Fallout 4

Fallout 4

3,091 ratings
Console Commands / Item IDs / DLC Item IDs / AND MORE!!
By Yumaglo and 1 collaborators
This guide will show you a list of useful console commands, item IDs and perk IDs which are used in Fallout 4. I plan to add in any items / perks / mods etc.... that can be added via Fallout 4's in-game console.

These will NOT disable your steam achievements, but you should use these with caution. I am not responsible if you break your game.
Fallout 4 Base Game Item IDs:
Below you will find;
  • Console Commands (and other useful commands),
  • Item IDs for the vanilla items,
  • Other game IDs such as 'Weather IDs'.
Console Commands:
caqs – This completes main story, completing the game for you. Please use with caution.
coc qasmoke – This teleports you to a room which contains boxes that has every single item in the game. (Though you can also use 'coc' to teleport around other parts of the map, for example, "coc RedRocketExt" (without the quotes) this will teleport you to Red Rocket Gas Station next to Sanctuary Hills.
help [itemName] [int from 0 to 4] – Searches for item IDs, perk names, and even other commands. Use PageUp and PageDown keys to scroll through the console. Here a some examples for how the help command can be used:
Example #1: help leather 0 – This will list everything - item IDs, perk names, and commands - with "Leather" in the name.
Example #2: help "leather armor" 0 – If your search term contains a space, surround it in quotation marks.
Example #3: help "legendary raider" 4 – then use player.placeatme ID you find on the help console to summon it. Example: player.placeatme 00184752 10. will summon 10 legendary raiders.
kill – Kill a selected target.
kill [insert ID] – Kill an enemy with the ID inputted.
killall – Kill all NPCs in immediate area, does not kill companions and story NPCs.
player.additem [item code] [Amount] – Add an item to your inventory and the number of how many items you want.
player.setav [variable] [amount] - Sets actor values to a given amount (S.P.E.C.I.A.L., skills, resistances, actionpoints, health, etc). Using setav will affect the perk chart and unlock new perks for the player to select from.
player.placeatme [object code] – Spawn an item or NPC nearby. (Click HERE[www.nexusmods.com] if you want to learn how to make a settlement anywhere)
player.setav speedmult [insert number here] – Increase your movement speed. Default is 100.
player.setlevel [insert number here] – Increase your level to the number input.
player.modav experience [insert number here] - This will level you up "naturally". This was important to do in Skyrim as directly setting your level to 50 or whatever broke some quests that were triggered on level up, and Fallout 4 is built on the same engine so this could cause the same issue.
resurrect [insert ID] – Resurrect enemy with the ID inputted.
set timescale to [insert number here] – Speeds up or slows down the world environment; the default setting is 30. For example, setting the timescale to 1 would cause one second to pass in game time for every second in real time.
setgs fJumpHeightMin [insert number here] – The higher the number the higher you jump. Default is 90.
setscale [number from 1 to 10] – Increase the size of your target
sexchange – I wonder what this does....
tai – Toggles NPC AI on / off.
tcai – Toggle NPC combat AI on / off.
tcl – No Clipping mode on / off.
tdetect – Hidden from AI Detection.
tfc – Enable free-roam camera.
tgm – God Mode; infinite health, infinite ammo.
tim – Toggle Immortal Mode. it is essentially a lighter version of god mode, it allows you to play normally without infinite ammo or being impervious to damage, but you can't die (WARNING: Can be VERY glitchy).
tm – Toggles menus and UI on / off (Good for screenshots!).
tmm 1 – Show all map markers.
tmm 1,0,1 – Adds all map markers as undiscovered without fast travel.
unlock – Unlock the selected door or terminal.
getav CA_affinity – Get Companion Affinity Level (To see the affinity level of a companion you need to open up the console and type "getav CA_affinity" then click on a companion of your choice then press enter, it will you show you a number between 0 - 1000+)
setav CA_affinity – Sets Companion Affinity Level to an absolute (permanent) value.
modav CA_affinity – Modifies Companion Affinity Level by a relative (varying) value.
sgtm [value] - Sets the game speed in real time. Audio will adjust accordingly. 0.5 is 50% speed and 2.0 is 200% speed. This is NOT the same thing as timescale. (This is basically a slowmo and fastmo command (Default is 1.0 or 1))
csb - Clears blood off the screen, useful for screenshots while in combat.
sisme - If set to 0 disables the annoying filter spam that explosions tend to cause. It disables all imagespace modifiers from even rendering at all. Useful if you plan on spawning a bunch of Super Mutant Suiciders and triggering them at once. (Default is 1)
slm - You can sculpt any npc's face (same as the character creation process at the beginning) by typing 'slm' (or showlooksmenu) followed by their specific ID, which you can see by clicking on them. (WARNING: Use it only on human npcs! That is if you don't want your game to crash).
resetAi – Resets AI. (Type resetAi, click on the NPC you want to reset, press enter).
player.setav 2dd 100 - gives you 100% crit chance (Default is 0)
player.setav 312 [value] - increases fire rate of AUTOMATIC WEAPONS ONLY (Default is 0, recommend setting it to at least 100 for an obvious change in firing speed)

Basic Quest Commands:
setstage [QuestID] [Quest stage number] – Moves the quest in your quest log to the indicated quest stage. It is recommended to use this for moving past bugged sections of quests rather than forcing the entire quest to become completed.
sqt – Generates a list of current quest targets. Can also be used to find Quest IDs.
completequest [QuestID] – Completes the given quest.
movetoqt [QuestID] – Moves the player to the target (if available) of the current quest.
showquestobjectives – Shows all current quest objectives (even completed ones).
sqo [QuestID] – Shows all objectives for the given quest.
completeallobjectives [QuestID]– Completes all current objectives for the given quest.
resetquest [QuestID] – Resets the given quest.

These are some of the basic console commands, but if you are looking for more complex commands click HERE.[fallout.wikia.com] Credit to Fallout Wiki for supplying the majority of the console commands, item IDs and perk IDs etc....
Weather IDs:
To change the weather you will need to type "fw ID", for example, "fw 0002b52a" will change the weather to CommonwealthClear.

The following are confirmed to work:
Editor ID
Form ID
NPC ID List - Compiled by Vadnais
This NPC list which contains the ID for (almost) every NPC in the game was made by Vadnais!

Click HERE to view his guide which contains ALL of the NPC IDs!
How to add SPECIAL Perks:
To add a perk you will need to type "player.addperk [PerkID]" (Without the quotation marks).
player.addperk 0001dafe - Adds a specified perk, for this example, it will be the first rank of Iron Fist.

To remove a perk you will need to type "player.removeperk [PerkID]" (Without the quotation marks).
player.removeperk 0001dafe - Removes a specified perk, for this example, it will be the first rank of Iron Fist as well.

This command will NOT unlock all of the subsequent ranks in a perk. In other words, using this command once to gain Rank 4 (Master) of the Locksmith perk will ONLY allow you to pick Master locks, but you will still be unable to pick Expert locks. You must also add subsequent ranks in each perk manually.
SPECIAL Perks - Link:
Since there is A LOT of perks in this game, making separate sections for all of them would take a long time to do and would be inefficient. I have provided you with a link which contains all of the perks, ranging from the SPECIAL ones to Temporary perks, such as Well Rested which gives you +10% Experience Points for 12 hours.

Fallout 4 Wiki - Perks[fallout.wikia.com]
Magazine Perks:
To add these to your inventory is just like adding a weapon or armour; just type "player.additem ID", for example, player.additem 0016969A will add Astoundingly Awesome Tales Issue #1 to your inventory.

Each issue helps in combat. Many of them directly increase damage. Some assist with health or in other ways.
Astoundingly Awesome Tales – 0016969A
Astoundingly Awesome Tales – 0016969B
Astoundingly Awesome Tales – 0016969C
Astoundingly Awesome Tales – 0016969D
Astoundingly Awesome Tales – 0016969E
Astoundingly Awesome Tales – 0016969F
Astoundingly Awesome Tales – 001696A0
Astoundingly Awesome Tales – 001696A1
Astoundingly Awesome Tales – 001696A2
Astoundingly Awesome Tales – 001696A3
Astoundingly Awesome Tales – 001696A4
Astoundingly Awesome Tales – 001696A5
Astoundingly Awesome Tales – 001696A6
Astoundingly Awesome Tales – 001696A7

The magazines consist of a 10-issue run that each give you an additional rank of the Barbarian perk, which raises the critical damage of melee attacks.
Grognak the Barbarian – 0008E741
Grognak the Barbarian – 0008E742
Grognak the Barbarian – 0008E743
Grognak the Barbarian – 0008E744
Grognak the Barbarian – 0008E745
Grognak the Barbarian – 0008E746
Grognak the Barbarian – 0008E747
Grognak the Barbarian – 0008E748
Grognak the Barbarian – 0008E749
Grognak the Barbarian – 0008E74A

