possibility of portalbumping across the nearest glass when you stand on the funnel button ;) I saw that the puzzle was supposed to be very hard so I resorted to that.
LPChip Aug 7, 2012 @ 11:03am 
I'm pretty sure I've beaten your level unintentionally.
When you are near the fizzler field, you can portal past it by shooting a portal between the fizzler and the glass panel. They don't align the same so this creates a gap of about 1 cm that you can portal through. This means I could bring the cube with me to the end.