Garry's Mod

Garry's Mod

235 ratings
gm_combine_canyon_part2 (Part 3 is here)
Content Type: Addon
Addon Type: Map
Addon Tags: Fun, Scenic
File Size
11.056 MB
May 31, 2016 @ 3:56pm
Jun 5, 2016 @ 11:29am
5 Change Notes ( view )

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gm_combine_canyon_part2 (Part 3 is here)

In 1 collection by Logurt
Custom Half-Life Campaign Maps (By Me)
3 items

Please leave some feedback on the map when you've finished playing. It helps me out alot when designing future maps!

PSST, hey, you might wanna download this addon that gives you Hl2 movement and damage settings. (Improves pacing over all)

Well, it’s finally here. When I uploaded Part One of this adventure, I was overwhelmed at the amount of downloads and support I got from the community here. I hope you all consider this a worthy successor to the previous map.

This map is leaps and bounds better than the previous, with more cool features than before.
You start in a Citadel-like structure, but quickly make your way out side (watch out for ambushes in this part). You find yourself on the border of White Forest and City 17. The city parts are in ruin, and so are the Combine that were stationed there. Near the end of the map, you’ll find the last remnants of an overwhelmed force, carrying out their duty till the end.


-Ambushes, lots of them!

-Better enemy placement


-Physics/Normal puzzles

-Headcrabs and Canisters

-Combine Shields

-An elevator

-Secret ammo stashes (Lambda caches from Hl2)


-3D Skybox

-Semi-dynamic environment


Glitches and Compromises:

-The elevator in the beginning will sometimes get you stuck in it when it reaches the bottom floor. To fix this, simply no-clip out or walk off at the last second.

-Buggy AI. Gmod excels at this. (AI changing Addons have been known to mess w/ trigger and event systems).

-Various lighting issues that are currently outside my scope of Hammer knowledge. (Mostly on physics props.)

BTW: This map was compiled with HDR. (Lighting from Ep 2)

Special thanks to all the people who gave feedback on the first map! You know who you are!

As always any and all constructive feedback is appreciated!!!!

This is the first glimpse of Part 3 that I have for you guys. This is in a very early stage of development, as the map has only just got off of concept drawings and into the actual map editor. I hope you like what you see so far.

Part 3 is well under way, and the map is beginning to take form. One thing I learned from making Part 2 was to not give you guys ambitious finish dates, or any kind of finish date at all for that matter. Despite this, I’m going to set a more realistic goal of summer 2017. I could no doubt finish the map sooner if I wanted to pour all my time into it; unfortunately I don’t. I’m in school, and I have an Xbox that I play more than my PC. Also, I get bored of working on the map and take breaks, sometimes for months at a time; which is the reason that Part 1 was finished in February and Part 2 was finished in June. I’m sorry if this is upsetting to you, but making maps is just a hobby that I picked up, and this isn’t my whole life. However, I do have some screenshots from Part 3. I hope you like them:

Part Three currently clocking in at around 5min of playtime at the very least.

Same spot but a few weeks later.

Part 3 is going to span two maps. I made this decision to lengthen the play time and because the file size of the first map of Part 3 was approaching upwards of 35,000KB, which is quite large for a Source map. Despite this, the transition between both maps will be smooth; meaning that you won’t have to manually load the second map, like how Half-Life has its loading points.

Some cool lighting effects with dynamic shadows:

UPDATE 2/25/17:

A year has passed since the first map, and a lot has happened. I've built a computer, so I've spent a lot of time playing some new games instead of Gmod, rest assured the map will release on time, and is looking to be about 15 minutes of play time.

Development has been dormant for about three months, I've recently resumed work on the map again, heres a peak at a new puzzle being worked on:

I've made the choice to split Part 3 into 3 maps to reduce file size, compile time and to improve preformance. Unfortunately, an update to Garry's Mod has broken the automatic level loading in between maps, so the maps will have to be loaded manually. If this bug is fixed, I will go back and add the things to automatically load the next map. I tried very hard to preserve the automatic loading but it just wouldn't cooperate. Nevertheless, I have some screenshots for you.

Two of the three final maps are complete.

Super early look at the last map:

Unfortunately the winter deadline may not be met. I apologize.

Coming along very slowly

Part 3 is very close to being completed. All gameplay is finished and tested. All that remians is making it look as nice as possible.
Mr. Enderman 22 Feb 9, 2022 @ 4:47pm 
vmf of this map?
rtkz_wasa19741 Mar 25, 2020 @ 12:24pm 
bert Feb 15, 2019 @ 10:13pm 
i have a problem:when i go outside for the first time my gmod crashes even if i noclip around it.
azharscrib Sep 3, 2018 @ 5:44am 
how does one download half life textture for free?
Male_07 Oct 6, 2017 @ 6:27pm 
(Please! Dont have part 4 require half episode 1 an 2! I just wanna play it without ERRORS!
Jeanquois Montfeaux Sep 11, 2017 @ 5:26pm 
These trailers are well made. They make me want to play the map pack so bad! I wish I had your map making skills. This year for christmas, we get Black Mesa Xen (Hopefully), Star Wars XIII, and of course the continuation of this great series! Keep up the good work my friend.
peerbolt Sep 1, 2017 @ 1:14pm 
nice maps you said any feedback is appreciated so: i think that a problem with this map is that it sets you up to die ALOT and dose not do anything wen you do die exaple: the bit where you jump in the middle of some turrets i died like 4 times in a row and needed to disable thinking and no-clip back i think a way to fix that mite be to make checkpoints if thats even posible but but i am not a map maker over all i think thees map are GREAT!

more exaples: the elevator ambush: wen i died i needed to no-clip back i died twice before sniping them THEN no-cliping back

can you make it so you can use the "clean up everthing" utilitie once in the first map i messed up something and needed to restart the entire map
Logurt  [author] Jul 18, 2017 @ 11:43am 
@CaptPatrick01 Don't worry I just take breaks from the map to play other games. If for whatever reason the map is never finished, I'll hand it off to someone else.
CaptPatrick01 Jul 15, 2017 @ 8:19pm 
Looking forward to it :-D.
If something happens to cause it to not arrive on time, please let us know. I hate it when modders suddenly go dark and are never heard from again while working on a well-anticipated project... Happened to me many times...
soc Jun 24, 2017 @ 4:38am 
I cannot WAIT for Part Three. Hopefully you can count to Three