Quake Live

Quake Live

205 ratings
Commands in Quake Live
By Splush and 1 collaborators
QL command in use, depending on your needs.
If we want to make the game look like the prettiest select all of the values ​​corresponding to the improvement of the graphics engine or its components.
If we want to make our game running as smoothly as possible and surroundings do not cast us in the eye, select the commands that eg washed away textures which greatly improves visibility and orientation.

In the following list you will find all the most useful commands in the game.
Also, the observer (spec) which are very useful during the recording of the match and is intended to support the server.
BindList - displays currently used bindy bind - used to connect the key to the action eg: / bind in "+ forward" unbind - off. binda assigned to the key, eg: unbind r unbindall - off. all bindy vstr - for example: / rl vstr choose rocketlauncher and say "RL" in chat wait - delay preserved commands by 1 or 2 FPS weapnext - Selects the next weapon available (apart from the saw and weapons without ammunition), eg: / bind "MWHEELUP" "weapprev" weapon - gives the number of weapons, choose the weapon, eg: / bind "2" "weapon 2" weapprev - selects previous weapon available (apart from the saw and weapons without ammunition), eg: / bind "MWHEELDOWN" "weapprev" Dropflag - throws a flag Dropweapon - throws a weapon + Attack - shot weapon + Back - move backward + Button2 - use item + Chat - displays the chat history + Forward - forward motion + Left - turn to the left + Lookdown - look down + Lookup - look up + Mlook - enables movement mouse + MoveDown - squats + MoveUp - jumps + Moveleft - goes into the left side + Moveright - goes in the right side + Right - rotates clockwise + Scores - Scoreboard + Speed ​​- it + Strafe - allows walking sideways + Zoom - zoom Setting the mouse sensitivity and dating for a weapon bind [key] "[weapon] [dating] [sensitivity]" bind? weapon?; cg_drawCrossHair?; sensitivity? weapon 1 - (glove / saw) weapon 2 - (machingun) weapon 3 - (shotgun) weapon 4 - (grenade) weapon 5 - (rocket) weapon 6 - (welder) weapon 7 - (rail) weapon 8 - (plasma) weapon 9 - (bfg)
Chat / Communication
cg_drawfriend 0/1 - 1 the names of our friends will take on yellow say - sends a message to all say_team - sends a message to the team tell_buddy - we send a message with a friend on the QL eg / tell_buddy name "text here" bot_nochat 0 - 1 - 0 excl. conversation bots cl_allowConsoleChat 0/1 - 1 can only chat in the console, possibly after adding the "/" before the written text chat or public team togglechathistory - chat history
Cheat Protect
cg_thirdperson - shows the character of so many sv_cheats - turns codes devmap MAP_NAME - This command allows you to load the map with the possibility of use on it cheats. god - Enables / disables immortality. noclip - Turns on / off pass through the wall. give (item) - Adds an object. Capabilities: give all give armor give battle suit give bfg10k give flight give gauntlet give grappling hook give grenade launcher give haste give health give invisibility give lightning gun give machinegun give Medkit give personal teleporter give plasma gun give quad damage give railgun give regeneration give rocket launcher give shotgun
Console / Search commands
cvarrestart-suited default commands com_allowconsole 0/1 - 1 consoles run by ~, 0 standard CTRL + ALT + ~ scr_conspeed 0 -? - The speed of opening / closing the console clear - clears the console condump - saves the file is what we have currently entered in the console cmdlist - displays the available commands cvar_restart - restarts the system cvar cvarlist - displays a list of commands cvar dir - opens the folder reset - restarts cvar writeconfig - save our configuration file as myconfig.cfg exec - reads the configuration ready echo text - can display the text after the execution of the command cl_conTimeStamps 0/1/2 - timer console 0- does nothing 1 - displays the time by. game time 2 - displays the time by. time server Cvars - commands consisting of commands and broadcast them to the figures and not only, for example. s team, cg_drawfps 1. Cvar commands start with: cg_ - Client General g_ - Game CL_ - Client sv_ - Server s_ - Sound r_ - Render m_ - Mouse A simple way to find commands in the console is built into the auto-complete. We use it in a very simple manner, for example: cg_ + TAB displays a list of commands that begin with cg_ s_ / CL_ / a_ / r_ / com_ / vid_ etc. or / cg_zoom + TAB - displays all commands starting / cg_zoom Another option for more precise search commands or variables is to enter the command cvarlist (command) or cmdlist (variable) Just apply them in a character and part of the command we're looking for ? - Any character * - Any number of any characters for example: displaying all commands beginning with g_: cvarlist g_ * display of all the variables starting with g_ with the name "time": cvarlist g_ * time display all the variables with the name "rail": * cvarlist rail display of all the variables that contain any of the first 3 characters, followed by the word "rocket": cvarlist rocket ???
