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Wuss Mode
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23 nov. 2015 à 1h08
7 mars 2020 à 11h37
3 notes de changement ( voir )

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Wuss Mode

This mod is now redundant, as SOMA's official Safe Mode is a massive improvement over this mod's content. I highly recommend you use Safe Mode instead, but the mod does now work for those who didn't start in Safe Mode and wish to still play in a non-hostile space.

This addon renders nearly all enemies in the main story non-hostile during regular gameplay. Surprisingly, it completely changes the atmosphere of the game, often for the better, since the servants of the WAU quietly patrolling the abandoned halls of Pathos-2 have a chilling poignance to them. Puppets slowly stalk you through hallways instead of madly dashing for you, as if they are confused by your presence and don't know what to do with an intruder that shares their flesh and blood. Constructs beg you for structure gel, and angrily chastise you for not sharing, but they cannot take it from you, and as you walk by them, a cold chill overtakes you as you realize they will slowly starve in the inky black depths. Playing it is an incredibly surreal experience, and while I personally prefer the vanilla gameplay, I think for those with weaker countenances, this is certainly a worthwhile way to play. Perfect for wusses who can't take the scares but still want to experience the amazing story and atmosphere of SOMA!

Chase scenes will still happen, as they are necessary to advance the plot, and creatures of the abyss will still bite, but their damage has been reduced to zero.

For those with a game in progress, to prevent having to start over, first run Soma once with the mod, then copy the files in ...\My Documents\My Games\Soma\Main\YourSteamID_randomnumbers

and paste them in ...\My Documents\My Games\Soma\MainWithAddons\randomnumbers\YourSteamID_randomnumbers

After that, load up a game with the mod activated and you should be good to go!
Discussions populaires Tout voir (9)
29 févr. 2020 à 14h38
fatal error loading script file maps/omicron 03_02_omicron_inside_hps
14 avr. 2017 à 11h01
how disable/enable wuss?
Petr [RU]
2 aout 2017 à 11h18
Chase Scenes?
407 commentaires
__M1ki 29 mars à 14h19 
Maybe im doing something wrong but, im testing a lot of mods today with debug and this mod made all monters non hostile but. This mod and Safe = Normal?, Safe says they cant kill me and 2 monsters killed me. Idk maybe im dumb
crackerjap 4 oct. 2023 à 15h01 
its not worth it guys! It's a scary game for sure but it's not that bad trust me!!!
cd0m 18 aout 2023 à 23h29 
I didn't even find this shit scary I just found it annoying like "you want to take in an enviroment too bad now you have to run around from le big scary monster that has fish ai"
Bongo :3 4 avr. 2023 à 4h10 
música fluye (Bitte Records) 7 mars 2022 à 13h45 
no its not the default mode still has way too many bugs
use this with it to kill those bugs ... like for example monsters still attack you and still chase you :steamfacepalm:
with this mode those bugs are gone :steamhappy:
lucas the gamer 19 mars 2021 à 11h31 
i say get it so you can have that cute kitty image :)
Raider Badlands 22 janv. 2021 à 14h23 
Only got the mod to beat Curie. Still die in the maze. Sucks. Really wanted to see how the game ends but it isn't worth the frustration.
fnix 4 juil. 2020 à 13h45 
Does it work in other mods that have creatures?
pomni al gaib 23 janv. 2020 à 14h27 
its for people that cant handle the traditional horror but still want to experience the stellar plot you fucking mong
Seamus 23 déc. 2019 à 12h39 
What's even the fucking point