Portal 2

Portal 2

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Does exactly what its says on the tin- MELTS YOUR BRAIN WITH INCREDIBLE PUZZLING CHALLENGE. Quite frankly, this is the hardest test chamber on the whole steam work shop for sheezy no doubt. Seriously, its THAT difficult. This aint for you scrubby novice test subjects, THIS IS FOR THE MOST HARDCORE TEST SUBJECTS EVER. My advice, just leave now, this chamber is way outta your league, man.
I showed this test chamber to my bro Steve, right? You may know him as this guy called STEVEN HAWKING. Yeah, he took one look at it and was all like, "whoa man, I can't solve that beast of a test chamber" and I was all like "NO **** YOU CAN'T ITS THE BRAIN-MELTER!" . If poor acting skills were proportional to test-chamber solving ability, NIC CAGE COULDN'T EVEN SOLVE THIS. If you were to take the combined cognitive ability of the greatest minds in the UNIVERSE- no- IN THE MULTIVERSE, you would still not be able to top this relentless cognitive gauntlet. Why are you even reading this at this point? The test is hard, that's it

(PS. This chamber MAY be too HARDCORE for your computer to run properly. Don't worry, this is normal, its a pretty HARDCORE chamber after all)
JonDaBoss1 Dec 22, 2015 @ 1:50pm 
very funny dude. i thought this was going to be hard but it's like a 5-year old could beat this.
Shazbo  [author] Jul 13, 2012 @ 7:31pm 
You could try my other chamber Mind the Gap(s).

I don't know if it's really "difficult", but you could give that a shot.
TorqueThrust Jul 13, 2012 @ 3:48pm 
No I could see it dude it just seems a shame you spent all that time when u obviously have the talent to potentially create a cracking test chamber, do u have any that are hard for real?
Shazbo  [author] Jul 13, 2012 @ 1:37pm 
It seems the joke was completely lost on you.
TorqueThrust Jul 13, 2012 @ 10:07am 
Whats the point in going to all that length of making it when u can just walk straight through it?
Mr.LoL May 11, 2012 @ 7:34am 
Best level ever, took me 3 days to solve it.