cl_maxPing 0 -? -Maximum ping rate -? - Controls the amount of packets sent from the current connection so that bandwidth was not overloaded (the maximum number of bytes per second) [25000] cl_packetdup - Specifies the number of duplicate packets sent by the client in order to minimize packet loss cl_maxpackets 30 - Determines the maximum size of UDP packet sent by the client
Graphics / El. Ambient / displayed image
gfxinfo - displays the info graphic vid_restart - restart the graphics engine cg_fov 10 - 130 - area visibility cg_zoomScaling 0/1 - 1 incl. a slow zoom during approximation, 0 will zoom immediate cg_zoomfov 0 - 130 (?) - The size of the picture when zoom cg_zoomSensitivity 0-? - Speed ​​zoom cg_zoomToggle - when you click the zoom is it, when you click off. himself cg_zoomOutOnDeath 0/1 - 1 off. approximation death [1] r_colorbits 16/32 - Color Depth r_aspectRatio - 0 = aspect ratio of 4: 3, 1 = 16: 9, 2 = 16:10 = 3 5 4 r_displayrefresh - Control monitor refresh rate (only CRT) r_dynamiclight 0/1 - 1 incl. dynamic light cg_marks 0/1 - 0 excl. traces of bullets on the walls, 1 on. cg_shadows 0/1 - 1 incl. shadows, 0 off. com_maxfps 125 - maximum number of structures exerted on the second r_enablepostprocess 0/1 - 0 reduces lighting quality r_fastsky 0/1 - 1 off. sky, leaves a black texture (+ lack of visibility by TP) r_fullbright 0/1 - 1 all texture map will be displayed at full brightness r_fullscreen 0/1 - 1 full screen, 2 work in the r_gamma 0 -? - The overall brightness r_lodbias (-2) - (2) - the higher the value, the more detailing how (weapons, players, etc.) r_mapoverbrightbits 0 - 10 - light around the map (higher value results in a greater radiance of light) r_mode (-2) - image resolution r_overbrightbits 0 - 4 - light around the players, items, ammunition [1] r_picmip 0 -16 - lower quality textures by blurring the color (0 - best quality, 16 solid colors) [0] r_subdivisions 4 - 80 - regulation of surface curvature [4] r_swapinterval 0 -? - Vertical sync (vsync) only works with r_displayrefresh (only CRT) [0] cg_bubbleTrail 0/1 - 0 excl. bubbles under water centerview - centered image cg_simpleitems 0/1 - 1 sprite objects displayed in 2D r_vertexlight 0 -? -Vertex Lighting (algorithm dynamically generate the lighting of the scene) instead Lightmap (lighting maps) [0] http://www.demonkey.com/wp-content/uploads/vertexlight.jpg r_enablePostProcess 0/1 - 0 reduces lighting quality r_subdivisions 0-80 - 80 replaces the value of the angle of curvature of the surface speed of the engine to give r_enableColorCorrect 0/1 - rearranges color correction post processing (graphical presentation of the results) required r_enablePostProcess 1 r_enableBloom 0/1/2 - changes the color of the effect of post processing (required r_enablePostProcess 1) r_bloomBrightThreshold 0/1 - (requires running the effect of color) The lower threshold will be more colored with r_bloomSaturation 0-10 - (requires running the effect of color) higher color saturation, more colorful hues r_bloomIntensity 0-10 - (requires running the effect of color) higher color intensity, brighter color r_bloomSceneSaturation 0-10 - (requires running the effect of color) higher saturation of the environment, more colorful hue of the game world r_bloomSceneIntensity 0-10 - (requires running the effect of color) higher intensity of scenery, brightens not colored with the game world postprocess_restart - restarts post processing cg_waterwarp 0/1 - 1 flattens the image under the water for easy visibility