Grants the Guns and Bullets perk for each issue read, there are 10 issues in total. The perk makes ballistic weapons do +5% critical damage, stacking for each issue read
Guns and Bullets – 00092A83
Guns and Bullets – 00092A87
Guns and Bullets – 00092A88
Guns and Bullets – 00092A89
Guns and Bullets – 00092A8A
Guns and Bullets – 00092A8B
Guns and Bullets – 00092A8C
Guns and Bullets – 00092A8D
Guns and Bullets – 00092A8E
Guns and Bullets – 00092A8F

Grants the Live & Love perk for each issue read, there are 9 issues in total.
Live & Love – 00184DA7
Live & Love – 00184DB9
Live & Love – 00184DC6
Live & Love – 00185CC2
Live & Love – 00185CCD
Live & Love – 001C2E24
Live & Love – 001C2E26
Live & Love – 001C2E28

Grants the Massachusetts Surgery (Finding Your Funny Bone) perk for each issue read, there are 10 issues in total. The Massachusetts Surgery perk makes any weapon inflict +2% limb damage, stacking for each issue read.
Massachusetts Surgical Journal – 001A7C24
Massachusetts Surgical Journal – 0008E74B
Massachusetts Surgical Journal – 0008E74C
Massachusetts Surgical Journal – 0008E74D
Massachusetts Surgical Journal – 0008E74E
Massachusetts Surgical Journal – 0008E74F
Massachusetts Surgical Journal – 0008E750
Massachusetts Surgical Journal – 0008E751

Gives you a level of the Junktown Vendor perk which lets you get better prices when buying from vendors. This perk can stack up to eight times.
Tales of a Junktown Jerky Vendor – 00092A63
Tales of a Junktown Jerky Vendor – 00092A64
Tales of a Junktown Jerky Vendor – 00092A65
Tales of a Junktown Jerky Vendor – 00092A66
Tales of a Junktown Jerky Vendor – 00092A67
Tales of a Junktown Jerky Vendor – 00092A68
Tales of a Junktown Jerky Vendor – 00092A69
Tales of a Junktown Jerky Vendor – 00092A6A

Gives the player character a level of the Tesla Science perk which makes energy weapons inflict +5% critical damage. This perk can stack up to nine times.
Tesla Science – 00092A78
Tesla Science – 00092A79
Tesla Science – 00092A7A
Tesla Science – 00092A7B
Tesla Science – 00092A7C
Tesla Science – 00092A7D
Tesla Science – 00092A7E
Tesla Science – 00092A7F
Tesla Science – 00092A80

Gives you a level of the Tumblers Today perk which gives a bonus to lockpicking, translating to a wider "sweet spot" when picking locks. This perk can be stacked up to five times.
Tumblers Today – 00092A6D
Tumblers Today – 00092A6F
Tumblers Today – 00092A70
Tumblers Today – 00092A71
Tumblers Today – 00092A72

Gives you a level of the Covert Operations perk which makes you more difficult to detect while sneaking.
U.S. Covert Operations Manual – 0008E737
U.S. Covert Operations Manual – 0008E738
U.S. Covert Operations Manual – 0008E739
U.S. Covert Operations Manual – 0008E73A
U.S. Covert Operations Manual – 0008E73B
U.S. Covert Operations Manual – 0008E73C
U.S. Covert Operations Manual – 0008E73D
U.S. Covert Operations Manual – 0008E73E
U.S. Covert Operations Manual – 0008E73F
U.S. Covert Operations Manual – 0008E740

Gives you a level of the Unstoppable perk which gives a +1% chance of avoiding all damage from an attack. This perk can be stacked up to five times.
Unstoppables – 00135F03
Unstoppables – 00135F04
Unstoppables – 00135F05
Unstoppables – 00135F06
Unstoppables – 00135F07

Unlike most other magazines found in the Commonwealth, The Wasteland Survival Guide is a Post-War edition, written and illustrated with crude pen drawings.
Wasteland Survival Guide – 0008E75E
Wasteland Survival Guide – 00135F0A
Wasteland Survival Guide – 00135F0D
Wasteland Survival Guide – 00135F0E
Wasteland Survival Guide – 00185CBA
Wasteland Survival Guide – 00185CBD
Wasteland Survival Guide – 00185CC4
Wasteland Survival Guide – 00185CCA
Wasteland Survival Guide – 00185CD8
Miscellaneous Magazines:
To add these to your inventory is just like adding a weapon or armour; just type "player.additem ID", for example, player.additem 00180A36 will add Picket Fences Issue #1 to your inventory.

By reading the Hot Rodder, the Sole Survivor is able to unlock a new custom paint job for power armor. There are three Hot Rodder magazine paint jobs; All three grant a +1 Agility bonus when painted on a full set of power armor:
  • Flames - Red base with black flames
  • Hot Pink - Pink base with white scallops
  • Shark - Olive base with red edges, and eyes with a shark mouth on the torso
Hot Rodder - 00180a24
Hot Rodder - 00185cbf
Hot Rodder - 00185cd1

Reading an issue grants you additional hairstyles available at the barber.
La Coiffe - 0009473e
La Coiffe - 001c63ed

Reading an issue adds items that you can build at settlement workshops.
Picket Fences – 00180A36
Picket Fences – 00184D8B
Picket Fences – 00184DB7
Picket Fences – 00185CDD
Picket Fences – 00185CEE

Gives you a holotape with a game you can play.
RobCo Fun - 000e5082
RobCo Fun - 00184da1
RobCo Fun - 00184dc4
RobCo Fun - 001c1418
RobCo Fun - 00184db2

The magazine gives a free facial tattoo available at any facial reconstruction surgeon.
Taboo Tattoos - 00184d9b
Taboo Tattoos - 00185ce2
Taboo Tattoos - 00184da5
Taboo Tattoos - 00184dc0
Taboo Tattoos - 00180a2a

The Total Hack is an electronic-technical book, which teaches the reader more about operating terminals and controlling turrets and spotlights. Each book provides a holodisk which must be loaded into a terminal controlling protectrons, spotlights, or turrets. This will allow the player to use special options on the terminal.
Total Hack - 00094736
Total Hack - 00094734
Total Hack - 00094735

This book will allow you to give yourself an extra a skill point of any attribute of your choice.
  • "S is for Strength, and that means I am strong! I can carry lots of toys and swing stuff all day long!"
  • "P is for Perception, a long funny word! It means what I tasted, smell, saw and heard!"
  • "E is for Endurance, and that's how long I can play! I'm always really healthy, and have energy all day!"
  • "C is for Charisma, it's why people think I'm great! I make my friends all laugh and smile, and never want to hate!"
  • "I is for Intelligence, it means I'm really smart! I use my brain for lots of stuff, like science, math and art!"
  • "A is for Agility, that's how I get around! I move real fast and easy, and I never make a sound!"
  • "L is for Luck, and it's simple, you see! It means that good things always happen to me!"
You're SPECIAL! - 001a62d4
Weapon Codes:
(Underlined weapons are unique)

