Fallout 4

Fallout 4

879 ratings
Fallout 4 NPC ID List + Material ID's + Weapons + Companions
By Rudolph and 1 collaborators
NPC ID's are here and still adding more! IF you have ever wanted to make a giant war and cant because you dont know the NPC ID's? Well come to this guide and find the NPC id you want!

If you need to know how to spawn NPC's because your a scrublet.. you must type "player.placeatme ID Amount" in the console, and if your an even more of a scrub and dont know how to open the Console you press this key "~" which is located above the TAB key.. So go spawn some NPC's ya scrubs!

If you want weapons goto the weapons section of the guide and visit icannerz awesome guide!
Use "player.placeatme ID Amount" without quotation marks of course to spawn a NPC. Example: "player.placeatme 0001db4c 2" will place 2 deathclaws infront of you.

Deathclaws and Legendary Deathclaws ID's
  • Deathclaw - 0001db4c ~OR~ 0002c969 - LEGENDARY: 0017E707
  • Alpha Deathclaw - 001423A7 - LEGENDARY: 0017E70B
  • Glowing Deathclaw - 001423A8 - LEGENDARY: 0017E70C
  • Deathclaw Matriarch - 001423A9 - LEGENDARY: 0017E70D
  • Deathclaw Matriarch - 001423A9 - LEGENDARY: 0017E70D
  • Albino Deathclaw - 001423AB - LEGENDARY: 0017E716
  • Cham. Deathclaw - 001423AC - LEGENDARY: 002499D9
  • MythicDeathclaw - 001423AD - LEGENDARY: 002499DA
That is all the Deathclaws NPC ID's! Now have some clawsome fun!
Super Mutants and Behemoth
Use "player.placeatme ID Amount" without quotation marks of course to spawn a NPC. Example: "player.placeatme 0001A00C 2" will place 2 Super Mutants infront of you.

Super Mutants NPC ID's
  • Super Mutant - 0001A00C, 000A1471, 000EDCC6, 000EDCCF, 000EDCD0
  • Mutant Hound - 00090c37
  • Glowing Mutant Hound - 0012240d
  • Super Mutant Skirmisher - 000EDCC8 - LEGENDARY: 0017E6E5
  • Super Mutant Brute - 000EDCC8 - LEGENDARY: 0017E6EB
  • Super Mutant Enforcer- 000EDCC9 - LEGENDARY: 0017E6E9
  • Super Mutant Master - 000EDCCB - LEGENDARY: 0017E6ED
  • Super Mutant Overlord- 0014238B - LEGENDARY: 0017E6F0
  • Super Mutant Primus - 00142391 - LEGENDARY: 0017E6F2
  • Super Mutant Warlord - 00142397 - LEGENDARY: 0017E6F4
  • Super Mutant Suicider: 0014AE58
Behemoth NPC ID's
  • Behemoth - 000BB7DD, 00163EAB, FF0009AC, FF0031A8, FF003DBE, FF004C43
  • Glowing Behemoth - 0012B97A
  • Epic Behemoth - 0012B97B
  • Ancient Behemoth - 0012B97C

That is all the Super Mutant and Behemoth NPC ID's, so now go blow ♥♥♥♥ up!
Weapons (Complied by Yumaglo)
This guide contains the ID for every Weapon & commands etc.. in the game was made by Yumaglo!

Click HERE to view his guide which contains ALL of the Weapon ID's!

Liberty Prime
This is the giant ♥♥♥♥♥♥ Robot that destroys everything in its path! So have some FUN! And I thought it deserves its own little personal Section so... yea.

Liberty Prime NPC ID
  • Liberty Prime - 00115B50
These are the little scrubs that follow you around and help ya out.. so be greatful for them, unless they get in your freaking way. KEEP IN MIND THESE SPAWN/SUMMON. THEY DO NOT TELEPORT TO YOU! Look at the bottom of this Section to see how to MOVE companions to you instead of summon!