cg_drawstatus 0/1 - Disable HUD cg_drawFPS 0/1 - 1 displays the FPS cg_drawFragMessages 0/1 - 0 excl. information display Who killed + Acc - command to flip at the key display panel that displays the accuracy attributed to a weapon such as: bind f6 + acc cg_bob 0/1 - 0 Off rocking image during walking [1] cg_crosshairbrightness 0 - 10 - The brightness of the viewfinder (0 value makes dating becomes black) [1] cg_crosshaircolor 0 - 26 - color viewfinder (http://www.quakelive.com/forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=7623&d=1267048962) cg_crosshairhealth 0/1 - 1 color viewfinder indicates the level of life, 0 off. functions cg_crosshairpulse 0/1 - 1 throbbing dating after picking up the object, 0 nothing happens [1] cg_crosshairsize 0 -? - The size of Target [32] cg_drawammowarning 0/1/2 - 1 warns us about the small amount of ammunition, 0 off. function 2 inscription warning is smaller cg_drawattacker 0/1 - targeted shows us currently attacking us person cg_drawcrosshair 1-10 - type viewfinder cg_drawcrosshairnames 0/1 - 1 shows the name of the person indicated finder cg_drawrewards 0/1 - 1 awards shows and plays the sound 0 excl. cg_drawtimer 0/1 - 1 incl. watch cg_hudFiles - controls which file is to be used to HUD (ui / hud.cfg standard HUD) cg_leveltimerdirection 0/1 - management watch, 0 counts up 1 counts down cl_demoRecordMessage 0/1 - 0 excl. message while recording ui_bigfont 0 - 1 - the size of the icons HUD s cg_draw2D 0/1 - 0 removes all elements of the HUD [1] cg_speedometer 0/1/2/3 - shows the speed of movement [0] cg_kickScale 0/1 - 0 excl. earthquake hits the image (the injury) [1] cg_lagometer 0/1 - displays a meter ping cg_compHud 0/1 - 1 allows to influence friendly hud s on private servers cg_screenDamage "0xFF0000C8" / 0 - 0 excl. display effect hit by an opponent cg_weaponBar 0/1/2/3/4 0 - Off. 1 - icons on the left side 2 - icons on the right side 3 - icons placed in the middle 4 - large icons (style Q3) cg_crosshairHitStyle 0-8 - style viewfinder 0 - Off. viewfinder 1 - target color depending on the HP 2 - color viewfinder dependent cg_crosshairHitColor 3 - pulsating dating (exaggerated / scaled) 4 - color depending on the HP + pulsing goal. 5 - color dependent cg_crosshairHitColor + pulsing goal. 6 - pulsating dating with less pulsation (the same size as the cg_crosshairPulse used when lifting objects) 7 - color depending on the HP + low pulsation viewfinder 8 - color depending on cg_crosshairHitColor + small ripple goal.
Important / Other
set - assigns a value to an existing cvar or changing existing until the game is not excluded, eg: / set rl "weapon 5" (to create a nickname for the selection RL: / bind 5 "vstr rl") seta - assigns a value to an existing cvar or creates a new variable assigned to the configuration until overwriting it with another value clan - the clan name eg clan ^ 2 * ^ 7X ^ 2e ^ 7T name - change the color and size of the letters of the player such as: name ^ ^ 1Unnamed 3Player ^ 1 red, ^ 2 green ^ 3 yellow ^ 4 blue ^ 5 cyan ^ 6 redfish ^ 7 white
Mouse / Keyboard
cl_mouseaccel 0 - 10 - accelerated mouse m_filter 0/1 - 1 smoothes mouse movements sensitivity 0.1 - 30 - mouse sensitivity winkey_disable -1 0 - 0 excl. windows keys in_restart - restarts input devices (mouse, keyboard) in_mouseMode - displays the current settings for the mouse in_mouse 0/1/2 - to mount a mouse. 0 excl., -1 Win32, DirectInput 1, 2 clean (the best) cl_mouseSensCap 0/1 - 1 cover mouse speed if you're using acceleration
Observer (spec)
cg_followkiller 0/1 - 1 after garbage observe his killer cg_drawteamoverlay - while Specta shows a list of players from the team viewed and where they are located cg_drawSpecMessages 0/1 - 0 hides messages sent observers (spec) cg_enableRespawnTimer 0/1 - displays recharge time items (armor, megahealth, powerups) observer (spec), the CTF arrangement of display items is dependent on the distance from the flag cg_respawnTimerX and cg_respawnTimerY - placing the display panel of time for the renewal of the items on the HUD
