Team Fortress 2

Team Fortress 2

67 evaluări
Mann Vs Machine: The Giant Robot Guide.
De către The One Of Wonders
Well then, this is a guide on the biggest and strongest enemies in mann vs machine. the giant robots!

Giant robots are a type of robot in mann vs machine, they are 75% larger than their normal classes and have more than 10x the health.
These robots cannot be stunned either, making it harder for your team to kill them. They also are more resistant to knockback force, so they're aren't massive pushovers. Just like their smaller versions, giant robots come in many types and sizes.

So let's get right into the machines!
Adaugă la preferate
Elimină din preferate
The Giant Pyro

Giant Pyro
150 HU/s (50% slower than normal pyro)
Flamethrower Stats

The Giant Pyro is probably the weakest giant there is, having the second lowest hp pool and having limited range. They're usually not alone though, so take out it's teammates before you fully engage them. The Giant Pyro is also very good at airblasting projectiles, so consider that as you fight them.

The Giant Flare Pyro.

Giant Pyro
150 HU/s (50% slower than normal pyro)
Detonator Stats
+70% faster fire rate

The Giant Flare Pyro is basically what it says on the tin, a giant pyro with a flare gun. A fast firing one too, these pyros will attack you with a spam of flares. Their only weakness is that they use the detonator (which only minicrits and deals less dmg). Make sure you avoid their barrage of flares though, or you may be brought to a quick death.
The Giant Demo

Giant Demo
140 HU/s (50% slower than normal demo)
Grenade Launcher Stats
+25% faster fire rate
+160% faster reload rate (infinite clip)

The Giant Demo is one of the strongest giants in damage wise, being able to assault you with grenades without stopping. These giants can be a big trouble if not dealt with properly, forget airblasting them's too fast to be effective. They're a fairly common sight too in some missions, but they're not a problem if you've got the right team setup.

There's a type 2 rapid fire demoman, but only has a 50% faster fire rate and no faster reload speed, meaning they can deal damage faster but will have to reload all 4 grenades before being able to fire again. These types of rapid fire demos aren't that big of a threat.

The Giant Demoknight

Giant Demoknight
150 HU/s (50% slower than normal demo)
Eyelander Stats
gain 3 seconds of crits on kill

Just like their normal versions, the giant demoknight gains 3 seconds of crits on kill. But they also have the ali baba's wee booties on unlike their normal counterparts, making them faster with their shield on. Making them a more bigger threat than the normal demoknights, Their limited melee range is their biggest weakness. Make Sure to exploit their short range so that they won't be a massive problem to the team.

Giant Burst Fire Demo
150 HU/s (50% slower than normal demo)
Grenade Launcher Stats
+90% faster fire rate
+7 more grenades in clip (11 grenades)
+35% faster reload rate
+10% faster projectile speed
-5 degrees spread penatly

The Giant Burst Fire Demo is the most dangerous of the giant demos, being able to empty it's 11 shots insanely quickly. These demos are mostly seen on mannhattan, but can be located in other advanced missions. Avoid getting near these demos as doing so can result in a very quick end, even with maxed resistances. In numbers more than 1, these demos can cause real trouble..elimination of these giants on sight is highly recommended.
The Giant Soldier

Giant Soldier
120 HU/s (50% slower than normal soldier)
Rocket Launcher Stats

In my personal opinion, i like the giant soldier the most. The giant soldier also has the widest variety of itself, coming in 11 different types. These giants by themselves aren't that powerful, only having default rocket launcher stats, though the other kinds of giant soldiers are more than opposite of their normal kinds.

The Giant Charged Soldier

Giant Charged Soldier
120 HU/s (50% slower than normal soldier)
Original Stats
Always crits.
+80% faster reload rate
-100% slower fire rate
-50% slower projectile speed

The Giant Charged Soldier is the worst enemy of a poorly upgraded team, these soldier fire out crit rockets and reload stupidly quick. Their rocket speed and slow fire rate is their biggest weakness, making it easy for aware players to avoid the splash radius and to avoid any more shots from it. These soldiers should be taken down on sight just in case they become a problem.

