The Sims™ 3

The Sims™ 3

539 ratings
Infinite Lifetime Happiness Cheat + Many More!
By poobee02
This is my full guide on TS3 Cheats! This used to be only about the Sims 3 Lifetime Happiness Cheat, but I felt the need to do more. Plus, you can get your name in the credits if you want to contribute!
Accessing and Enabling Cheats
Before you even start, you must make sure you can access the cheats, and that they are working. First, go to your title screen, where you can access your different towns.

Next, you need to enable the cheats. Perform the command Ctrl + Shift + C, similar to Ctrl + Alt + Delete. Your screen should become a bit dimmer, and a text box will appear at the top.
Next, type in the following command:
testingcheatsenabled true
This is similar to turning on Cheat Mode in Unturned, or making a world with cheats in Minecraft, or using sv_cheats 1 in almost any Source Engine game. Make sure you do this on the title screen or it WILL NOT WORK. You can toggle cheats off by typing on the home screen, "testingcheatsenabled false" or closing the game and opening it. This is why you need to enable cheats for each individual session in order for them to work. Remember, to confirm a cheat, press Enter. The Ctrl + Shift + C command is also how you will access cheat codes while in game. Check my other guides for a guide on the cheat codes. Now, let's move on.
Activating the Cheat
There is one way to activate the cheat after you have testingcheatsenabled turned on. First, you need to select the Sim you want to get more lifetime hapiness for. Then, you need to open up the menu at the bottom where you can view basically all of the information about the Sim. You need to navigate to the Lifetime Rewards area, and locate this:

Next, you need to press and hold Ctrl, and click in this tiny area:

Each time you do, you will gain 500 lifetime happiness. This can be a very effective cheat, as lifetime happiness rewards are usually really good. There's so much you can do with this cheat, and it can make playing a lot easier. But have you ever tried...

...using an autoclicker? ( ;
Other Cheats
I made this section by myself when it first came out. That means I might have missed something. If you want to help me add something to this part of the guide (or anything else), then follow these steps below:
1. Scroll down and comment.
2. Help me with at least 1 piece of information to add.
3. If you do, I will add you to a credits section at the end. I will not add you to Contributors, because when I remove you from the friends list, it will get rid of your name on the list. Also, you will have editing power, and I can't just trust someone randomly with something I've worked so hard on. The credits section will be in order of how much you helped.

Even though the lifetime happiness cheat is one of the most popular cheats, there are some other cool cheats to take advantage of. Remember that most of them need testingcheatsenabled true to work. Here's the list:
Command Codes
Help for Cheats
testingcheatsenabled [true/false] - Enables cheats, similarly to sv_cheats 1 on Source engine games.
help - Gives you a list of commands.

Cash Cheats
kaching/rosebud - Gives the current household $1,000.
shazaam - Gives the current household $2,500.
motherlode - Gives the current household $50,000.
familyfunds [name of household] [amount] - Gives the specified amount of money to that specific household.

Building Cheats
buydebug - Lets you buy anything, including locked objects.
Moveobjects [on/off] - Lets you place objects anywhere.
RestrictBuildBuyinBuildings [on/off] - Use this if the Homeowner's Association won't let you build on a lot.
AlwaysAllowBuildBuy [on/off] - Lets you build during a fire or burglary.
ConstrainFloorElevation [true/false] - Toggles constraints on elevation. With it disabled, you can change the ground as much as you want.
PlaceFriezes [on/off] - Allows you to make foundations on top of tiled floors.
DisableSnappingToSlotson Alt [on/off] - This prevents objects from snapping into position when placing them.
freerealestate - Make all lots free.

Other Cheats
AgeuptoNPC [on/off] - Ages up a Sim into an NPC that lives in your household. Works on children.
resetsim [first name of Sim] [last name of Sim] - If there is a Sim that cannot move, this may help.
hideheadlineeffects [on/off] - Hides the speech and though bubbles above a Sim.
jokeplease - Gives you a random joke.
enablellamas [on/off] - Gives a message saying "Llamas enabled." or "Llamas disabled."