Companion NPC ID's
  • Cait - 00079249
  • Codsworth - 000179FF
  • Curie - 001647C6
  • Dogmeat - 0003D766 (WIP)
  • Deacon - 00045AC9
  • John Hancock - 00022613
  • Robert MacCready - 0002740E
  • Paladin Danse - 00027683
  • Piper - 00002F1F
  • Preston Garvey - 00018FD9
  • Strong - 00027682
  • Nick Valentine - 00002F24
  • X6-88 - 000BBEE6

How to Teleport Companions to you!?
Dont use Quotation marks for commands
  1. Type ~ to open Console
  2. Then type "prid ID"
  3. Replace ID in command with ID of companion. The list of ID's you can find below
  4. Press Enter
  5. Type in console "moveto player"
  6. Press Enter
Companion TP ID's
  • Cait - 00079305
  • Codsworth - 0001ca7d
  • Curie - 00102249
  • Dogmeat - 0001d162
  • Deacon - 00045ac9
  • John Hancock - 00022615
  • Robert MacCready - 0002a8a7
  • Paladin Danse - 0005de4d
  • Piper - 00002F1F
  • Preston Garvey - 0001a4d7
  • Strong - 0003f2bb
  • Nick Valentine - 00002f25
  • X6-88 - 0002e210a
How to make ANY NPC your companion!
Now here something everyone wants! A deathclaw as a companion? Why not! Now you can do it without any mod installation! Follow these steps and you have a new companion..

  1. Find any NPC of your choice

  2. Open the console

  3. Click on the NPC

  4. To make it more loyal to you, type "removefromallfactions"

  5. Type "setconsolescopequest followers"

  6. Type "Forcerefintoalias dogmeatcompanion"

  7. Type "Setrelationshiprank player 4"

  8. Type "Setplayerteammate 1"

Done, your companion is ready, but if you would like your companion to stop attacking settlers. Read next steps.

  1. Open Console

  2. Select your companion

  3. Type "Setav 2bc 1"

  4. Type "Setav 2bd 4"

  5. Type "Setav 2c1 2"

This is for people having trouble with their NPC running away once you get into action!
  1. But if you are having some trouble with some companions running away and getting afraid, you gotta alter their aggression and confidence.
  2. Once again open the console and click the NPC and type "setav confidence 1-4" and "setav aggression 1-3" TYPE 1 NUMBER 1, 2, 3, OR 4!!
How to delete ragdolls, NPC's, or an Object, etc...
Alright well someone requested on how to delete so here it is.

WARNING: Anything you delete cannot be added back unless you have the ID. You were warned so dont cry if you deleted something you didnt want to like a companion. But if you did delete a Companion look above to get them back.
  1. Open the console
  2. Click an object, NPC, or ragdoll.
  3. Type "disable" in console and the object/ragdoll or whatever has been removed.
    Putting object back
  1. To put an object or whatever you deleted. Just type in the same ID as the deleted object and type "Enable"
Here are the ugly looking bostards of the commonwealth!

Ghoul NPC ID's
  • Ghoul (Friendly) - 00028FD4
  • Feral Ghoul - 000758AD, 001D4756, 001D4757, 001D4758, 001D47B
  • Rotting Ghoul - 0007ED07 - LEGENDARY: 00165566 or 002499E1
  • Withered Feral Ghou l- 0007ED08 or 000D39EC - LEGENDARY: 00165564 or 002499DF
  • Feral Ghoul Reaver - 0007ED09 or 000D39EB - LEGENDARY: 00165563 or 002499DE
  • Feral Ghoul Roamer - 000D39EA, or 0011669D LEGENDARY: 00165561, or 002499DC
  • Gangrenous Feral Ghoul - 0011669E - LEGENDARY: 00165565, or 002499E0
  • Charred Feral Ghoul - 001166AD -LEGENDARY: 001BCE9E, 002499E2
  • Feral Ghoul Stalker - 00165790 - LEGENDARY: 00165562, 002499DD
  • Glowing Sea Feral Ghoul - 000A077E, 000A0EE8
  • Glowing One - 00020BCC, 000D39ED, FF006A06 - LEGENDARY: 0016556B, 002499E3
  • Bloated Glowing One - 000AE0EEE - LEGENDARY: 0016556D, 002499E5
  • Putrid Glowing One - 0011669F - LEGENDARY: 00165556C, 002499E4
Here are the robots that look exactly like humans... or erm- some of them do.