Giant Banner Soldiers(buff/conch/backup)

Giant (buff/conch/backup) Soldier
120 HU/s (50% slower than normal soldier)
Rocket Launcher Stats
Banner Stats
+800% increased buff duration

just like their normal versions, the giant banner soldiers have a 800% increase in their buff duration. Meaning that they can be a major problem if paired up with other giant robots, killing these giants on sight is recommended.

Giant Black Box Soldier

Giant Black Box Soldier
120 HU/s (50% slower than normal soldier)
Black Box Stats
fires all 3 rockets at once
+25% bigger blast radius
gains 1000hp on hit (per rocket)
-60% slower reload rate
-55% damage penalty
-10% slower projectile speed
-4 degree angle spread

These giant soldiers are pure awful, they're probably the most powerful soldier when it comes to survivability due to them healing 3000 hp if they hit all 3 rockets. The medic's projectile shield or the uber canteen would be the complete best option when fighting these things, especially in empire escalation wave 5 (where 10 of these things come at you).

Giant Rapid Fire Soldier

Giant Rapid Fire Soldier
120 HU/s (50% slower than normal soldier)
Rocket Launcher Stats
+50% faster fire rate
+180% faster reload rate (infinite clip)
-35% slower projectile speed

Just like the rapid fire demos, the giant rapid fire soldier will attack you at high speeds without stopping. But are somewhat easy to dodge due to having slower rockets, they can cause great problems if they're critboosted since they have no damage penatly. Eliminate this soldier as fast as possible.

Giant Burst Fire Soldier

Giant Burst Fire Soldier
120 HU/s (50% slower than normal soldier)
Rocket Launcher Stats
+90% faster fire rate
+40% faster reload rate
+5 more rockets in clip (9 rockets)
-35% slower projectile speed

The Giant Burst Fire Soldier is like it's demo counterpart, stupidly dangerous at close range and probably one of the most dangerous giant soldiers in mann vs machine. They can eliminate you or your teammates very quickly if you aren't aware if it being in the map, these giants should be killed on sight.

Giant Blast Soldier

Giant Blast Soldier
120 HU/s (50% slower than normal soldier)
Liberty Launcher Stats
+75% faster fire rate
+80% faster reload rate
+5 rockets in clip (10 rockets)
+20% bigger blast radius
rocket knock back players on hit
-25% damage penalty
-4 degree angle spread

These soldiers, out of all giant soldiers. Are the WORST kind of giant soldier, the complete WORST. These giant soldiers hold 10 rockets in a clip and fire them off very quickly, but not at the speed of colonel barrage or the giant burst fire soldiers. Every time they hit you with a rocket they will push you back, but with enough constant hits you will go FLYING across mannhattan. These soldiers (just like the giant black box soldiers and colonel barrage) are exclusive to mannhattan and will not be found anywhere else (thank god). Destroying these annoying soldiers at once is the best idea.

Colonel Barrage

Colonel Barrage
120 HU/s (50% slower than normal soldier)
Rocket Launcher Stats
+80% faster fire rate
+78% faster reload rate (yes, 78%)
+50% damage bonus
+26 more rockets in clip (30 rockets, jesus christ)
-60% slower projectile speed
-5 degree angle spread

The true spammer of the giant soldiers, colonel barrage fires off a surge of 30 heavy damaging rockets that can basically flatten anything that it touches. Their 200 extra hp and 40 hp regen also helps them to stay in the fight longer, make sure that you damage them fast enough while they reload to kill them, they have the slowest rockets out of any giant soldier. Making it really easy to escape before you get crushed by the massive torrent of rockets.
The Giant Heavy

Giant Heavy
115 HU/s (50% slower than normal heavy)
Minigun Stats
+50% damage bonus

The Towering Titan himself, the giant heavy is the most feared of all the giants. As well as having the highest damage output and health. If you're not upgraded properly, these giants can take you down extremely quickly. Giant Heavies also have the second widest variety of types, thus needing different ways to kill them, the biggest weakness of the giant heavy is they have a limited sight range, which is roughly about shotgun range. Make sure you exploit this range to your advantage to kill these heavies.