0.44 Pistol – 000CE97D
10mm Pistol – 00004822
2076 World Series Baseball Bat – 000E9A43
Alien Blaster – 000FF995
Anchor – 00144A6C
Artillery Smoke Grenade – 0012E2CA
Assault Rifle – 0000463F
Assaultron Laser – 000DD4B1
Baseball Bat – 0008E736
Baseball Grenade – 00107BD6
Behemoth Bolder – 000662A7
Behemoth Bolder – 0014BBDA
Bloodbug Blood Spray – 00031FB8
Board – 0005C250
Bomb – 0014245D
Bottlecap Mine – 0010771F
Boxing Glove – 0016498F
Broadsider – 000FD11B
Chinese Officer Sword – 00147BE4
Combat Knife – 000913CA
Combat Rifle – 000DF42E
Combat Shotgun – 0014831C
Cryo Mine – 0010C669
Cryogenic Grenade – 000FF21D
Cryolator – 00171B2B
Deathclaw Gauntlet – 000D8576
Deliverer – 000DC8E7
Double-Barrel Shotgun – 00062AA4
Double-Barrel Shotgun – 0005DF30
Double-Barrel Shotgun – 00092217
Institute EM Pulse Grenade – 0018325E
Pulse Grenade – 000FF21F
Fat Man – 000BD56F
Fire Hydrant Bat – 000DF621
Flamer – 000E5881
Flare Gun – 001025AC
Fragmentation Grenade – 000EEBED
Fragmentation Mine – 000E56C2
Fusion Core Ejector – 000865E9
Fusion Core Ejector – 000897FF
Gamma Gun – 000DDB7C
GasTrap Dummy – 000001F6
Gatling Laser – 000E27BC
Gatling Laser - 01010E32
Gatling Laser - 01010E33
Gauss Rifle – 000D1EB0
Grognak’s Axe – 00183FCD
HalluciGen Gas Grenade – 000E98E5
Handmade Gun – 0014831D
Homing Beacon – 00065DEC
Hunting Rifle – 0005BBA4
Hunting Rifle – 0004F46A
Institute – 0005A665
Institute – 001633CC
Institute Beacon – 00174F8F
Junk Jet – 000E942B
Knife – 00062AA3
Knuckles – 0005524B
Larva Spit – 0003175B
Laser – 0005BBA6
Laser – 0009983B
Laser Gun – 00148B48
Laser Musket – 0001DACF
Lead Pipe – 000FC9C3
Le Fusil Terribles – 00225771
LibertyPrime Laser – 00110414
Machete – 00033FE0
Minigun – 0001F669
Mini Nuke – 0010E689 (Melee Weapon)
Missile Launcher – 0003F6F8
Molotov Cocktail – 0010C3C6
Mortar – 00063B73
Mortar – 00063B72
Mortar – 0005DE31
Nuka Grenade – 000E5750
Nuke – 00065DF2
Nuke Mine – 0010A340
Pincher – 000EDCEB
Pincher – 000EDCEA
Pincher – 00092A60
Pipe – 00024F55
Pipe Bolt-Action – 0014831A
Pipe Revolver – 0005BBA7
Pipe Revolver – 0014831B
Pipe Wrench – 000D83BF
Plasma Grenade – 0010A33D
Plasma Pistol/Rifle/SG (Random Configuration) – 00100AE9
Plasma Mine – 0010A342
Baton – 0008C14D
Pool Cue – 000FA3E8
Power Fist – 0011B336
Preston’s Laser Musket – 00062AA6
Protectron Head Laser – 00144FAD
Protectron Head Laser – 00144FAA
Protectron Head Laser – 000E07C4
Pulse Mine – 0010A344
Railway Rifle – 000FE268
Revolutionary Sword – 00143AB5
Ripper – 000FA2F6
Rolling Pin – 00142FAB
Saw – 001AD8CA
Saw – 00148B42
Saw – 000EDCED
Saw – 000EDCEC
Saw – 00092A61
Sentry Bot Left Minigun – 000B0F56
Sentry Bot Right Minigun – 000CFB49
SentryBotLeftRocketLauncher – 000CFB4D
SentryBotRightRocketLauncher – 000B0F58
Shishkebab – 000FA2FB
Sledgehammer – 0005DF2E
Sledgehammer – 000E7AB9
Sonic Attack – 000FC3EC
Spit Attack – 0009F24D
Submachine Gun – 0015B043
Super Sledge – 000FF964
Switchblade – 000FDC81
Synth Relay Grenade – 000589F2
Syringer – 0014D09E
Tesla Rifle – 0100128F
Test Grenade launcher – 000CA0B0
Tire Iron – 00185D25
Vertibird Signal Grenade – 00056917
Walking Cane – 000FDC7D
Ammo Codes:
.308 Rounds – 0001F66B
.308 Rounds – 00245D53
.38 Rounds – 0004CE87
.44 Round – 0009221C
.45 Round – 0001F66A
.45 Rounds – 00245D6B
.50 Caliber Round- 0001f279
10mm Round – 0001F276
10mm Round – 00245D6A
2mm Electromagnetic Cartridge – 0018ABDF
5.56 Round – 0001F278
5mm Round – 0001F66C
Alien Blaster Round – 001025AA
Cannonball – 000FD11C
Cryo Cell – 0018ABE2
Flamer Fuel – 000CAC78
Fusion Cell – 000C1897
Fusion Core – 00075FE4
Gamma Round – 000DF279
Mini Nuke - 000E6B2E
Missile – 000CABA3
Plasma Cartridge – 0001DBB7
Railway Spike – 000FE269
Shotgun Shell – 0001F673
Shotgun Shell – 00245D68
Legendary Weapon Mods:
To apply these weapon mods you need to drop your weapon, walk up to your weapon and look at it, open the console; click on your weapon to get the ID of it, and type "attachmod ID" and if you want to remove the weapon mod you can type "removemod ID" to remove it. (Must be entered without quotation marks, also you cannot stack mods on a weapon, if you attach a mod then try to a attach another one it will replace the previous mod).

Assassin's - E6846 (Does 50% more damage against humans)
Automatic - A4739 (Automatic fire mode)
Berserker's - 1EF5D7 (Deal more damage the lower your Armor Resistance)
Bloodied - 1EC036 (Does more damage the lower your health is)
Crippling - 1E6D6B (50% more limb damage)
Enraging - 1F6AD4 (Critical hits cause target to frenzy)
Explosive - 1E73BD (Bullets explode on impact doing 15 points area-of-effect damage)
Exterminator's - 1F81EB (Does 50% more damage against Mirelurks and bugs)
Freezing - 1F5479 (Does 10 points cryo damage and will freeze targets on critical hits)
Furious - 1EF481 (Increased damage after each consecutive hit on the same target)
Ghoul Slayer's - 1E6847 (Does 50% more damage against ghouls)
Hunter's - 1E6845 (Does 50% more damage against animals)
Incendiary - 1E7173 (Sets target on fire for 15 points of damage)
Instigating - 1F04B8 (Does double damage if the target is at full health)
Irradiated - 1CC469 (Does 50 points additional radiation damage)
Junkie's - 1EB99A (Does increased amounts of damage the more withdrawal effects you are suffering)
Kneecapper - 1F1048 (20% chance to cripple the target's leg)
Lucky Weapon - 1CC2A6 (Critical shots do double damage and the critical meter fills 15% faster)
Medic's - 1F109C (Heals target instead of hurting them)
Mutant Slayer's - 1E6848 (Does 50% more damage against Super Mutants)
Never Ending - 1CC2AC (Unlimited ammo capacity)
Nimble - 1EBABD (Provides 75% faster movement while aiming)
Nocturnal - 1E8174 (Does increasing amounts of damage as the night grows longer and less damage during the day)
Penetrating - 1F4426 (Ignores 30% of the target's damage and energy resistance)
Plasma Infused - 1F9B4D (Adds 10 points of energy damage and can turn enemies into goo)
Poisoner's - 1F31B9 (Target is poisoned for 10 seconds)
Powerful - 1CC2AB (Provides 25% more damage)
Quickdraw - 1F1026 (Cost 25% fewer action points (AP))
Rapid - 1EC56D (25% faster fire rate, 15% fast reload)
Relentless - 1ED37E (Refills your action points (AP) on a critical hit)
Sentinel's - 1F5995 (Take 15% less damage while standing and not moving)
Staggering - 1E81AB (Chance to stagger on hit)
Stalker's - 1F04BD (If you are not yet in combat, increases V.A.T.S. accuracy but costs more action points (AP))
Troubleshooter's - 1F81EC (Does 50% more damage against robots)
Two shot - 1CC2AD (Fires an additional projectile)
VATS enhanced - 1CC2AA (Improved V.A.T.S. hit chance, 25% less Action Point cost)
Violent - 1F7B8A (Deals +25% damage and limb damage, but has more recoil)
Wounding - 1E7C20 (Targets bleed for 25 points of additional damage)

