Don't Starve
1,182 人が評価
Smarter Crock Pot (OUTDATED)
37.575 KB
2016年1月9日 7時16分
2016年3月3日 12時17分
8 項目の変更履歴 ( 表示 )

Smarter Crock Pot (OUTDATED)

Predicts your cooking!

Support Crock Pot and Portable Crock Pot.
Support Controller ( IN TESTING )

If you like this, give a thumbs up!

Credit to Nadav.

Compatible with DS, RoG and SW.
97 件のコメント
404_coffee.exe 2022年12月18日 18時09分 
I remember using this back in the day
Syrasha 2019年8月26日 20時11分 
There's not enough information on this to determine if I should use it, rather than the crock pot mod I'm already using. Maybe a couple screenshots and at least a try at description?
Ztw 2019年7月24日 8時43分 
the game will crash if yiou use this as warly
Shadow_PhoenixX 2019年6月5日 17時04分 
Please keep this mod updated It's elegant and simple
雾乃伊子 2019年4月15日 5時01分 
Can cook`s pot also like this?
nolifeqween 2019年3月22日 6時57分 
No updates since 2016? What happened to that "In Testing" controller support?
Dejvidos 2019年1月23日 8時35分 
Really usefull mod, but please add Hamlet compatibility.
Unknown 2019年1月22日 10時21分 
Does not work with Warly's crock pot in Hamlet. Please fix it. It's just two minutes work. Not worth for me reuploading whole mod, while this one has so many subscribers.
J 2018年12月6日 15時28分 
How lovely
caittorr 2018年11月13日 12時32分 
is it possible to make it compatible with Hamlet?