Basic Synth NPC ID's
  • Synth - 0003D029
  • Synth Leader - 00075342
  • Synth Strider - 0009318C - LEGENDARY: 001846DE
  • Escaping Synth - 000D84C6
  • Synth Scavenger - 000E8D63
  • Synth Patroller - 001A03F4 - LEGENDARY: 001846E0
  • Synth Seeker - 001A03F5 - LEGENDARY: 00184701
  • Synth Trooper - 001A03F6 - LEGENDARY: 0018472F
  • Synth Assaulter - 001A03F7 - LEGENDARY: 00184731
  • Synth Stormer - 001A03F8 - LEGENDARY: 001847E
  • Synth Eradicator - 001A03F9 - LEGENDARY: 001847F
  • Rebel Synth - FF000823
Assaultron NPC ID's
  • Assaultron - 00121D52, 00179C61, 00179C67 - LEGENDARY: 00249AEB
  • Assaultron Invader - 000D8418 - LEGENDARY: 00249AEC
  • Assaultron Dominator - 001C246B or 001CFB13 - LEGENDARY: 00249AED
  • Gunner Assaultron - 0022CDF7, 0022CDF8, 0022CDF9
This good ol' retords that thing they are the big bad guys... in which case they arent, they are some class A ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

Raider NPC ID's
  • Raider - 00020749, 0002E007, 0003183A, 000780bA
  • Raider Veteran - 00019567, 0007533E
  • Raider Scum - 000758AF, 000EB30F
  • Raider Waster - 000758B1, 000EB311
  • Raider Survivalist - 000758B2, FF005568
  • Berserk Raider - 001A734A
  • Raider Psycho - 001E7429, 001E742A, 001E742B
  • Legendary Raiders - 00184752, 00184753, 00184754, 00184755
Gunners and Children of Atom
I don't really have a description for the Gunners besides they got guns, but the Children of Atom are some weird fellows...

Gunners NPC ID's
  • Gunner - 0004AB6C, 000A0E38, 000A0E39, 000FD39B - LEGENDARY: 00184758, 0018475A
  • Gunner Private - 000FD3A0, FF000888, FF000889, FF00088A, FF0008B1, FF0008D6
  • Gunner Corporal - 000FD3A1
  • Gunner Sergeant - 000FD3A2, FF008B31
  • Gunner Lieutenant - 00070506
  • Gunner Captain - 00070507, 001C64A6, 001CC45C
  • Gunner Major - 00070508
  • Gunner Colonel - 00070509
  • Gunner Brigadier - 0007050A
  • Gunner Merc - 0003D646, 0004B36C, 0004B36D, 0012758F
  • Gunner Commander - 0004CE40, 000AC520, 001ABE5F, 001AE743, 001CC45B
  • Gunner Conscript - 000CE985, 000F480D, 000FFF69, 00193B44, FF0008D5
Gunner Robots NPC ID's
  • Gunner Mr. Gutsy - 0021DDBB
  • Gunner Lt. Gutsy - 0021DDBD
  • Gunner Maj. Gutsy - 0021DDBE
  • Gunner Col. Gutsy - 0021DDBF
  • Gunner Sentry Bot - 0022CDF3
  • Gunner Siege Breaker Sentry - 0022CDF4
  • Gunner Annihilator Sentry - 002CDF5
  • Gunner Annihilator MK II - 0022CDF6
  • Gunner Assaultron - 0022CDF7
  • Gunner Assaultron Invader - 0022CDF8
  • Gunner Assaultron Dominator - 0022CDF9
Children of Atom NPC ID's
  • Child of Atom - 0002FB83, 0002FB85, 0002FB86, 000859DD, 000A0E36, 001BBCBB
  • Child of Atom Cultist - 001BBCBE
  • Child of Atom Preacher - 001BBCBF
  • Child of Atom Zealot - 001BBCC0
  • Child of Atom Reborn - 00213F53
  • Atoms Wraith - 0014404A, FF00085C
  • Atomic Dreamz - 000EFBB5, FF000A05
Brotherhood of Steel (BoS)
These guys are hardcore and take bullets for the all good people in the commonwealth, but their main goal is to keep everyone safe and collect Technology.