The Giant Deflector Heavy

Giant Deflector Heavy
115 HU/s (50% slower than normal heavy)
Minigun Stats
+50% damage bonus
destroys projectiles in flight

This giant heavy is basically if a deflector heavy had a child with a giant heavy, a killing machine with the ability to knock down projectiles. It can be identified by the same hat and the same bullet colour as it's normal kind.

Giant Heater Heavy

115 HU/s (50% slower than normal heavy)
Minigun Stats
none. (type 2 has 20% damage bonus)

The giant heater heavy is unusual, it lacks the firepower of the giant heavy but has no sight limit. Which make them be able to attack you at further ranges of where a normal giant heavy can't attack. The scary part is you cannot tell the difference between the type 1 (no dmg bonus) or the type 2 (20% damage bonus) until you're killed by them. Don't get near them either, thanks to valve's buff on the huo long will take a bit more damage from the fire if you get too close.

The Giant Heal-on-Kill Heavy

Giant Heavy
92 HU/s (60% slower than normal heavy)
Minigun Stats
+20% damage bonus
5000 hp gained on kill
destroys projectiles in flight

The Giant Heal-on-Kill heavy is only seen as a gatebot, but are the WORST kind of giant heavy. If they kill you they get ALL their hp back on kill, making it a disaster to fight without being fully prepared. just like the giant shotgun heavy, the giant heal-on-kill heavy is a mannhattan exclusive (empire escalation only). Use the medic shield or uber canteens to prevent death by these giants.

Giant Shotgun Heavy

Giant Shotgun Heavy
161 HU/s (30% slower than normal heavy)
Shotgun Stats
+900% more bullets per shot (90 bullets a shot)
+90% faster reload rate
destroys projectiles in flight (not sure if it works)
-50% damage penalty
-150% slower fire rate

By far the most powerful giant heavy, dishing out a massive 405 dmg a shot from it's shotgun. This heavy is also full of downsides to balance out it's crazy damage output, it also moves 20% faster than a giant heavy. Making it faster than a giant soldier, these giant shotgun heavies have a very slow fire rate and halfed damage to compensate for the massive bullet count (the heavy would deal 910 dmg without the dmg penalty), these heavies still suffer from the sight limit of the giant heavy. Avoid getting into their sights unless you're wanting to be one shot by them.
If you slow down the heavy with mad milk and mark it with the sandman then you'll have a greater chance of killing it.
The Giant Scout

Super Scout

Super Scout
520 HU/s (max speed, would be 800 HU/s without limit.)
Fish Stats

The Super Scout is the most infamous giant for it's speed, they are basically useless apart from the fact that they run like lightning. They only have 10x the health of a normal scout, so killing them won't be too big of a problem if you've got the right amount of damage output.

Major League Scout

Major League Scout
400 HU/s (same speed as normal scout)
Sandman Stats
90% faster ball recharge rate

The giant version of the hyper league scout, the major league scout spams baseballs as if it's not a problem. Try your best to not get stunned by this annoying giant and kill it on sight.

Armoured Sandman Scout

Armoured Sandman Scout
300 HU/s (25% slower than a normal scout)
Sandman Stats
+95% faster baseball recharge rate

this is a hyper league scout but bigger and much beefier, these scouts spam baseballs faster than the major league scout but move slower. Take advantage of their speed and kill them on sight.

Giant Bonk Scout

400 HU/s (same speed as normal scout)
Bonk Stats
+45% faster recharge rate

These scouts are also a exclusive to empire escalation (just like the giant heal-on-kill heavies), but they ain't no laughing matter. They can usually clear half the map with one bonk, keep up with this scout and kill it when it bonk duration runs out.

