Serious Sam Classics: Revolution

Serious Sam Classics: Revolution

158 ratings
Secrets Guide for SSC:R
By Atlas

This is the complete guide of Serious Sam Classic: The First Encounter, Second Encounter, and at long last Bright Island's secrets. This guide will help explain of what hidden objects there are through out all 35 Campaign levels. The new screenshots will help give an easier explaination of what the secrets look like and you can probably find the rendered location by yourself. Though each secret is not 100% legit, because others can find other routes and skilled tactics on how to get there faster. I only listed the secrets of what I found in order, so please, enjoy this drastically long compliation of every one of the 243 secrets and their screenshots! You can help by posting comments at the bottom of this page, suggest that on how you might've gotten the secret, or what you think I should fix/add on to this. Thank you, and enjoy!

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CHEATS WERE USED during gameplay, only to get out of some of the soft lock bugs that were still persistent, and the ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ absurd difficulty of the enemy waves at the time of writing this. The difficulty is Normal.

Credit to: Game FAQs[], Serious Sam Wiki[], and galleyuk for information. Me for the screenshots.

Remember to Like/Favorite if you found any of this guide helpful to you!

UPDATE: September 3, 2019
Bright Island chapter is complete.
1. Timeless Caves (4 secrets)
1) When crossing the bridge at the starting area to reach the button that lowers the wooden platform on the other side of the cave, carefully slide yourself down the cliff on the far end of the bridge. There's a tiny teleport on the corner of the cliff that will warp you to an island on the very far side of the cave with wooden platforms. Collect the 50 armor there and use the jumper to return to the button.

2) In the room where you get the single shotgun, look up to the ceiling to find golden masks. 2 of the masks are flipped upside down and are destructable. Shoot both of them and a wall will open to reveal a sniper rifle and some ammo.

3) Coming into the second cavern,after defeating the waves of kamikazes down the platforms, you'll see a lonely pill on top of a large rock spire. Carefully and with precision jump on there. Grabbing the pill will spawn a spare shotgun ammo next to the 50 health.

4) On the island where you get the double shotgun and the button to open the gate to the final island, turn left to a bush to find a single health pill. Collect it and a Serious Speed powerup will spawn as well as a line of pills. Grab the speed and trail yourself down until you reach the gate. This is where the secret is triggered, however there is an optional second part. If you continue following the pill trail past the bridge and the final island, there's a super health on a small cliff only reachable by using the serious speed. Run yourself off the ledge, collect it, and use the teleporter to return you to the final island.
2. Ruins of the Abyss (3 secrets)
1) When you reach the main building after getting off the docks. Turn left and go behind it to collect 3 sniper ammo.

2) Going to get the orbs to power up the elevator, on the left chasm where the water element's located. After a few hops on hanging platforms, you'll see a super health. Go left where the leaning platform is and jump off its edge to reach it.

3) After getting off the elevator for the first time going past the first long corridor, go left and follow the path while facing a few Zorgs and earth golems. In the final room, go to the leftmost closest corner and look through the crack in the wall.
3. The Sunken Pyramid (4 secrets)
1) As soon as you begin the level, turn around and collect the pill that's tucked on the right side of the doorway. This, along with 4 other pills scattered throughout the map is your key to go to the Valley of Plenty. The 2nd and 3rd one is located in the rooms where you get the water element orbs 1 & 2. The 4th is located in the far left corner of the light path room trapped with Marsh Hoppers. And the final 5th is in the last water orb room. After you collect all of them and make your way to the roof, after fighting the Elder Arachnoid, go to the left side of the exit building with the long hallway. There's a tiny switch that you have to flip to spawn the moving platform that takes you to the secret exit. Once flipped, go to the end of the hallway and quickly put yourself on and off it. The platform will start moving towards the regular exit and underneath is the second platform that takes you to the secret exit.

2) After you ride the platform down from the beginning of the level, trek all the way behind the pyramid. There's a super health and a papyrus that talks about the aforementioned secret level. Picking up the health with spawn variable Reptiloids back at the main path depending on your difficulty.

3) In the room with the large golden masks on the wall, take the left side room that has a lonely tall pillar in its center. Look up at it from behind and you'll see a target. Shoot it with anything and the ceiling will open up, dropping a backpack full of plasma ammo.

4) In the room with the spinning wooden blades over lava jumping puzzle, turn left and go down the corridor to the furthest cove. You should be able to see the rocket launcher right behind the fence. Turn to the brazier on the left where the 50 armor is and jump behind it. There's a very tiny button on the corner floor. Press it and a wall will open up back where you came from. There should be a grenade launcher, an invincibility powerup, a grenade ammo pack, and a long string of pills and armor shards at the back. Take the invincibility powerup last as it'll be used to breeze past the platforming puzzle.
4. Valley of Plenty -Secret (2 secrets)
1) In the second large area where you have to turn on the 3 consoles for the food silos, turn back around to where you entered from the river. There's a cliff on the far side of it you can walk on. For faster transport, there's a Serious Speed behind the silo closest to the river. Run yourself all the way to the back and you'll find a Minelayer with an ammo pack full of mines

2) In the final area where you hop down the waterfalls, turn back around and face leftwards to where you came from. Swim down to that corner and there'll be a super health tucked away.
5. Crystal Cove (5 secrets)
1) In the area where you get the sniper rifle, walk forward a bit and look up at the large cliff above you. There's a giant bell for you to shoot at. It's recommended you use a slow projectile like a rocket to shoot at it. Shoot it with whatever you want and quickly go to the cliff to pull out your sniper rifle. Zoom in and you'll see a tiny Gnaar in the distance. Be quick to shoot it because it will only appear so long as the bell is chimed. Once shot, it appears nothing has happened. It won't be until you're close about done after the level when you make it past the wooden stilt village by the waterfall that a massive Gnaar will suddenly appear. When you kill it, about a hundred of both regular and flying Gnaars will spill out of its body.