Armour and Clothing - Part 1 of 2:
Agatha’s Dress – 000F15CF
Airship Captain’s Hat – 0013AEF5
Army Fatigues – 00023431
Army Helmet – 00023432
Assault Gas Mask – 0007239E
Athletic Outfit – 000AF0E4
Atom Cats Jacket and Jeans – 0014BF53
Baseball Cap – 00144F04
Baseball Uniform – 00144F03
Bathrobe – 0014A349
Battered Fedora – 000E5086
Beaded Blazer – 0004D6AE
Black Institute Lab Coat – 001B350D
Black Vest and Slacks – 000FC100
Black-Rim Glasses – 00125891
Blue Bandana – 0017E917
Blue Batting Helmet – 000F6D8C
Blue Institute Division Head Coat – 001B34FA
Blue Institute Lab Coat – 001A5CFD
Bomber Jacket – 000E1AF6
BOS Hood – 000E1A39
BOS Officer Uniform – 00134294
BOS Uniform – 000DEDEB
Bowler Hat – 000FC104
Brotherhood Fatigues – 00169523
Brotherhood of Steel Uniform – 00148B86
Brown Flight Helmet – 000D4166
Cabot's Lab Coat - 001E8CAB
Cage Armor – 000B2D8E
Cait’s Bandolier – 001921D8
Captain Ironsides’ Hat – 000F6D85
Casual Outfit – 001410EC
Casual Outfit – 00174D2F
Chain Dog Collar – 0018B210
Checkered Shirt and Slacks – 0013D65E
Chef Hat – 000F6D88
Child of Atom Long Rags – 000E6F18
Child Uniform – 0016BFFE
Clean Black Suit – 001BDDF8
Clean Blue Suit – 001BDDF9
Clean Grey Suit – 001BDDFA
Clean Striped Suit – 001BDDFB
Clean Tan Suit – 00151E34
Cleanroom Suit – 00115AEC
Coast Guard Hat – 000F6D87
Colonial Duster – 0001F17B
Combat Armor Chest Piece – 0011D3C3
Combat Armor Helmet – 0011E2C8
Combat Armor Left Arm – 0011D3C7
Combat Armor Left Leg – 0011D3C5
Combat Armor Right Arm – 0011D3C6
Combat Armor Right Leg – 0011D3C4
Corset – 001921D6
Courser Uniform – 0012A332
Covenant Security Armor – 00156C0D
Covert Sweater Vest – 0009AC97
Crumpled Fedora – 000A28D8
Damaged Hazmat Suit – 0018B214
DB Tech Varsity Uniform – 001641F8
DC Guard Heavy Helmet – 000AF0F7
DC Guard Helm – 000AF0F6
DC Guard Left Arm Armor – 000AF0F1
DC Guard Left Forearm – 000AF0EB
DC Guard Left Shoulder – 000AF0EA
DC Guard Right Arm Armor – 000AF0F2
DC Guard Right Forearm – 000AF0EC
DC Guard Right Shoulder – 000AF0ED
DC Guard Umpire’s Pads – 000AF0EE
Dirty Army Fatigues – 0019CBB3
Dirty Army Helmet – 0019CBB1
Dirty Black Institute Lab Coat – 001B350C
Dirty Black Suit – 001BDE04
Dirty Blue Institute Division Head Coat – 001B3502
Dirty Blue Institute Lab Coat – 001ACD0C
Dirty Blue Suit – 001BDE05
Dirty Fedora – 001223CD
Dirty Green Institute Division Head Coat – 001B3504
Dirty Green Institute Lab Coat – 001ACD0A
Dirty Grey Suit – 001BDE06
Dirty Institute Division Head Coat – 001ACD06
Dirty Institute Jumper – 001AB214
Dirty Institute Lab Coat – 001ACD08
Dirty Orange Institute Division Head Coat – 001B3506
Dirty Postman Uniform – 00146177
Dirty Striped Suit – 001BDE07
Dirty Tan Suit – 00151E30
Dirty Trench Coat – 001223CB
Dirty Yellow Institute Division Head Coat – 001B3508
Dirty Yellow Institute Lab Coat – 001B350B
Dog Armor – 001C32C8
Dog Collar – 00034602
Drifter Outfit – 000B2D8D
Engineer’s Armor – 000DEDE7
Explorer Outfit – 000732AC
Eyeglasses – 001C4BE8
Faded Trench Coat – 000E2E2C
Faded Trench Coat – 0010C3CA
Faded Visor – 0012571C
Farmhand Clothes – 000E5084
Fashionable Glasses – 000FD9AA
Father’s Lab Coat – 0014FBD0
Fatigues – 001153D9
Feathered Dress – 001B5F1B
Field Scribe’s Armor – 000E370E
Field Scribe’s Hat – 000E3710
Flannel Shirt and Jeans – 00117EB9
Flannel Shirt and Jeans – 001346B7
Flight Helmet – 000E1AF8
Flowery Dress – 00156D02
Formal Hat – 000FC396
Gas Mask – 000787D8
Gas Mask with Goggles – 001184C1
Grandpa Savoldi’s Hat – 00122246
Gray Knit Cap – 000F6D84
Greaser Jacket and Jeans – 0014BF50
Green Hood – 000787EC
Green Institute Division Head Coat – 001B34FC
Green Institute Lab Coat – 001A5CFB
Green Rag Hat – 000B3F4D
Green Shirt and Combat Boots – 001942D6
Grognak Costume – 001828CC
Gunner’s Camo Bandana – 0017E922
Gunner’s Green Bandana – 0017E923
Hard Hat – 000F6D86
Harness – 0008158D
Hazmat Suit – 000CEAC4
Heavy Dog Armor – 001C32C7
Helmeted Cage Armor – 000B2D8F
Helmeted Spike Armor – 000DDB81
Hooded Cleanroom Suit – 00115AEB
Hooded Rags – 000B3F4E
Institute Division Head Coat – 001236AD
Institute Jumper – 0011E7B8
Institute Lab Coat – 0011E7B9
Jangles Bandana – 0017E91C
Kellogg’s Outfit – 001153DB
Kid’s Baseball Cap – 00167A74
Kid’s Dress – 001561D8
Kid’s Pajamas – 0015DBA6
Kid’s Shirt and Jeans – 00167A75
Lab Coat – 00178B68
Laundered Blue Dress – 0014D08F
Laundered Green Dress – 000EECF5
Laundered loungewear – 0004A51F
Laundered loungewear – 000E6288
Leather Chest Piece – 0007B9C6
Leather Coat – 000732B5
Leather Left Arm – 0007B9C7
Leather Left Leg – 0007B9C4
Leather Right Arm – 0007B9C3
Leather Right Leg – 0007B9C5
Leopard Print Bandana – 0017E91B
Letterman’s Jacket and Jeans – 001574C7
Liam’s Glasses – 001B5B26
Light Dog Armor – 001B5ACC
Long Johns – 00019568
Longshoreman Outfit – 001536F4
Lorenzo’s Crown – 001467F5
Lorenzo’s Suit – 00169BBA
MacCready’s Duster – 000D415A
Mascot Head – 0011E46D
Maxson's battlecoat – 001FE1A6
Mechanic Jumpsuit – 0005E76C
Mechanic Jumpsuit – 001C26B9
Medical Goggles – 000E4501
Metal Chest Piece – 000536C4
Metal Helmet – 000787D3
Metal Left Arm – 0004B933
Metal Left Leg – 000536C2
Metal Right Arm – 000536C1
Metal Right Leg – 000536C3
Military Cap – 0016892E
Military Fatigues – 0016892C
Militia Hat – 000E517D
Mining Helmet – 001240F1
Minuteman Hat – 000316D4
Minuteman Outfit – 000E517B
Minutemen General’s Hat – 001C2216
Minutemen General’s Uniform – 001C2214
Nat’s Dress – 001833C0
Newsboy Cap – 000A740E
Nucleostrictive Torso Armor – 001C0382
Orange Institute Division Head Coat – 001B34FD
Padded Blue Jacket – 000A740B
Pastor’s Vestments – 001467A4
Patched Suit – 000A28D7
Patched Three-Piece Suit – 000A36BE
Patrolman Sunglasses – 001738AA
Pompador Wig – 0004A521
Pompadour Wig – 00165602
Postman Uniform – 00146174
Press Cap – 000A81AF
Quinlan’s Armor – 00136335
Radstag Hide Outfit – 00034595
Raider Chest Piece – 0018E415
Raider Leathers – 0018E3F7
Raider Left Arm – 0018E411
Raider Left Leg – 0018E40F
Raider Power Armor Chest Piece – 00140C57
Raider Power Armor Helm – 00140C54
Raider Power Armor Left Arm – 00140C52
Raider Power Armor Left Leg – 00140C55
Raider Power Armor Right Arm – 00140C53
Raider Power Armor Right Leg – 00140C56
Raider Right Arm – 0018E413
Raider Right Leg – 0018E40D
Railroad Armored Coat – 0013BCD1
Railroad Armored Coat Mk I – 001BBCB5
Railroad Armored Coat Mk II – 001BBCB6
Railroad Armored Coat Mk III – 001BBCB7
Railroad Armored Coat Mk IV – 001BBCB8
Railroad Armored Coat Mk V – 001BBCB9
Ratty Skirt – 001B828C
Red Bandana – 0009C05B
Red Dress – 000FD9A8
Red Flight Helmet – 0004322C
Red Frock Coat – 00116806
Red Leather Trench Coat – 0009F252
Reginald’s Suit – 000F15D0
Rex’s Suit – 000F15D2
Road Goggles – 000A81B0
Road Leathers – 0004A53B
Road Leathers – 000AF0E2
Road Leathers – 000BB16F
Armour and Clothing - Part 2 of 2:
Sack Hood – 0018E417
Sack Hood with Hoses – 0018E419
Sack Hood with Straps – 0018E41B
Scavenger Outfit – 000732AE
Science Scribe’s Armor – 000E44FF
Sea Captain’s Hat – 000F6D89
Security Helmet – 00156C0B
Sequin Dress – 0011A27B
Silver Shroud Costume – 0002F525
Silver Shroud Costume – 000DED27
Silver Shroud Costume – 000DED28
Silver Shroud Costume – 000DED29
Silver Shroud Costume – 000E1A25
Silver Shroud Costume – 0014E58B
Silver Shroud Hat – 0014E58E
Skull Bandana – 0017E91D
Spike Armor – 000DDB80
Squire’s Uniform – 0003FB9F
Stars and Stripes Bandana – 0017E925
Street Urchin Rags – 00167A76
Striped Bandana – 0017E924
Submariner Hat – 00118865
Submariner Uniform – 00118864
Summer Shorts – 0014941A
Sunglasses – 0004A520
Sunglasses – 000E628A
Surgical Mask – 000787DA
Surveyor Outfit – 000B3F4C
Suspenders and Slacks – 000FC102
Sweater Vest and Slacks – 000DFFC5
Synth Chest Piece – 000187974
Synth Field Helmet – 0018796A
Synth Helmet – 000187976
Synth Left Arm – 0018796C
Synth Left Leg – 000187972
Synth Right Arm – 0018796E
Synth Right Leg – 000187970
Synth Uniform – 0012B91D
Synth Uniform – 0018AC6E
T-45 Chest Piece – 00154AC2
T-45 Helm – 00154ABF
T-45 Left Arm – 00154ABD
T-45 Left Leg – 00154AC0
T-45 Right Arm – 00154ABE
T-45 Right Leg – 00154AC1
T-51 Chest Piece – 00140C51
T-51 Helm – 00140C4E
T-51 Left Arm – 00140C4C
T-51 Left Leg – 00140C4F
T-51 Right Arm – 00140C4D
T-51 Right Leg – 00140C50
T-60 Chest Piece – 00140C42
T-60 Helm – 00140C4A
T-60 Left Arm – 00140C3D
T-60 Left Leg – 00140C49
T-60 Right Arm – 00140C45
T-60 Right Leg – 00140C3F
Tattered Field Jacket – 000732B1
Tattered Rags – 0011609B
Teagan’s Armor – 00136166
Tinker Headgear – 001832F5
Traveling Leather Coat – 000732B9
Tricorn Hat – 00116808
Triggerman Bowler – 001BA8DA
Trilby Hat – 000A36C0
T-Shirt and Slacks – 0014B019
Tuxedo – 000FC395
Undershirt & Jeans – 000FFC21
Ushanka Hat – 000F6D83
Utility Coveralls – 00039A66
Vault 101 Jumpsuit – 000976B3
Vault 111 Jumpsuit – 0001EED7
Vault 111 Jumpsuit – 00050781
Vault 111 Jumpsuit – New – 000976B7
Vault 114 Jumpsuit – 000976B5
Vault 81 Jumpsuit – 001103A4
Vault 81 Security Armor – 00154F10
Vault-Tec Lab Coat – 00068CF3
Vault-Tec Security Armor – 000821B4
Vault-Tec Security Helmet – 000821B6
Wedding Ring – 0007C70C
Wedding Ring – 0008925C
Welding Goggles – 000787D9
Welding Helmet – 000DEDE9
Winter Jacket and Jeans – 00117EB7
Worn Fedora – 000E2E2E
Worn Fedora – 0010C3CC
Wraparound Goggles – 000536C5
Wrapped Cap – 000787DB
X-01 Helm – 00154AC5
X-01 Left Arm – 00154AC3
X-01 Left Leg – 00154AC6
X-01 Right Arm – 00154AC4
X-01 Right Leg – 00154AC7
X-01 Torso – 00154AC8
Yellow Fedora – 000DF457
Yellow Flight Helmet – 00042565
Yellow Institute Division Head Coat – 001B34FE
Yellow Institute Lab Coat – 001B350A
Yellow Trench Coat – 000DF455
Zeke’s Jacket and Jeans – 0014A0DC
Legendary Armour Mods:
To apply these armour mods you need to drop your armour, walk up to your armour and look at it, open the console; click on your armour to get the ID of it, and type "attachmod ID" and if you want to remove the armour mod you can type "removemod ID" to remove it. (Must be entered without quotation marks, also you can't stack several mods on a single item, but you can stack over multiple pieces of armour).