Force-a-Nature Super Scout

Force-a-Nature Super Scout
440 HU/s (10% faster than normal scout)
Force-a-Nature Stats
+100% more bullets per shot (20 a shot)
+60% more accurate
+500% more knockback force
-65% damage penalty
-70% slower reload time

The Force-a-Nature Super Scout is the giant blast soldier of the scouts, they can push you back pretty far if you get close to them. As well as deal 117 dmg if you're not careful enough around them, but they only move slightly faster than a normal scout and have the same hp as the super scout. Just like the giant heavy, these super scouts have a sight limit (type 2 has a even smaller sight range). Stay out of their range and kill them quickly.

Giant Jumping Sandman Scout

Giant Jumping Sandman
400 HU/s (same speed as normal scout)
Sandman Stats
+100% damage bonus
+90% faster recharge rate
+100% greater jump height (they autojump)
+50% bigger head size

The weirdest of all scouts, the giant jumping sandman looks like a flying idiot. But their high damage and quick recharge makes them no joke, these scouts can jump high to avoid massive amounts of damage since they only have 1200 hp, they can be indentified by their GIANT head and looking similar to their normal counterparts.
The Giant Medic

Giant Medic
160 HU/s (50% slower than normal medic)
Medigun Stats
+19900% faster heal rate (just why valve..?)

The Giant Medic is probably the most annoying of all giants, their heal target becomes invincible if you can't damage it enough to one shot it. These medics come fully charged too and once you knock em' down to 54 or less hp..ZOOM! their health goes right back up in a flash and then they cannot be killed until their uber runs out..i'm sure we all have that feeling of annoyance when a giant medic pops it's uber, it's stupidly annoying. When the medic goes really low, make sure you get a soldier or demo to finish it off, their high damage shall kill it and prevent it from popping it's stupid uber.

Giant Medic (type 2)

Giant Medic
160 HU/s (50% slower than normal medic)
Medigun Stats
+19900% faster heal rate (just. why.)
-99% slower ubercharge rate (thank god)
-90% damage penalty on syringe gun

This giant medic is the better one, since it doesn't friggin' UBER. But instead they heal 40 extra hp a second, making them tougher to kill in direct combat situations, but because of it not being able to ubercharge. Killing this medic should be much easier.
Finally, we made it to the damn end of this stupid guide xD

on a serious note, i hope you learnt a thing or two about giant robots and ways to counter them. this guide took me 4 hours to do and i'm planning on doing a guide on wave types and on normal robots (yay, fun)

any suggestions can be left in the comment below.

i'm the one of wonders, and i'm done.


.added supergiant robots (created by me)
.removed some mistake in the descriptions of the robots
49 comentarii
Ernő 18 dec. 2021 la 1:23 
We need giant engi
Sikazhel 18 mart. 2021 la 15:02 
ok im know im very very late but noice job helped me out with my mvm waves alot more
xX_Mohg-LOB-228_Xx 23 ian. 2017 la 15:06 
nice one
The One Of Wonders  [autor] 23 ian. 2017 la 10:23 

the only time i've had problems with these pyros is when they airblast rockets at me, because it usually kills me
The One Of Wonders  [autor] 23 ian. 2017 la 0:30 
@TophatCat and sweg spee

i don't own a server, but i'm in a group who has a server that runs my missions
Tophatcat 22 ian. 2017 la 19:28 
to bad u cant put in your server ip's becfause its on gamebannana
Percy 22 ian. 2017 la 15:45 
should do normal + tank guide really good guide tho!
stingerhak55 22 ian. 2017 la 15:18 
Hey, do you think you can do a "what upgrades to do for each class" guide? It will take long, but worth it

SkullLight 22 ian. 2017 la 12:53 
boblikespie125 22 ian. 2017 la 11:47 
H some crates for free dont really play this game