cg_autoaction 0/1/2 - automatic recording demos and / or does screenshot after the game, 0 = does nothing, 1 = record a demo screenshot 2 = 3 = + demo screenshot [0] play - play demo stoprecord - stops recording demos demo - play demo record - records a demo screenshot - snapshot for example: / bind "f11" "screenshot" screenshotjpeg - a snapshot in JPEG format, eg: / bind "f11" "screenshotjpeg" timescale - speed playback demos [1] cg_autoAction 0/1 - automatic recording demos In Windows XP, demos are sapisywane in "% AppData% \ id Software \ Quake Live \ home \ baseq3 \ demos & # 8221; folder (baseq3 \ screenshots for screenshot s) Windows Vista "% APPDATA% \ .. \ LocalLow \ id Software \ Quake Live \ home \ baseq3 \ demos & # 8221;
Server / Map
callvote - vote example: / callvote map qzctf2 connect - connects to the server disconnect - disconnects from the server reconnect - reconnects to the server map_restart - restarts current map quit - exit (from the server, games, web) readyup - ready to play serverinfo - displays information about the server vote yes / no - vote cl_currentServerAddress - displays the server ip readyup - willingness to fight [bind: "f3] RCON rconpassword "xxx" - Change password Rcon RCON rconpassword - will display the current password. / Rcon [command] [value] - server settings g_gametype 0/1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8/9 - game mode: 0 - Free For All 1 - Duel 2 - Free For All 3 - Team Deathmatch 4 - Clan Arena 5 - Capture The Flag 6 - One Flag CTF 7 - Overload 8 - Harvester 9 - Free for all timelimit - game time fraglimit - limit frags capturelimit - limit points (CTF) rcon pause - stop play until re-typing / rcon pause timeout - stopping the game, a player for 30 sec kick nick, id - wyrzucelnie Player ban nick, id - block player banlist- list of banned removeip - unlocking sv_hostname - server name roundlimit- limit rounds sv_maxclients n - the number of slots available roundtimelimit - time limit per round [180sec] sv_ranked 0/1 - 1 game will be known to the statistics
cg_allowtaunt 0/1 - OFF / ON battle cry [1] cg_HitBeep 0/1/2/3 - Plays different sounds after hitting an opponent depending on the value, 0 off. sound hits, 1 classic sound, 2 new multi-tone sound, 3 inverted outputs 2 cg_buzzerSound 0/1 - 0 excl. buzzer at the end of the match cg_chatBeep 0/1 - 0 excl. audio chat messages cg_teamChatBeep 0/1 - 0 excl. audio chat messages team cg_lowAmmoWarningSound 0/1 - 0 excl. sound warning us of a small amount of ammunition s_ambient 0/1 - 0 excl. all sounds broadcast in the background [1] s_musicvolume 0-1 - music volume [0.25]
The character models
cg_forceenemymodel - Model example enemy team. "keel / bright" cg_forcemodel - model enemy cg_forceteammodel - model team cg_deadBodyDarken 0/1 - 1 opponent's body after death darkens cg_deadBodyColor - the color of the opponent's body after death (only works with the command cg_deadBodyDarken) dark <0xRRGGBBFF> standard <0 × 101010FF> cg_gibs 0 -? - The amount of sparks after the destruction of the dead body com_blood 0/1 - 0 excl. "blood" r_ambientScale 0-100 - light around the players (as brightness) [10] cg_forceEnemyWeaponColor 0/1 - 1 uses the color of the frame to give the enemy the color of his grenades and beam Raila cg_forceTeamWeaponColor 0/1 - 1 uses a color frame model of the team to give the color of his grenades and beam Raila setenemycolor / setteamcolor - easier but more customizable changeable color of the enemy / team model, these commands accept one of the three parameters to adjust the color of the top of the body, down the body and head with a clear "skin". These parameters are opening in the form of