  • BoS Aspirant - 000769FA, FF004A12 - LEGENDARY: 00249ADA
  • BoS Knight - 00769FB, 00107AC3, 00175093, 0019632B - LEGENDARY: 00249ADB, 00249AE3
  • B. Knight-Sergeant - 000769FC, 0015DFF4, 0015E001 - LEGENDARY: 00249ADC, 00249AE4
  • B. Knight-Captain - 000769FD, 00175092, 001946B0 - LEGENDARY: 00249ADD, 00249AE5
  • B. Knight-Commander - 001F6B05 - LEGENDARY: 00249ADE, 00249AE6
  • B. Paladin - 001F6B06 - LEGENDARY: 00249ADF, 00249AE7
  • B. Paladin Commander - 0011F6B06 - LEGENDARY: 00249AE0, 00249AE8
  • Brotherhood initiate - 000769FE, 0019632A
  • Brotherhood Squire - 000C868A
  • B. Soldier Initiate - 0017D6B0, 0017D6B1, 0017D6B2, 0017D6B3
  • B. Scribe Initiate - 000769FF
  • B. Sr. Scribe - 00076A01, 0015DFFF, 0019DE87
  • B. Lancer-Initiate - 0012BC94, FF002834
  • Brotherhood Lancer - 0012BC93
  • B. Lancer-Sergeant- 0012BC95
  • B. Lancer-Knight - 0012BC94, 0015DFFA, 001812F4
  • B. Lancer-Captain- 0012BC96, FF002C62
  • Brotherhood Mess Officer- 001526A6
  • Brotherhood Mr. Gutsy- 001552C4

Vertibird NPC ID's
  • Vertibird - 005BCA5, 005BCA6, 005BCA7, 000FF991
These were requested.. anyways these guys are your men, you are the General!

Minutemen NPC ID's
  • Minuteman - 0001D323, 000A0E34, 000A0E35, 000AA78E
These weird creatures look like mutated crab...!

Mirelurk NPC ID's
  • Mirelurk- 00024002, 000361C1, 001243FF, FF0009D9 - LEGENDARY: 00017E6D3, 002499EC
  • Glowing Mirelurk- 00142383 - LEGENDARY: 0017E6D2, 002499EF
  • Mirelurk Hunter - 00064C5E, FF0009AE - LEGENDARY: 0017E6D7, 002499F1
  • Glowing Mirelurk Hunter - 00142381 - LEGENDARY: 0017E6D6, 002499F2
  • Albino Mirelurk Hunter - 00142384 - LEGENDARY: 0017E6D8, 002499F3
  • Mirelurk Razorclaw - 0014237F, FF000A2F - LEGENDARY: 0017E6D0, 002499ED
  • Mirelurk Killclaw - 00142380 - LEGENDARY: 0017E6D1, 002499EE
  • Mirelurk Hatchling - 0016962D, 0018AFB1, 001B829C
  • Mirelurk Spawn - 00176DCA, 001B829B
  • Softshell Mirelurk - 0019E967, FF00080D, FF00080E
  • Mirelurk Queen - 000E12AB, FF0009AD, FF000AAE, FF0041D7
  • Mirelurk King - 000B7F95, 000D8E1A, FF0009DC - LEGENDARY: 0017E6DC, 002499F4
  • Glowing Mirelurk King - 00142385 - LEGENDARY: 0017E6DE
  • Mirelurk Deepking - 00142382 - LEGENDARY: 0017E6DD, 002499F5
Holy mother of God these things are huge Scorpions!