Acrobat's - 1F1DF9 (Reduces falling damage by 50%)
Almost Unbreakable - 1F1E0C (Quadruples durability (Power Armor only))
Assassin's - 1F1DF3 (Reduces damage from humans by 15%)
Bolstering - 1F8165 (Grants increasing energy and damage resistance the lower your Health (up to +35))
Cavalier's - 1F579D (Reduces damage while blocking or sprinting by 15%)
Chameleon - 1F4D18 (Enemies have a harder time detecting you while you're sneaking and not moving)
Cunning - 1CF57C (+1 Agility and +1 Perception)
Duelist's - 1F3A49 (10% chance to disarm melee attacker on hit)
Exterminator's - 1F81ED (Reduces damage from Mirelurks and bugs by 15%)
Fortifying - 1CF57F (+1 Strength and +1 Endurance)
Freefall - 93BBD (Prevents falling damage (Needs to be present on both equipped leg armors))
Ghoul Slayer's - 1F1DEE (Reduces damage from Ghouls by 15%.
Poisoner's - 001f3072 (+25 poison resistance)
Hunter's - 1F1DEB (Reduces damage from animals by 15%)
Low Weight - 001f1e0b (Low carry weight. Note: Probably cut content. Besides the obvious, it does nothing and there's no legendary notification on pickup)
Lucky - 1CF57E (+2 Luck)
Martyr's - 001f2d3d (Temporarily slows time down during combat when you are at 20% or less Health)
Mutant Slayer's - 001f1df4 (Reduces damage from Super Mutants by 15%)
Powered - 1F7A75 (Increases Action Point refresh speed)
Punishing - 001f1e47 (Reflects 10% of melee damage back on attacker)
Safecracker's - 001f3ca9 (Increases size of sweet spot while picking locks)
Sharp - 001cf57d (+1 Charisma and +1 Intelligence)
Sprinter's - 1F1C2F (Increases movement speed by 10%)
Titan's - 1F57E4 (Reduces damage while standing and not moving by 15%)
Troubleshooter's - 001f81ee (Reduces damage from robots by 15%)
VATS Enhanced - 001f1d62 (10% reduction in Action Point cost in V.A.T.S)
Power Armour Mods:
To add these to your inventory is just like adding a weapon or armour; just type "player.additem ID", for example, "player.additem 00183578" will add the X-01 Jet Pack Mod to your inventory. To use the mod you have added you need to go to a power armour station; press E to craft, select the torso part of the armour, find the Jet Pack mod, then press E to attach the mod.

Power Armour Frame:
Power Armour T-45 - 4A9C1 (Type; "player.placeatme 4A9C1" to spawn it in)
Power Armour T-51 - 34309 (Type; "player.placeatme 34309" to spawn it in)
Power Armour T-60 - 00061d9b (Type; "player.placeatme 00061d9b" to spawn it in)
Power Armour X-01 - 170446 (Type; "player.placeatme" 170446 to spawn it in)

Power Armour - Torso Mods:
T-45 Jet Pack - 00183575
T-51 Jet Pack - 00183576
T-60 Jet Pack - 00125C85
X-01 Jet Pack - 00183578

