Dota 2
Ick the Arcane Slimeling
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Following a particularly hectic series of battles, the Grand Magus most know as Rubick hobbled back to his study to rest and to research the origins of some of the strange magic he had just borne witness to. For a Grand Magus carrying such notoriety, very little is understood about Rubick's methods and his insatiable knowledge of the arcane. What is known however, is that he possesses an uncanny level of perception with the spells of his enemies, and a rich, magic ooze that can tap into the essence of their mystic origins. On this eve of eerie calm, the slime atop his staff was unusually frenetic, pulsing with the fervor of dozens of recently copied incantations. Rubick paid no mind it as he had witnessed this phenomenon following frenzied battlefields of the past few months. He figured it was merely the goo expressing its recollection of the energy and flow of the chaos that had just surrounded them. Rubick entered his study and shed his magical attire, placing his battlements into a neat pile in the corner of the room. As he feverishly began rummaging through his collection of tomes and scrolls something odd caught his attention. The pulsing slime from the staff was making its way across the room! It was formless at first, throwing out little tendrils of slime to pull itself forward. Eventually it balled up and started rolling - it seemed to be learning the properties of the room itself. Rubick watched with curiosity and wonder, allowing the ooze to slip into his wardrobe. What happened next was enough to astonish even a Grand Magus. A bit of cape and armor tumbled away from the corner and the ball of slime within gained form. First, many tiny, stout legs sprouted from the bottom. Then two long, spindly antennae shot out from the top. Finally, a couple massive, bulbous eyes suddenly bulged from the middle.

Over the course of the next few days, Rubick took to studying the peculiar little creature... its behavior and demeanor... its abilities and knowledge... and found it to be a very suitable ally in battle. The origin of its essence was derived during battle, after all. It already understood the nature of warfare and the dangers of the battlefield. It had seen enemies charging and swords clashing. It had felt the sparks of lightning spells fly and the embers of fire magics fall. Its will was the culmination of hundreds of battles and dozens of victories. Rubick knew it was ready from conception. So he tossed it a bag, instructed it to carry his implements, and the mysterious Magus and his curious companion made their way to the next battle.
Артикули (2)
Ick the Arcane Slimeling
Създадена от Gloomhelm Following a particularly hectic series of battles, the Grand Magus known as Rubick hobbled back to his study to rest and to research the origins of some of the strange magic he had just borne witnes...
Ick the Arcane Slimeling Loading Screen
Създадена от Gloomhelm
Now Ick will be blasted towards you every time you join a match!...
Популярни дискусии Всички (1)
15 юни 2015 в 11:53
Wings (flying version)