Fallout 4

Fallout 4

37 ratings
Road to Freedom - Entrance Code
By Esym
This is the code used to gain access to the Road to Freedom quest
This quest asks you to follow the red 'freedom' trail, to end up in a basement facing a dial that you must rotate.

The Code:

Walking the trail from start to finish reveals this:

7 - A
4 - L
2 - A
6 - O
3 - I
5 - R
8 - D
1 - R


1 - R
2 - A
3 - I
4 - L
5 - R
6 - O
7 - A
8 - D

Some people are saying that the order doesn't matter. It probably doesnt but if your lazy just use the following template.

Glue Eater 9K Jan 21, 2021 @ 8:02pm 
i m a g i n e g e t t i n g t h i s w r o n g a t a n y p o i n t
Clovi Jan 13, 2021 @ 12:53am 
Thank you, totally forgot!
purgatori11 Nov 21, 2016 @ 1:41pm 
I know the password is railroad but how do you do it on the door ive tryed left and right but it wont open
Meet The Dinner Jan 8, 2016 @ 6:51pm 
On my first playthrough, I actually skipped the plates and figured out the password on my first try. I know some may have had trouble and the puzzle was a nice touch but damn. It's like if Obama's computer password was America.
pharynx Nov 17, 2015 @ 4:29pm 
i didn't even realize each of the plates had another letter of the code on them. when i got to the puzzle i just thought about it, and spelled railroad. the only plate i got was the last one, saying which r to use first.

having railroad be the password for an organization named "the railroad" isn't very smart.
Rodso Nov 13, 2015 @ 8:59pm 
to confusing why bother with code when you can just cheat your way in
agemaner Nov 13, 2015 @ 11:45am 
i got pissed and said fuck it im turning off colission
Lars von Tryhard Nov 12, 2015 @ 8:18pm 
Wait a minute...
First it was driving me insane. I missed the very first plate, but I figured it out by myself.
BUT. I couldn't find the word; it's late, and I'm not a native english speaking dude. Thanks for the guide bro (I felt stupid btw.)
My "first R" WASN'T in FREEDOM, but in TRAIL.
Syrrani Nov 12, 2015 @ 2:24pm 
Thanks man u saved me a lot of time and headache ^^
^5Lewis Nov 12, 2015 @ 2:18pm 
Thanks. Also i just spelled railroad randomly and it worked for me.