RadScorpions NPC ID's
  • Radscorpion - FF000A0C, FF0009A9, 000636AA - LEGENDARY: 0017E6FE, 0002499FF
  • Glowing Radscorpion - 00020B86 - LEGENDARY: 00017E701, 00249A01
  • Radscorpion Hunter - 00020B85 - LEGENDARY: 0017E6FF, 000249A00
  • Albino Radscorpion - 00115AE5 - LEGENDARY: 0017E700, 000249A02
  • Radscorpion Stalker - 00115EA6 - LEGENDARY: 0017E702, 00249A03
  • Radscorpion Predator - 00115EA7 - LEGENDARY: 0017E703, 00249A04
  • Deathskull Radscorpion - 00115EA8 - LEGENDARY: 0017E704, 00249A05
Wildlife (Radstags, Brahmin, etc..)
This is all the Wildlife animals and etc..

Radstag NPC ID's
  • Radstag - 0008CA3C, FF0009D0, FF0B814 - LEGENDARY: 00184527
  • Radstag Doe - 00115A8B, FF0009C8, FF0009CA, FF000A5D
  • Radstag Yearling - 00115A8C
  • Albino Radstag - 0015A8D, FF0009CE, FF000AD0 - LEGENDARY: 0018457E
  • Radbid Radstag - 00115A8E, FF0009D1, FF0009D5 - LEGENDARY: 00184580, FF008D5C
  • Glowing Radstag - 00115A8F - LEGENDARY: 00184582
  • Brahmin - 00020480, 000995A6, 0009DCBC
  • Pack Brahmin - 00114A66, 0014055E
  • Wild Mongrel - 0001D15A - LEGENDARY:
  • Visious Mongrel - 001324D8 - LEGENDARY: 00184520
  • Feral Mongrel - 001324D9 - LEGENDARY: 00184521
  • Albino Mongrel - 001324DA - LEGENDARY: 00184522
  • Rabid Mongrel - 001324DB - LEGENDARY: 00184523
  • Glowing Mongrel - 001324DC - LEGENDARY: 00184524
  • Alpha Visious Mongrel - 00136251
  • Alpha Feral Mongrel - 001832FB
  • Alpha Albino Mongrel - 001832FC
  • Alpha Rabid Mongrel - 001832FD
  • Alpha Glowing Mongrel - 001832FE
  • Alpha Wild Mongrel -001832FF
Molerats NPC ID's
  • WIP
Yoa Guai
  • WIP
  • Bloodbug Hatchling - 00028669
  • Bloodbug - 001423B4 - LEGENDARY: 0017E71F, 002499CD
  • Red Widow Bloodbug - 001423B5 - LEGENDARY: 0017E720, 002499CE
  • Infected Bloodbug - 001423B6, FF009586 - LEGENDARY: 0017E721, 002499CF
  • Glowing Bloodbug - 001423B7 - LEGENDARY: 0017E722, 002499D0
  • Vampiric Bloodbug - 001423B8 - LEGENDARY: 0017E723, 002499D1
  • Bloatfly- 00029469, FF005141, FF00C504
  • Black Bloatfly - 001423B0, 00247981, FF0087B6 - LEGENDARY: 0017E6BC, 002499C9
  • Festering Bloatfly - 001423B1 - LEGENDARY: 0017E6CC, 002499CA
  • Glowing Bloatfly - 001423B2 - LEGENDARY: 0017E6CD, 002499CB
  • Stingwing - 0005FBB3 - LEGENDARY: 001844A5
  • Stingwing Darter - 001423BB - LEGENDARY: 001844C4
  • Stingwing Skimmer - 001423BC - LEGENDARY: 001844C5
  • Stingwing Chaser - 001423BE - LEGENDARY: 0018451A
  • Glowing Stingwing - 001423BD
  • Radroach - 000475DF, 001BBEA9, FF000E44 - LEGENDARY: 0016CA41, 002499C4
  • Glowing Radroach - 001BBEAA, FF0050BF, FF00576E
These are the people that are a bunch of dweebs that hang around and get in your way.. but they are useful time to time..