Cheats for Sims
Sim Menu
Infinite Lifetime Happiness - See the sections of the guide above.
Change Relationships - Find the relationships tab, and you can drag the bar that shows the relationship left or right. It will be below another Sim that your Sim knows.
Modify Needs - Similarly to the cheat to change relationships, you can click and drag your motives, too.
Remove Moodlets - If you hold Ctrl while you click a moodlet, you can get rid of them. This can be used on good, bad, and neutral motives.

Clicking your Sim
Modify Traits - Clicking the option to modify traits will bring up the menu to change traits. Simple enough.
Age Up - Click the option 'Trigger Age Transition' will do exactly what it sounds like. Can only be used to age forwards.

The Shift-Click
If you press and hold Shift while you click something, it can give you special options while in cheat mode. Here's a list of cheats:

Sim Stuff
Force a Sim to Move In - If you Shift-Click a Sim who isn't in the household, you can take control of them and force them to join your household.
Force Events/Opportunities - If you shift-click your workplace, you can trigger events or opportunities.

Mailbox Clicker
There are several options when you shift click the Mailbox of your home. Most of them are really clear with the name. Here's the list:
Make Me Know Everyone
Make All Happy
Make Needs Static (disables all 6 of your needs)
Make Me Friends
Set Job (Can be used to change your job and the rank of your job)
Change Looks (like facial features)

Other Stuff
Teleportation - Shift-click any patch of open land and select the teleport option to teleport there.
Build on Non-Owned lots - You can use this to build on lots that you do not own. Personally, it seems like it is not useful to me because you cna use cheats to get the money to buy the lots.
I just wanted to add a little section to say something quickly.
So, this is my THIRD GUIDE to reach the top of the list. I'm not trying to brag, but I just wanted to thank you all.

It's also just astounding how fast it happened. I published it last night around 10 PM (for me) and then I woke up around 7 AM to see it on the front page.
Everyone that supports me, all the nice messages I get, and how much people love what I create, is what encourages me. It encourages me to do more. To make more guides for the community. So I just wanted to say thank you to everybody.

Do you want to support me even more?
Remember to leave a like, add to favorites and share it with your friends!

5/17/17 EDIT: Jeebus! Over 5,000 views! I can't believe something of mine has blown up to be so big!

1/24/18 EDIT: I cannot believe my guide is still the number one guide on the Sims 3. I've never had a guide blow up so much, but then again I've only made a few guides. I appreciate everyone's support so much, but then again, I might just be overestimating my victory because there's only 100 TS3 guides out there. Either way, thank you all so much!
kellsbells Sep 21, 2024 @ 9:42am 
Is there a cheat that stops Sims from constantly inviting my Sim to parties?? They're relentless and my Sim never goes to any of them.
19laura89 May 28, 2024 @ 3:20am 
theres a mother lode cheat my mum uses it give u 100,00 every tine u use it
Milk and Cocaine ™ Jan 23, 2024 @ 10:38am 
do u know if there is any of these cheats that allow unlimited pets? sims 3 pets dlc
noodless Dec 13, 2023 @ 2:17am 
THANK YOU so much for this!
Webber Jul 6, 2023 @ 7:04am 
This is really helpful for me whenever I play the sims 3. thank you!
dareynnismeh Jun 25, 2023 @ 3:02pm 
now u get award
dareynnismeh Jun 25, 2023 @ 3:01pm 
im so glad im not the only one who plays this game and theres a whole community out there LOL
Parrokeet Nov 29, 2022 @ 3:00pm 
how do i get tghe lifetime happiness it won't work
cooperkid15 Nov 11, 2022 @ 3:23pm 
░█▌▓▓▓▀▀▓▓▓▓███▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▄▀▓▓▐█ THIS IS DOGE
█▌███▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▐░░▄▓▓███▓▓▓▄▀▐█ COPY AND PASTE HIM
▌▓▄▌▀░▀░▐▀█▄▓▓██████████▓▓▓▌█▌ SO HE CAN TAKE OVER work shop
ケンダル Jun 16, 2022 @ 3:47pm 
All the cheats but the lifetime happiness one work, I don't know why. It worked on one Sims game, but not on any others. I'm 99.9% sure I'm doing it correctly