Portal 2

Portal 2

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For whom the gel tolls
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Jun 30, 2012 @ 8:04am
Jun 30, 2012 @ 12:35pm
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For whom the gel tolls

Ask not for whom the gel tolls, because it doesn't. It's toll-free.

V1.1 Fixed some exploits
Captain Quakas Jul 18, 2012 @ 2:25pm 
Yes, that was the 1st thing that I've tried, I forgot to include it in the video. The thing is that it's nearly impossible to fly right into the portal. I've managed to get through on my cca 20th attempt.
It's only possible to fly through if you place the portal on the right side of the angled plate and duck mid-jump, other than that, I couldn't manage to get through. If I didn't cover that wall in blue gel, I'm sure it wouldn't be an issue. Maybe adding a water dispenser as a moron-failproof device would be a good idea.
This is probably some kind of portal game mechanic problem because it doesn't "lead" you into the portal as it does on surfaces that aren't covered in gel. I can upload a super short video of me bouncing off portals. Other than that, it was a great chamber - as usually, thanks for making!
damocles  [author] Jul 18, 2012 @ 12:00pm 
You're close, but not quite right on the solution.... Place the portal on the flip plate like you were doing, then place the second portal on the angle plate that extends outwards. You'll fly out the top with enough angle/speed to make the jump up top. And yes, the white surface in the middle is there for flying gel storage :)
Captain Quakas Jul 18, 2012 @ 8:28am 
I've got to say that your "fixed" versions (free from all the obvious exploits) are pretty hard. Or maybe I'm just having a bad day.
Anyways, here's a video of me trying to get to the exit and failing. Notice the little bit of blue gel near the glass barrier, I've used it throughout the chamber to get over to the other side. I've had trouble figuring out what's the portalable bit of floor on the entrance-side for but I've used it only as a convenient flying-gel storage :)
I don't know what I've missed, I was pretty sure that this should be the correct solution but I can't seem to get up there, I've tried probably every portal combination with the timer panels and walls and everything.
Oops, forgot the link, here it is: http://youtu.be/vtsioiiJlBQ