Settlers NPC ID's
  • Settler - 00020593, 0002DFFF, 0003D62A, 00051E54, 00051E5C
Here is the basic materials for crafting and such. In order to spawn them you must type "player.additem ID amount"

  • Steel 000731A4
  • Wood 000731A3
  • Rubber 00106D98
  • Concrete 00106D99
  • Plastic 0006907F
  • Aluminum 0006907A
  • Circuitry 0006907B
  • Copper 0006907C
  • Crystal 0006907D
  • Fiber Optics 00069087
  • Gears 0006907E
  • Glass 00069085
  • Lead 000AEC63
  • Screw 00069081
  • Spring 00069082
  • Acid 001BF72D
  • Adhesive 001BF72E
  • Ballistic Fiber 000AEC5B
  • Antiseptic 001BF72F
  • Asbestos 000AEC5C
  • Bone 000AEC5D
  • Ceramic 000AEC5E
  • Cloth 000AEC5F
  • Cork 000AEC60
  • Fertilizer 001BF730
  • Fiberglass 000AEC61
  • Gold 000AEC62
  • Nuclear Material 00069086
  • Oil 001BF732
  • Silver 000AEC66
  • Leather 000AEC64
Changelog [Current 1.81 build]
Version 1.81
  • Fixed Pipers ID
Version 1.8
  • Hopefully fixed the Any NPC Companion section. Please give me feedback about if it works or not. Thank you.
Version 1.7
  • Tweaked the guide a little bit, rearranged some sections
  • Finished "how to remove an NPC" section
Version 1.5
  • Fixed Piper prid/moveto ID
Version 1.4
  • Added a new section "How to remove any object, NPC, or ragdoll, etc..
Version 1.3
  • Added a new section "How to make ANY NPC your Companion!" and the title tells it all.
Version 1.2
  • Added the Stingwings to Wildlife Section
  • Finished Radroaches
Version 1.0
  • Added new section Changelog starting at Version 1.0 (duhh)
  • Added new section for Companions
  • Added how to teleport existing companions to player
  • Fixed name for Mongrels, accidently spelt Monrels, Thanks to Ranga
    for pointing that out
rogue42o May 16 @ 11:04pm 
Bobbi no nose
Eltar Apr 26 @ 12:15pm 
what about sentienel ai power armor?
Jujuslayerz82 Jan 22 @ 3:59pm 
what about alien(s)
FigNuts Dec 30, 2023 @ 3:37am 
I want to know the rogue since i dont have the DLC
NG6Heavy Weapons Mann Dec 29, 2023 @ 1:28am 
what ID is for Paladin danse? Say I choose to kill danse but after finishing the game i want danse to be my companion?
Chaos Oct 26, 2023 @ 2:59pm 
is there console ids for the bosses and mini bosses? If so what are they?
RJX3029 Oct 10, 2023 @ 6:34am 
Does anyone have the console id for that cat lady by Walden Pond? She just disappeared and wanted to try and resurrect her, or get to the hidden room some trader npc's get teleported to but can't find the id for any of them.
Endericon Feb 19, 2023 @ 9:05am 
Add kellogg and Edger swan
Glimmer Jan 15, 2023 @ 2:11pm 
Sadly, a lot of these no longer work are incorrect, such as BoS Paladin-Commander, etc
alexherrero357 Dec 29, 2022 @ 11:45am 
Thank you, its was helpful