a letter from the x represented the rainbow, and the other with added arguments s (white) and the (gray). You should use parameter impart color to the color of the entire model of one color or one of the three parameters to adapt the frame, legs and head of the player. For example: setenemycolor h 'entire model green 'Setenemycolor hy' frame green head and legs white 'Setenemycolor hyz' cage green, bual legs and a gray head setting these values ​​are not recommended if you are using setenemycolor / setteamcolor cg_enemyUpperColor cg_enemyLowerColor cg_enemyHeadColor cg_teamUpperColor cg_teamLowerColor cg_teamHeadColor
cg_drawGun 0/1 - 0 hide your weapon, the weapon 1 will be displayed without animation (swing) cg_autoswitch 0/1 - 1 automatically switches to the raised arms 0 does nothing [1] cg_brasstime 0 -? - Display time scales gunshot [2500] cg_drawgun 0/1/2 - Weapon (0-hidden, 1 rocking out 2 fixed) cg_railtrailtime 0-? - Time display radius Rail (5000 = 5s) color1 0-26 - color radius Raila color2 0-26 - color effects radius Raila cg_smokegrowth_rl 0/1 - 0 excl. Smoke RL (flare) cg_smokegrowth_gl 0/1 - 0 excl. Smoke SG (shotgun) cg_smokeRadius_GL 0/1 - 0 excl. Smoke GL (Granatkin) cg_trueLightning 0-1 - 1 off. all the rocking beam lighting gun -a (welding) cg_lightningImpact 0/1 - Off / On the tip of lighting gun -a (welding) cg_lightningStyle 1 -5 - style lighting beam gun -a (welding) r_railcorewidth 0 -? - Core diameter Raila [6] r_railsegmentlength 0 -? - The length of the section Raila effect [32] r_railwidth 0 -? - The diameter of the beam and how the beam impact [128] cg_gunX 0-? - Place the weapon on the X axis, visible from the first person cg_gunY 0-? - Place the weapon on the Y axis, visible from the first person cg_gunZ 0-? - Place the weapon on the Z axis, visible from the first person cg_kickscale 0/1 - 1 image shakes when we hit, 0 off. cg_predictLocalRailShots 0/1 - 0 rail will be less sensitive to high ping [1] cg_lowAmmoWarningPercentile 0.01 - 1.00 - when we warned about the small amount of ammunition [0.20] r_dynamiclight 0/1 - 0 removes dynamic ambient light missile rocket launcher (rocket) [1] cg_plasmaStyle 1/2 - style beam plazmagun s cg_railStyle 1/2 - style beam rail -a cg_rocketStyle 1/2 - style rockets cg_muzzleFlash - Turns on / off light flashes when the shots
Questions and comments should be sent to the topic
On the creation of this guide work of 2 people.
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Work on the handbook: 1 day, 5 hours
mario_Llif3₉⁹₉ Jan 5, 2023 @ 4:54am 
hey guys how can i make the weapon not to move when i shoot ?
jebpk Oct 25, 2022 @ 11:43am 
For anyone wanting to add air control, to test in a private offline server this is what I do, e.g:
map campgrounds ffa
pmove_aircontrol 1
you must spectate and rejoin the match after setting the pmove command.
This may not be the correct thing to do if you are looking to create a public server, idk.
strahella Jul 30, 2022 @ 4:20am 
how to dowskall eresolutino .. i cant play i have
4000x2000 on tv
spacegamer91 Dec 22, 2021 @ 4:38am 
What command(s) would I use to change the physics settings on QLRace maps, (VQL/PQL)
loRise Oct 27, 2021 @ 1:44pm 
how do i add air control?
Visor Sep 10, 2021 @ 8:41pm 
I used to be able to use the Handicap console command. Look's like it's been disabled. I don't see how using a handicap in FFA could be considered cheating. btw HA! HA! HA!
cheesynuggets24/7 Aug 22, 2021 @ 8:18am 
cheesynuggets24/7 Aug 22, 2021 @ 8:16am 
It says "Cheats are not enabled on this server."
cheesynuggets24/7 Aug 22, 2021 @ 8:13am 
Sv_cheats is not working :(
Darpy Dec 31, 2020 @ 2:25pm 
i tried the "Force Enemy Model" command and i don't know how to revert the command's effects. Help?