Portal 2

Portal 2

87 ratings
da (sort of) hard test chamber

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da (sort of) hard test chamber

relitivaly hard, somtimes cubes aree hidden form sight. has multiblee steps. try to explore a little bit before doing a lot of stuff. Sometimes cubes and buttons are hidden behind corners.
dven1 Nov 6, 2016 @ 5:35am 
Nice easy map, well made and lit. Found no use for the laser cube but the map was fun to complete. Thanks for your work.
arlowood Nov 4, 2016 @ 12:31pm 
Nice chamber - a bit scatter gun in its approach but enjoyable to solve. Just a comment - when you have cubes and blue gel around it's best to have a washing device. Always a danger of accidentaly contaminating a cube/ball etc and then you're stuffed without a washing device
Sector 5 Oct 29, 2016 @ 6:36am 
nice one!