Counter-Strike 2

Counter-Strike 2

이 아이템은 Counter-Strike 2 게임과 함께 사용할 수 없습니다. Counter-Strike 2 게임에서 사용할 수 없는 이유는 안내 페이지를 참고하세요.
PC-CSGO | Companion Patriot MP9
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무기: MP9
무기 도색 스타일: 녹청
태그: 무기 도색
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20.969 MB
2016년 5월 28일 오전 4시 08분
1개의 변경 사항 ( 보기 )

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SA_22 @sa20two님의 1 모음집
The Companion Collection
아이템 12개
The basic idea for this was to create a tillable pattern that consisted of two different designs that are different yet compliment each other. i intentionally made the pattern so there is a rarer chance to have a gun only have one of the designs showing, as well as adding other smaller designs/ secrets like the companion cube. the design is based off of the droids in the star wars series, but i purposely stayed away from using any specific shapes or designs for obvious reasons.

There is 3 variants, two which are simple colour changes fitting the theme and one which i had a little fun with.