Supreme Commander: Forged Alliance

Supreme Commander: Forged Alliance

434 个评价
Complete hotkey list
由 Finlander 制作
In the original release of the game the (well) mapped hotkeys were listed in the instruction manual. However steam version of the game lacks the manual in question. I will add the hotkey command list in it's entirety, shortening only the "groups" command list since it is essentially same command with only different number buttons.
Repair: R
Reclaim: E
Patrol: P
Attack: A
Capture: C
Stop: S
Dive: D
Ferry: D
Guard/Assist: I
Transport: U
Unit pause: Z
Suicide selected units: CTRL-K
Launch tactical missile: L
Nuke: N
Turn Build mode on: B
Cycle fire state: LEFTBRACKET
Move: M
Recall group 1: 1
Recall group 2 : 2
Set group 1: CTRL-1
Set group 2: CTRL-2

Same logic goes all the way up to 10
Zoom in: Q
Zoom out: W
Zoom in fast: SHIFT-Q
Zoom out fast: SHIFT-W
Track unit: T
Track unit on minimap: CTRL-SHIFT-T
Track unit on 2nd screen: CTRL-ALT-T
Reset camera: V
Go to commander: ALT+COMMA
Go to idle engineer: ALT-PERIOD
Rotate camera at ground level: SPACEBAR
Select all air units: CTRL-A
Select all naval units: CTRL-S
Select all land units: CTRL-L
Select all engineers: CTRL-B
Select nearest idle engineer: ALT-PERIOD
Cycle through idle engineers: SHIFT-PERIOD
Select commander: ALT-COMMA
Select all units and buildings: CTRL-X
Select all units and buildings on screen: CTRL-C
Select all engineers on screen: CTRL-PERIOD
Select all factories on screen: CTRL-H
Select nearest factory: H
Select nearest land factory: CTRL-SHIFT-L
Select nearest air factory: CTRL-SHIFT-A
Select nearest naval factory: CTRL-SHIFT-S
User interface
Toggles the UI on / off: CTRL-ALT-F1
Toggles life bars on / off: ALT-L
Toggle all overlays: CTRL-W
Rename unit: CTRL-N
Split screen on: HOME
Split screen off: END
Scroll up through the chat history (by page): PAGEUP
Scroll down through chat history (by page): PAGEDOWN
Scroll up through chat history (by line): SHIFT-PAGEUP
Scroll down through chat history (by line): SHIFT-PAGEDOWN
Rotate layout: ALT-UPARROW
Rotate layout: ALT-DOWNARROW
Toggle hotkeys: F1
Toggle scores: F2
Toggle transmission log: F3
Toggle diplomacy window: F4
Create alert ping at mouse location: F5
Create move ping at mouse location: F6
Create attack ping at mouse location: F7
Create marker at mouse location: F8
Open in-game main menu: F10
Toggle connectivity window: F11
Pause game: PAUSE
Screen shot: CTRL-F
Decrease game speed: NUMMINUS
Increase game speed: NUMPLUS
Reset game speed: NUMSTAR
56 条留言
Sintе 8 月 25 日 上午 8:34 
How build extraction and Power generator??
Strelok 5 月 16 日 下午 3:42 
Revisiting my childhood and forgot my hotkeys, bless
✨PainfulSecrets✨ 4 月 22 日 上午 5:14 
So thankful for this! Thank you :-)
REVENANT 2023 年 11 月 13 日 上午 10:22 
Where is the 10 key? Next to the any key XD
T E A 2023 年 9 月 3 日 上午 1:08 
only one command I want, reclaim all within drag select area
Lopan 2023 年 8 月 27 日 下午 9:58 
germanicianus 2022 年 12 月 11 日 上午 7:43 
The manuals are available on the THQ website, for SC:FA unfortunately only in German: -> SupremeCommander
namoth 2022 年 11 月 25 日 上午 9:41 
faf 2022 going strong!
the lich king 2022 年 11 月 17 日 下午 2:00 
I still play now
SirKenpachi 2022 年 11 月 2 日 下午 11:54 
Who still Plays in 2022? Asking All Commanders?