Total War: ROME II - Emperor Edition

Total War: ROME II - Emperor Edition

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Awesome Roman Mod (Imperial Custom battle units only.)
Tags: mod, Campaign
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44.371 MB
Jan 26, 2017 @ 12:21am
Nov 9, 2017 @ 4:05pm
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Awesome Roman Mod (Imperial Custom battle units only.)

Mods that are recommended with this Mod Recommended mods in a collection.

Optional mods -Total War: Attila Soundtrack for ROME II -Populares vs Optimates -+MORE-TOWNS-AND-CITIES+ Version 4 (Updated 4/19/2014)(Compatible with Emperor's Edition)

What this mod does to the Roman units.
Hastati- Some helmets removed
Principes- All wear chainmail
Triarii- All wear chainmail
Legionaries- All have the Augustan Legionary shield and there are no more feathers on helmets.
1st Cohort- All have the Augustan Eagle shield and the banner is a Roman Eagle. No feathers on helmets.
Veteran legionaries- All have the Augustan Evocati shield and no feathers on helmets
Roman Onager/Large Onager/Beehive Onager-Given Early Republic helmets
New Unit-Roman Reformed Onager/Beehive Onager/Large Onager- They look similar to the Early Republic Roman Onager unit but they have Marian Roman helmets
New Unit-Roman Imperial Onager/Beehive Onager/Large Onager- Given a lorica segmentata/Chainmail and an Italic helmet
New unit-Roman Imperial Ballista/Giant Ballista- Given lorica segmentata/Chainmail and Italic helmet
New Unit-Roman Reformed Ballista/Giant Ballista- They look similar to the Early Republic Roman Onager unit but they have Marian Roman helmets
New Unit- Roman Reformed/Imperial Scropions and Polybolos and Cheiroballistras- Pretty much the same skins as the artillery units above.
Praetorians- They look like the praetorians from the time.
Praetorian cavalry- They look like real praetorians.
Legionary Cohort- All have Itailac helmets and the Legionary Cohort shield
Eagle Cohort- All have the Eagle Cohort shield and italic helmets
Praetorian Guard- Now look like historical Praetorians
Armored Legionaries- Unedited
Legionary Cavalry- All have cavalry helmets with no crests
Evocati- All have Italic helmets and the Evocati Cohort shield
Auxiliary Infantry- looks more like Latin Allies. They look less uniformed than the vanilla unit
New Unit-Auxiliary Reformed Infantry- They look like the vanilla auxiliary unit- Given javelins
New Unit-Auxiliary Imperial Infantry- They replace the reformed infantry and are given Gallic helmets- Given javelins
New Unit- Auxiliary Skirmishers- They replace Velites and look like Auxiliary infantry
New Unit- Auxiliary Imperial Skirmishers- same thing but are given Gallic helmets and they replace the previous line of skirmishers
New Unit- Auxiliary Reformed Cavalry-They replace Auxiliary cavalry and look like Marian Auxiliaries
New Unit-Auxiliary Imperial cavalry- They replace Reformed cavalry and they have cav helmets and have caped Hamatata
Auxiliary Cavalry-They look more Italian and are less uniformed. Rome only has italy so you won't have many bararians.
War dogs for Rome- All have sexy hair
Levies for Rome- All have sexy hair.
Equites- All have Chainmail and some helmets were taken off unit.
New Unit-Legionary Equites- A Marian version of Equites.
New Unit-Sagittarii- no armor but can pack a bunch with arrows
New Unit-Auxilliary Sagittarii- More armored like the marian legion
New unit-Auxilliary Sagittarii- Armored like the Imperial legion
Generals bodyguard- Some helmets were taken off the unit.
Legatus- unedited
Roman Officer- some helmets removed.
Roman eagle- All Eagles have banners of the SPQR
All units have clean skin now. No more inky/bloody skin.
All mobs have Hair.
Centurians- All look like actual centurions thanks to the people below who made the skins on their own mods.
New Units given abilities from Ravens Legionary Tactics and a little more.
All Roman Generals now have emperors edition general armor.

Roman Ships are reskinned to match a roman units sheilds on these mods.
-Soon to be released
-Soon to be released
-Soon to be released

All barbarian artillery removed
greeks can only use ballista and polybose
eastern factions cant use artillery and now have to rely on their superior cavalry
Removed Blockading and besieging attrition.
Added Legionaries and legionary cohorts to custom naval battles
Lowered attrition stats so less men would be lost and made sure that factions die out the next turn after losing their last settlement.
Replaced some Roman Units on Historical battles with my modded units
Due to the amount of units this mod carries you can no longer see what the Marian reforms and profesional soldiery reasearch tables say however the mod so far works find and you will still get the units and bonuses of the tech.

-This mod is now ready for Caesar in Gual, Emperor Augustus Campaign, Hannible at the gates, and the main campaign. All mods that have startpose files won't be compadible if they edit Caesar in Gual or the Emperor Augustus Campaign. The rest are fine to have starpose file mods.

I had to split the custom battle units into 3 Romans awesome mods to make sure that the game works properly. If you're not interested in custom battles you only need to sub to this mod or one of the Roman Awesome mods. If you want to use my units in custom battles you will have to use the other Roman awesome mods to use them. Sadly you can only have one enabled at a time so that means you can't mix the units from other time periods into one custom battle army. i'd recommend subbing to all 3 but only keep one enabled. - Awesome Roman Mod (Pre Marian Custom Battle Units only) - ( Late Republic Custom battle units only.)

Possible plans for this mod
-Make it so garrisons would have less skirmishers. However i won't do it unless it is requested by the users of this mod.
-I may add unit cards for my new units if i figure out how to draw haha.

Pictures and videos are coming soon ( Now that the mod is mostly done this is now my main focus)


+Akuru for the Marian Centurion armor:

+Artstudio for the Imperial Centurion armor:

+Kaziel for additional models and textures:

+Zaskar70 for the Imperial Centurion armor:

F1endish for one of the nice Centerion crests.

Raven for his Ravan's Legionary Tactics
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May 26, 2017 @ 3:43am
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