Fusion Cores:
Fusion Core: 00075FE4
Crafting Items:
Acid – 001BF72D
Adhesive – 001BF72E
Aluminum – 0006907A
Antiseptic – 001BF72F
Asbestos – 000AEC5C
Ballistic Fiber – 000AEC5B
Bone – 000AEC5D
Ceramic – 000AEC5E
Circuitry – 0006907B
Cloth – 000AEC5F
Concrete – 00106D99
Copper – 0006907C
Cork – 000AEC60
Crystal – 0006907D
Fertilizer – 001BF730
Fiber Optics – 00069087
Fiberglass – 000AEC61
Gears – 0006907E
Glass – 00069085
Gold – 000AEC62
Lead – 000AEC63
Leather – 000AEC64
Nuclear Material – 00069086
Oil – 001BF732
Plastic – 0006907F
Rubber – 00106D98
Screw – 00069081
Silver – 000AEC66
Spring – 00069082
Steel – 000731A4
Wood – 000731A3
Shipment Codes:
Shipment of Acid – 25 – 001EC133
Shipment of Adhesive – 25 – 001EC135
Shipment of Adhesive – 50 – 001EC134
Shipment of Aluminum – 25 – 001EC137
Shipment of Aluminum – 50 – 001EC136
Shipment of Antiseptic – 25 – 001EC139
Shipment of Aspestos – 25 – 001EC13A
Shipment of Ballistic Fiber – 25 – 001EC138
Shipment of Ceramic – 25 – 001EC13B
Shipment of Circuitry – 25 – 001EC13C
Shipment of Circuitry – 50 – 001EC13D
Shipment of Cloth – 25 – 001EC13E
Shipment of Concrete – 50 – 001EC13F
Shipment of Copper – 25 – 001EC140
Shipment of Cork – 25 – 001EC141
Shipment of Crystals – 25 – 001EC142
Shipment of Fertilizer – 25 – 001EC143
Shipment of Fiber Optics – 25 – 001EC145
Shipment of Fiberglass – 25 – 001EC144
Shipment of Gears – 25 – 001EC146
Shipment of Glass – 25 – 001EC147
Shipment of Gold – 25 – 001EC148
Shipment of Lead – 25 – 001EC149
Shipment of Leather – 25 – 001EC14A
Shipment of Nuclear Material – 25 – 001EC14B
Shipment of Oil – 25 – 001EC14C
Shipment of Plastic – 25 – 001EC14D
Shipment of Rubber – 25 – 001EC14E
Shipment of Screws – 25 – 001EC14F
Shipment of Silver – 25 – 001EC150
Shipment of Springs – 25 – 001EC151
Shipment of Steel – 100 – 001EC131
Shipment of Steel – 50 – 001EC132
Shipment of Wood – 100 – 001EC153
Shipment of Wood – 50 – 001EC152
Farm Crops:
Carrot – 000F742E
Corn – 000330F8
Gourd – 000EF24D
Melon – 000FAFEB
Mutfruit – 00033102
Razorgrain – 000E0043
Tato – 0009DCC4
Consumables - Food:
Blamco Brand Mac and Cheese - 0002fbe4
Bloatfly Meat - 000330f4
Bloatfly Steak - 0004a151
Bloodbug Meat - 00074d0d
Bloodbug Steak - 0004693f
Bloodleaf - 001c25ee
Brahmin Meat - 0004a13f
Brahmin Steak - 0004695a
Brain Fungus - 001c0fc2
Bubblegum 000330f6
Canned Dog Food - 000bea58
Carrot - 000f742e
Carrot Flower - 001c4013
Cat Meat - 000939b8
Cooked Softshell Meat - 00046942
Corn - 000330f8
Cram - 000330ee
Crispy Squirrel Bits - 000330fa
Dandy Boy Apples - 0002fbf7
Deathclaw Egg - 00046939
Deathclaw Egg omelette - 0004693c
Deathclaw Meat - 00074d0e
Deathclaw Souffle - 001a71e7
Deathclaw Steak - 00101293
Deathclaw Wellingham - 001a71e7
Dog Steak - 00046940
Fancy Lads Snack Cakes - 000330b4
Fern Flower - 000e34e9
Fresh Carrot - 001994aa
Fresh Corn - 001994a9
Fresh Melon - 001994ab
Food Paste - 00047648
Glowing Fungus - 001c0fc3
Gourd - 000ef24d
Gourd Blossom - 001c4011
Grilled Radroach - 0019797d
Synthetic Gorilla Meat - 0016ca4f
Grilled Radstag - 00046952
Gum Drops - 000330fc
Hubflower - 001c3fdc
Iguana Bits - 000330fd
Iguana-on-a-stick - 000330fe
Iguana Soup - 00102157
InstaMash - 000366b9
Melon - 000fafeb
Mirelurk Cake - 0004a152
Mirelurk Egg - 0023e9d4
Mirelurk Egg omelette - 0004693e
Mirelurk Meat - 000330ff
Mirelurk Steak - 00046941
Mirelurk Queen Steak - 0021c00c
Mirelurk Softshell Steak - 00046942
Moldy Food - 001a6397
Mole Rat Chunks - 00046943
Mole Rat Meat - 00033101
Mole Rat Steak - 00046943
Mongrel Dog Meat - 000330fb
Mutant Hound Chops - 0021188e
Mutant Hound Meat - 00146156
Mutfruit - 00033102
Mutt Chops - 00046940
Noodle Cup - 00017c73
Perfectly Preserved Pie - 001a6396
Beans Pork n' Beans - 000330f0
Potato Crisps - 000330f1
Potted Meat - 0016d8c8
Preserved InstaMash - 000e377a
Queen mirelurk meat - 0020d3de
Radroach Meat - 00033106
Radroach Steak - 0019797d
Radscorpion Egg - 0004693b
Radscorpion Egg omelette - 0004693d
Radscorpion Meat - 00074d10
Radscorpion Steak - 00046950
Radstag Meat - 0004a14f
Radstag Steak - 00046952
Radstag Stew - 0004696a
Razorgrain - 000e0043
Ribeye Steak - 0004695a
Roasted Mirelurk Meat - 0004696d
Salisbury Steak - 000366ba
Silt Bean - 001be2ab
Softshell Mirelurk - 00033100
Squirrel Bits - 000366bc
Squirrel On a Stick - 00102157
Squirrel Stew - 00036927
Stingwing Filet - 00046945
Stingwing Meat - 00074d0f
Sugar Bombs - 000330f2
Sweetroll - 000366be
Tarberry - 000d981d
Tasty Deathclaw Omelette - 001b5cc4
Tato - 0009dcc4
Tato Flower - 001c400d
Vegetable Soup - 0004a3b9
Wild Mutfruit - 001C400E
Yao Guai Meat - 00047660
Yao Guai Ribs - 00046955
Yao Guai Steak - 00046955
Yao Guai Roast - 0004696d
Yum Yum Deviled Eggs - 000366bd
Consumables - Drinks:
Beer - 0011ea93
Blood Pack - 00052409
Bobrov's Best Moonshine - 00050c28
Bourbon - 000366c4
Deezer's Lemonade - 000e9284
Dirty Water - 000366bf
Drugged Water - 000a4944
Glowing Blood Pack - 00058ab4
Gwinnett Ale - 000f932c
Gwinnett Brew - 000f932d
Gwinnett Lager - 000f932b
Gwinnett Pale - 000f9329
Gwinnett Pilsner - 000f932a
Gwinnett Stout - 00022792
Ice cold Gwinnett Ale - 00178b17
Ice cold Gwinnett Brew - 00178b18
Ice cold Gwinnett Lager - 00178b19
Ice cold Gwinnett Pale - 00178b1a
Ice cold Gwinnett Pilsner - 00178b1b
Ice cold Gwinnett Stout - 00178b1c
Ice cold Beer - 00178b1d
Ice cold Nuka Cola - 00178b23
Ice cold Nuka Cherry - 00178b24
Ice cold Nuka Cola Quantum - 00178b25
Institute Water - 0021681d
Irradiated Blood - 000e2f68
Nuka Cherry - 00048360
Nuka Cola - 0004835d
Nuka Cola Quantum - 0004835f
Purified Water - 000366c0
Refreshing Beverage - 00058ab8
Rum - 00145857
Vodka - 000366c3
Wine - 000366c2
Whiskey - 000366c1
Consumables - Chems:
Addictol - 000459c5
Berry Mentats - 000518bb
Buffjet - 00058aa3
Buffout - 00033778
Bufftats - 00058aa5
Calmex - 00058aa7
Daddy-O - 00156d0b
Day Tripper - 00150729
Fury - 000628ca
Grape Mentats - 0010129a
Jets - 000366c5
Jet Fuel - 000518d0
Med-X - 00033779
Mentats - 0003377b
Mysterious Serum - 000ec4f7
Oranges Mentats - 000518c5
Overdrive - 00058aad
Psycho - 0003377d
Psychobuff - 00058aac
Psycho Jet - 00058aa8
Psychotats - 00058aaa
Rad-X - 00024057
RadAway - 00023742
Stimpak - 00023736
Ultra Jet - 00101299
Vault 81 Cure - 00055f10
X-Cell - 001506f4
Consumables - Venom(s):
Radscorpion Venom - 00058b0c
Consumables - Miscellaneous:
Stealth Boy - 0004f4a6
Miscellaneous Items:
Bottle Caps: 0000000f
Bobby Pins: 0000000a
Pre-War Money: 00059b02
To spawn in a companion you need to type;
PRID [ID of Companion]
E.g. PRID 00079305
Once you have typed the command above, press enter
Then you need to type;
moveto player

Cait – 00079305
Codsworth – 0001CA7D
Curie – 00102249
Deacon – 00050976
Dogmeat – 0001D162
John Hancock – 00022615
Nick Valentine – 00002F25
Paladin Danse – 0005DE4D
Piper – 00002F1F
Preston Garvey – 0001A4D7
Robert MacCready – 0002A8A7
Strong – 0003F2BB
X6-88 – 000E210A

If you have not met the companion in-game, it could possibly cause some scripting issues. (Simply put, bugs)
Items for Dogmeat:
Blue Bandana – 0017E917
Chain Dog Collar – 0018B210
Dog Armor – 001C32C8
Dog Collar – 00034602
Dog Helmet – 001C67B4
Double Dog Collar – 001C67B1
Gunner’s Camo Bandana – 0017E922
Gunner’s Green Bandana – 0017E923
Heavy Dog Armor – 001C32C7
Jangles Bandana – 0017E91C
Leopard Print Bandana – 0017E91B
Light Dog Armor – 001B5ACC
Reinforced Dog Collar – 001C67B2
Red Bandana – 0009C05B
Skull Bandana – 0017E91D
Stars and Stripes Bandana – 0017E925
Spiked Collar – 0100c67b0
Striped Bandana – 0017E924
Welding Goggles – 000787D9
Agility Bobblehead – 00178B51
Barter Bobblehead – 00178B52
Big Guns Bobblehead – 00178B53
Charisma Bobblehead – 00178B54
Endurance Bobblehead – 00178B55
Energy Weapons Bobblehead – 00178B56
Explosive Bobblehead – 00178B57
Intelligence Bobblehead – 00178B58
Lock Picking Bobblehead – 00178B59
Luck Bobblehead – 00178B5A
Medicine Bobblehead – 00178B5B
Melee Bobblehead – 00178B5C
Perception Bobblehead – 00178B5D
Repair Bobblehead – 00178B5E
Science Bobblehead – 00178B5F
Small Guns Bobblehead – 00178B60
Sneak Bobblehead – 00178B61
Speech Bobblehead – 00178B62
Strength Bobblehead – 00178B63
Unarmed Bobblehead – 00178B64
Pip-Boy Games:
Atomic Command - 0006167B
Grognak & The Ruby Ruins - 000727FA
Pipfall - 72802
Red Menace - 000E5082
Zeta Invaders - 72803

Fallout 4 DLC Item IDs:
Below you will find;
  • Item IDs for DLC,
  • Any ID related to the Fallout 4 DLCs.


