Dota 2
Steelfiend form arms -R
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Heroes: Shadow Fiend
Slots: Arms
Non Hero: Wearable
Utility: Imported
Tags: reborn
1.528 MB
4. Sep. 2016 um 13:54
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In 1 Kollektion von Nateo
Steelfiend Form - R
4 Inhalte
Nevermore...The last thing that graced the lips of the unfortunate souls that came
into contact with this being of monstrous hate.

Unlike many of the souls this Shadow Fiend devours,none have served him as such. Taken from a warrior long forgotten, Nevermore only draws upon this soul in the darkest of times.

Forged from a soul so dark, so evil, and so twisted that the soul manifested itself in a physical form. Cladding him in an armor so intense that merely the presence of it can turn the tides of battle. While instilling only one constant thought into the head of Nevermore, collect, collect, collect.