2) Behind the bell there's a small building. Go inside and take a left turn. Ride up the elevator and go across the catwalk until you find a hidden switch behind a pillar. Use it and go back to the elevator. There's a secret door that opened and you can use the elevator to walk yourself to it. Or try jumping. Go in and there's another elevator. Take that and you'll arrive at the roof of the building where there's a secret cannon waiting for you.

3) From where the 2nd secret is, continue going forward along the roof of the building. Look in front of you and there's a secret cannonball stash underneath the bell. You can't normally reach it by basic jumping. If you want to be risky, rocketjump yourself across the gap. If you want to do it normally, look down and there's a pair of Serious Jump. Grab that and walk the same path you did for the 2nd secret and easily jump across.

4) Grab the Serious Jump again and this time head opposite from the building. If you look above, there's a small village up there. Jump on the sides of the cliff until you reach the lowest platform. All you need to do now is follow the bridges and the jump ramps until you get a dead end at the last ramp. Be careful because if you fall, there's no way to get back up as the sand slope will slide you back down. At the last ramp, look down and there'll be a invincibility powerup on the roof of the tower below you. Precisely angle your jump and you should land of the roof and collect it.

5) In the wooden stilt village that's by the waterfall, look up to the tallest building in the back center. Weave your way around the thin platforms and jump across and climb up till you find another secret cannonball stash.
6. Forlorn Ruins (3 secrets)
1) As soon as you start the level, turn right. On the rock wall will be a slightly tinted circle. You can walk right through this and at the end of the tunnel is a plasma pack.

2) In the first room of the building you come in right after getting out of the marsh, jump into the water hole and swim all the way down to find a 50 armor pickup. Be warned that picking this up will spawn 4 Juvenile Arachnoids surrounding hole.

3) After going through most of the treetop village, you'll come across a lift pointing to the open. This lift takes you to the giant arena where you get introduced to the mini Ugh-Zan. Just before arriving at the arena, look down to your left and there's a dark platform you can jump on with some cannonball ammo. Be VERY warned that picking up either ammo will spawn 2 Elder Arachnoids over your head.

Bonus) After defeating the final wave inside the Astral Engine when all 3 generators are powered up, go behind the portal and there's a small crystal on the floor. Use it and the portal will now change itself to make you go to the Tropical Bluffs.
7. Tropical Bluffs -Secret (1 secret)
1) After getting off the first long lift over the ocean from the village docks, you'll be on a long cliff ledge. Look over the ledge and you'll see 3 small islands with teleporters on them. The middle one has a super health and armor on it. Jump down to that one, but do take precaution as it's recommended you have a good amount of health first as you'll take some hefty fall damage. When you pick either item up, it'll spawn a Biomech Dominant.
8. The Steps of Despair (1 secret)
1) On the second level going up the stairs, you'll be blocked off by a gate. You'll have to go into the nearby village to press some floor switches. On the right side right by where one of the switches are, go into the house closest to the open face of the walls. You'll find a crudely-drawn portrait of this level's concept art.
Slenderminion Oct 8, 2021 @ 6:50am 
Turns out you don't need to take fall damage in the Tropical Bluffs secret. If you slide down the cliff where the rope bridge begins just right, you'll get down there unharmed.
Neon Henchman Jun 23, 2021 @ 12:35pm 
How about adding the Secrets that were added to the Revolution versions of TFE & TSE? Would make this guide more complete and make for less Guides to check if they're all in one place.
Fred-104 Apr 27, 2021 @ 11:50pm 
@spidermastermind100 I found that secret after seeing your comment. Thank you.
spidermastermind100 Aug 9, 2020 @ 6:26pm 
Um, you missed 1 secret in Crystal Cove, it's secret laser gun at near spawn point behind giant electric cable post. Just pointing out, not blaming ya, but thanks for the guide! :Alberts:
Alex_D #NoWar Jul 27, 2020 @ 10:51am 
Apparently, one can enter the Valley of Plenty by just jumping off the regular exit platform down to the secret exit platform. Without any pill hunting and tiny switches, but I suppose this does not increment the found secrets counter for the level.
Muleke_Trairao Feb 21, 2020 @ 6:04am 
Crystal Cove has 6 secrets. Maybe you missed it or they have added it in an update?

Anyway, basically, after you go up the first ramp at the start of the level, walk a bit to the right, then turn 90 degrees and head towards the end of the area to find a Lasergun behind a wall (Idk what that thing is, sorry). You can find a better way to explain this, I'm sure.

Great guide, btw!
Atlas  [author] Sep 2, 2019 @ 10:53pm 
Bright island is now complete! Feel free to use at your own digression!
Atlas  [author] Aug 30, 2019 @ 3:23pm 
Yup.. and now I gotta figure out where the hell everything is.
Convenient Spider Aug 30, 2019 @ 12:14pm 
Bright Island is here!
Atlas  [author] Dec 25, 2016 @ 8:44pm 
Aw.. never noticed that