Why do Form IDs from DLC packs start with "xx"?

Form IDs from add-ons start with "xx" because their first two numbers vary from player to player, depending on which mods and DLC packs are installed on his/her system.

This is because the load order of modules (ESMs and ESPs) affects those numbers. The first two digits of a Form ID correspond to its load order. The only "fixed" IDs are those from "base" Fallout 3 and Fallout: New Vegas games (which always start with "00" because it is always loaded first) and those for objects which are/have been created during gameplay such as spawned characters or items (those IDs always start with "FF").

If you have both Operation: Anchorage and The Pitt installed, IDs for characters, objects etc. from Operation: Anchorage will start with "01" (e.g. 010018D2) and IDs for objects from The Pitt will start with "02" (e.g. 02000F20). If you have only The Pitt installed, IDs for its objects will start with "01". If you have mods installed which are loaded before the DLC packs, their numbers will be different entirely (higher).

Quoted directly from Fallout 4 Wiki.

Automatron Weapons:
(Underlined weapons are unique)

Assaultron Blade: xx008B8E
Salvaged Assaultron Head: xx0100B7
Tesla Rifle: xx003E07
Mr. Handy Buzz Blade: xx0020F8
Automatron Weapon Mods:
Electrified Assaultron Blade: xx01038F (Should work, comment if it doesn't work)
Automatron Armour and Clothing:
Assaultron Helmet: xx00864a
Eyebot Helmet: xx00864C
Robot Chest Piece: xx00863F
Robot Right Leg: xx008646
Robot Left Leg: xx008648
Robot Right Arm: xx008642
Robot Left Arm: xx008644
Sentry Bot Helmet: xx00864E
Coiled VII Tesla T-60F Torso - 0100C57B
BOS III Tesla T-60B Right Arm - 0100C57A
BOS IV Tesla T-60c Left Arm - 0100C576
Mechanist's Armor: xx008BC1
Mechanist's Helmet: xx008BC3
Automatron Consumables - Chems:
Robot Repair Kit: xx004f12
Automatron Miscellaneous Items:
Beacon Amplifier: xx002622
Beacon Oscillator: xx000890
Burnt Technical Manual: xx00841F
Eyebot Pod Schematics: xx0109BC
Jezebel's Head: xx008AD4
Radar Beacon: xx000883
Robot Workbench Schematics: 0000254A, xx01133D
Spotlight Schematics: xx0109BB
Far Harbor Weapons:
Bear Trap: xx54072
Bleeding Bear Trap: xx540F7
Harpoon Gun: xx010B81
Lever Action Rifle: xx2C8B0
Lever Action Rifle: xx4D39B
Meat Hook: xx4B5F4
Pole Hook: xx09582
Radium Rifle: xx25FC4
Far Harbor Legendary Weapon Mods:
Hitman's: xx0DA98 (10% More Damage While Aiming)
Steadfast: xx0DA95 (50% DMG Resistance While Aiming)
Far Harbor Ammo:
45-70 Caliber: xx02C8B1
45-70 Caliber: xx04D39C
Harpoon: xx010B80
Modified Bowling Ball xx2740E
Far Harbor Armour and Clothing:
Black Fisherman's Overalls: xx570D3
Brown Fisherman's Overalls: xx570DA
Coastal Armor: xx04FA88
Fisherman's Hat: xx0914B
Fisherman's Outfit: xx0914E
Fisherman's Overalls: xx091F4
Green Fisherman's Overalls: xx570D4
Grey Fisherman's Overalls: xx570D9
Heavy Trapper's Armor Left Arm: xx00F4A
Heavy Trapper's Armor Right Arm: xx00F4B
Heavy Trapper's Armor Left Leg: xx00F4C
Heavy Trapper's Armor Right Arm: xx00F4D
Heavy Trapper's Armor Chest: xx00F4E
High Confessor's Helm: xx0391E8
High Confessor's Robes: xx0391E6
Hunter's Long Coat: xx046027
Hunter's Hood: xx0540FC
Hunter's Pelt Outfit: xx04E698
Lobster Trap Helmet: xx04FA89
Marine Tactical Helmet: xx3a557
Marine Armor Helmet: xx09E58
Marine Armor Left Arm: xx09E56
Marine Armor Right Arm: xx09E57
Marine Armor Left Leg: xx09E59
Marine Armor Right Leg: xx09E5A
Marine Armor Chest: xx09E5B
Marine Wet Suit: xx3A556
Old Fisherman's Hat: xx46024
Rescue Diver Suit: xx04885A
Robes of Atom's Devoted: xx0247C8
Trapper Leathers: xx00EA36
Trapper's Armor Left Arm: xx00EE75
Trapper's Armor Right Arm: xx00EE76
Trapper's Armor Left Leg: xx00EE77
Trapper's Armor Right Arm: xx00EE78
Trapper's Armor Chest: xx00EE79
Wool Fisherman's Cap: xx0914C
Far Harbor Legendary Armour Mods:
Auto Stim: xx00F5BC
Cloaking: xx0014A349
Cryogenic: xx0107AF (10% chance to freeze melee attackers, once every 20 seconds)
Rad Powered xx01B86 (Grants additional damage the higher your RADs)
Far Harbor Legendary Power Armour Mods:
Vim! Paint Job: xx043C70
Vim! Refresh Paint Job: xx043C71
Far Harbor Consumables - Food:
Aster: xx013384
Blight: xx00A2B3
Chicken Thigh: xx056A4A
Chicken Noodle Soup: xx05715B
Wolf Meat: xx0140F9
Gulper Innards: xx04D2E7
Gulper Slurry: xx04D2E8
Far Harbor Consumables - Drinks:
Ice Cold Vim: xx054281
Ice Cold Vim Captain's Blend: xx054282
Ice Cold Vim Quartz: xx054284
Ice Cold Vim Refresh: xx054286
Vim: xx08833
Vim Captain's Blend: xx088A6
Vim Quartz: xx088A8
Vim Refresh: xx088AA
Contraptions Workshop: Ammo
Paint balls:
xx000D92 (blue)
xx000D95 (green)
xx000D96 (red)
xx000D97 (orange)
xx000D98 (glow)
xx000D99 (white)
xx000D9A (yellow)
Contraptions Workshop Legendary Power Armor Mods:
Abraxo Paint Job: xx000B79
Sugar Bombs Paint Job: xx000B7A
Vault-Tec Workshop Armour and Clothing:
Legend of Vault-Tec: xx001AFD
Vault 88 Jumpsuit: xx0042AE
Vault 88 Jumpsuit: xx0042B2
Vault 88 Jumpsuit: xx005264
Vault 88 Jumpsuit: NEW xx005266
Pipboy: xx0042AF
Nuka World Books, Magazines, Schematics and Pamphlets:
Nuka-Nuke Schematics: xx056CFE
Nuka-World Contest Flyer: xx013A48
Park Sign In: xx055E6A
Park Map Pamphlet: xx047F44
Project Cobalt Schematics: xx056CF9
SCAV! Issue #1 xx02A9F3
SCAV! Issue #2 xx02A9F4
SCAV! Issue #3 xx02A9F5
SCAV! Issue #4 xx02A9F6
SCAV! Issue #5 xx029AF7
Nuka World Weapons:
Aeternus: xx04EC35
Cherry Thirst Zapper: xx020207
Cherry Thirst Zapper: xx020208
Cherry Thirst Zapper: xx044C65
Cherry Thirst Zapper: xx044C66
Commie Whacker xx052926
Handmade Rifle: xx0496EA
Handmade Rifle: xx033B60
Nuka Quantum Grenade: xx040CDE
Nuka-Nuke Launcher: xx04E494
Quantum Thirst Zapper: xx020209
Quantum Thirst Zapper: xx02020A
Quantum Thirst Zapper: xx044C67
Quantum Thirst Zapper: xx044C68
Thirst Zapper: xx07BC8
Western Revolver: xx0415B3
Nuka World Ammo:
7.62mm: xx037897
7.62mm: xx0496EB
Nuka-Cherry Ammo: xx032F5E
Nuka-Cola Quantum Ammo: xx032F5F
Nuka-Nuke Ammo: xx01b039
Squirt of Water: xx04COE4
Weaponized Nuke-Cherry Ammo: xx00A6C9
Weaponized Nuka-Cola Ammo: xx02BDC2
Weaponized Nuka-Cola Quantum Ammo: xx00A6C6
Nuka World Consumables - Food:
Ant Meat: xx0138EE
Bloodworm Meat: xx0138C3
Cave Cricket Meat: xx0138C4
Cave Cricket Gland: xx026189
Cotton Candy Bites: xx02689A
Crispy Cave Cricket: xx04CBBD
Flying Ant Meat: xx0138C5
Fever Blossom: xx01CD23
Funnel Cake: xx02689B
Gatorclaw Meat xx04AA17
Gatorclaw Steak xx04AA1C
Ghoulrilla Meat xx0518
Gazelle Meat xx04B419
Gazelle Steak xx04CB49
Grilled Nukalurk Meat xx04AA1D
Grilled Queen Nukalurk Meat xx04AA24
Nukalurk Meat xx04AA1E
Queen Nukalurk Meat xx04AA23
Rad-Rat Meat: xx013F87
Rad-Rat Steak: xx04C0E3
Roasted Bloodworm Meat: xx04CBBF
Synthetic Gorilla Meat 0016CA4F
Nuka World Consumables - Drinks:
Ice Cold Nuka-Berry: xx0502A9
Ice Cold Nuka-Buzz xx0
Ice Cold Nuka-Cherry: 00178B24
Ice Cold Nuka-Cide xx0
Ice Cold Nuka-Cola Dark: xx02EDA9
Ice Cold Nuka-Cola Quartz: xx02EDAF
Ice Cold Nuka-Cola Orange: xx02EDAD
Ice Cold Nuka-Cola Victory: xx02EDB0
Ice Cold Nuka-Cola Wild: xx02EDB1
Ice Cold Nuka-Cooler: xx0502D5
Ice Cold Nuka-Fancy xx0
Ice Cold Nuka-Grape: xx02EDAB
Ice Cold Nuka-Love: xx0502C6
Ice Cold Nuka-Power: xx0502C9
Ice Cold Nuka-Punch: xx0502CC
Ice Cold Nuka-Ray: xx0502CF
Ice Cold Nuka-Rush: xx0502d2
Ice Cold Nuka-Sunrise: xx0502D8
Ice Cold Nuka-Twin: xx0502DB
Ice Cold Nuka-Void: xx0502DE
Ice Cold Nuka-Xtreme: xx0502e1
Nuka-Berry: xx030EFD
Nuka-Bombdrop xx03B8B4
Nuka-Buzz xx030F02
Nuka-Cherry: 00048360
Nuka-Cide xx030EF6
Nuka-Cooler: xx030EFA
Nuka-Cola Dark: xx024536
Nuka-Cola Quartz: xx024538
Nuka-Cola Orange: xx02453A
Nuka-Cola Victory: xx024544
Nuka-Cola Wild: xx02453D
Nuka-Fancy xx030F01
Nuka-Free xx042C39
Nuka-Fruti xx03B8B3
Nuka-Grape: xx024534
Nuka-Hearty xx042C3D
Nuka-Lixir xx042C41
Nuka-Love: xx030EFC
Nuka-Power: xx030EFE
Nuka-Punch: xx030EF7
Nuka-Ray: xx03B8B2
Nuka-Rush: xx030EF8
Nuka-Sunrise: xx042C43
Nuka-Twin: xx030F00
Nuka-Void: xx030EFB
Nuka-Xtreme: xx030EF9
Nuka World Consumables - Chems:
Smooth Operator: xx023E61
Nuka World Armor & Clothing:
Black Cowboy Hat: xx042323
Black Prospector's Hat: xx00417DF
Bottle and Cappy Shirt & Jeans: xx029C0F
Bottle and Cappy Orange Shirt & Jeans: xx044DA5
Bottle and Cappy Red Shirt & Jeans: xx044DA6
Cappy Glasses: xx013A47
Cappy Jacket & Jeans: xx044DA8
Cappy Shirt & Jeans: xx029C12
Cowboy Hat: xx042322
Cowhide Western Outfit: xx029C0B
Disciples Armored Skirt: xx03B554
Disciples Banded Helmet: xx026BB7
Disciples Hood: xx003B557
Disciples Metal Chest Piece: xx026BB8
Disciples Metal Left Arm: xx026BC1
Disciples Metal Right Arm: xx026BBF
Disciples Metal Left Leg: xx026BBC
Disciples Metal Right Leg: xx026BBA
Disciples Spiked Helmet: xx026BB6
Disciples Spiked Left Arm: xx026BC0
Disciples Spiked Right Arm: xx026BBE
Disciples Spiked Left Leg: xx026BBB
Disciples Spike Right Leg: xx026BB9
Disciples Strapped Chest Piece: xx026BAB
Disciples Strapped Left Arm: xx03B559
Disciples Strapped Right Arm: xx03B558
Disciples Strapped Left Leg: xx03B556
Disciples Strapped Right Leg: xx03B555
Oswald's Top Hat: xx03470D
Nuka-Girl Rocket Suit xx04307A
Nuka-World Shirt & Jeans: xx029C11
Nuka-World Jumpsuit: xx03578E
Nuka-World Geyser Jacket & Jeans: xx044Da4
Nuka-World Geyser Shirt & Jeans: xx044DA3
Operators Armored Dress: xx039568
Operators Armored Skirt: xx039562
Operators Glasses: xx02873E
Operators Goggles: xx02873D
Operators Belted Chest Piece: xx028743
Operators Chest Piece: xx03BA8E
Operators Left Arm: xx03b8AA
Operators Right Arm: xx03B8AB
Operators Left Leg: xx02873F
Operators Right Leg: xx028741
Operators Heavy Right Bracer: xxx28732
Operators Heavy Right Arm: xxx28733
Operators Heavy Left Leg Guard: xxx28734
Operators Heavy Left Leg: xxx28735
Operators Heavy Right Leg Guard: xxx28736
Operators Heavy Right Leg: xxx28737
Operators Heavy Chest Piece: xxx28738
Orange Shirt Western Outfit: xx029C0A
Pack Elephant Helmet: xx027705
Pack Helmet: xx027419
Pack Horned Helm: xx02770E
Pack Jaguar Helm: xx027706
Pack Masked Helm: xx02770C
Pack Moose Helm: xx02740F
Prospector's Hat: xx04231F
Spacesuit Costume: xx00D2AE
Spacesuit Costume Helmet: xx0296B8
Western Outfit: xx029C09
Western Outfit with Chaps: xx029C09
Western Duster: xx042325
Nuka World Crafting Items:
Burger Tray: xx02A188
Gazelle Hide xx04B41A
Hot Dog Tray: xx02A189
Gatorclaw Hand xx04AA19
Gatorclaw Hind xx04AA16
Nuka-Cola Cup: xx02A186
Nuka-Cola Cup and Straw: xx02B60C
Nuka-Cola Cup Pack: xx02B60f
Nuka-Cola Lunchbox: xx043a96
Pizza Tray: xx02A187
Nuka World Consumables - Nuka-Cade:
Nuka-Cade Ticket: xx01998
Nuka-Cade Roll: xx01998A
Nuka World Legendary Power Armour Mods:
Nuka-Cola Paint Job: xx01152A
Quantum Paint Job: xx0417E8
Thanks for using our guide!
If you found this guide useful please rate it up! Thanks.

