Portal 2
Portal By Numbers
Portal by Numbers. It's like painting by numbers, except better and with science. Hard science. Scratch that, it's impossible science. In fact if there was such a thing as too hard, this science would be too hard. But there isn't, so get started.

You'll still need your paint set, though.

Consists of four levels, designed to be very difficult:

1 Laser
2 Rooms
3 Platforms
4 Cubes
アイテム (4)
1 Laser
作成者 it's happening
Use lasers and bridges to reach the exit. Make sure your portals are all placed carefully!...
2 Rooms
作成者 it's happening
Two rooms...
3 Platforms
作成者 it's happening
Use 3 platforms to climb further through the level...
4 Cubes
作成者 it's happening
Get four cubes from four rooms, each with a different puzzle, and use them to unlock the final door....