Dota 2
Avenger Phantom Assassin Set
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Non Hero: Wearable
Tagi: All, unknown
Rozmiar pliku
1.132 MB
2 lipca 2012 o 2:19
1 lista zmian ( zobacz )

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W 1 kolekcji stworzonej przez Finargot
Przedmioty: 12
Our first work - Guy Fawkes Silencer Set was rated as 4 stars because of Idea and Colour Gamma which must be the same as the hero's.

Now we made Two Versions:
1. Guy Fawkes Phantom Assassins Set - which has the same colour gamma like the Phantom Assassins model. And also its for people who like Mask of Guy Fawkes -
2. Avenger Phantom Assassin Set. Which is the same as 1st, but has another body and Mask

Thumbs Up All please!