If you have any questions, comments or find an error please let us know in the comments section.

Good luck out there in the wasteland!

Massive thanks to;
  • Fallout 4 Wiki;[fallout.wikia.com] for supplying the item IDs and codes,
  • J-Flo; for helping me (Yumaglo) compile the base IDs for and the DLC IDs which he found in the games in-game console.
J-Flo  [author] Jun 14 @ 8:48pm 
@Hen if you read into the walk through this is explained... but since you posted I will answer you. The XX are going to be in what order your installed the add orn. if its the first it should be like 01 if its the second it's 02...etc. If you have the GOYA edition... just keep guessing till it shows up in your inventory!
Hen Jun 2 @ 2:19pm 
why is there xx in front of the dlc codes?
General IVAN Jan 7 @ 4:57pm 
thank you for the guide, very useful when somehow things get a bit glitched out
J-Flo  [author] Sep 19, 2023 @ 4:01am 
Congrats on figuring it out @catlover21 !
catlover21 Sep 19, 2023 @ 2:18am 
oh nvm i got it to work
catlover21 Sep 19, 2023 @ 2:16am 
hey uhh how do i put the legendary weapon mods on my guns? im trying to do it with my shotgun
J-Flo  [author] Aug 23, 2023 @ 8:15am 
@Yumulgo and @X first off you need to know how many DLCs you have and which order they load in as Yumulgo asked... the easiest thing to do is just change the XX to 01, 02, 03, up to 06 I think. Eventually you will get the right on and it will show up.
Yumaglo  [author] Aug 23, 2023 @ 1:54am 
What is your load order for your DLC? Specifically Far Harbor.
Aug 21, 2023 @ 9:24am 
Marine armor set codes don't work for me even when i replaced all the xx's. Any ideas?
J-Flo  [author] May 1, 2023 @ 10:33am 
Thank you all for your continued support! Yumulgo and I appreciate all the support!