Grand Theft Auto V

Grand Theft Auto V

71 evaluări
Infiltrate Fort Zancudo
De către james
Guide with elaborate instructions on how to 'Infiltrate Fort Zancudo' without fustration. This guide contains more than one method to gain access to the weapon arsanal and vehicles at Fort Zancudo, some are more in-depth and require more preperation than others. This guide will certainify that you gain your achievement of a jet or tank from Fort Zancudo.

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Ramps and Entrances
Fort Zancudo has a variety of ways to enter the base. We will go through each category of vehicles and their entrances to Fort Zancudo, even including boats.

Entering cars in Fort Zancudo is the cheapest and the fastest method to travel Fort Zancudo once you have infiltrated their base. Rockstar has placed convenient terrain to allow those who wish to enter Fort Zancudo in cars gain enough speed and momentum to surpass the gates. Most of these tricks requires a run-up (gain speed for a short minimuim distance) to gain height and distance.

1) Using this terrain to surpass the gates is the hardest in my opinion, the ramp itself is not very high, giving a minimuim gap to gain height. This will require a large run-up.

2) This jump is one of the easiest, due to the amount of area to gain speed and the height of the actual ramp itself, I found this area to be the most successful.

3) Using this terrain is a decent method of getting over the fence is useful, but further away from the second suggested ramp, therefore, more travel and preperation time for the same outcome.

Flight is one of the quickest ways of getting inside Fort Zancudo, but it requires nimble movement to avoid the homing missiles locking onto you from the base, this making it effective to use the Lester Infiltration method. There is no way up, and only one day down to this base, and that is from the depths of the sky.

When you're flying over the base, ready to drop in, you want to prepare for your angle and position, because you're going to be jumping out with a parachute. You want to aim within the green outline in the picture above, because the jets are located in that area, you want to get the jets as fast as possible, not run around the base for 30 minutes due to bad positioning.

Once you're ready, jump out of the helicopter or plane.

Activate the parachute using the mouse (default is mouse) or any other assigned key if you have re-assigned them. Glide yourself to the jet, and you're done.

Fort Zancudo Vehicles Spawn Locations

Fort Zancudo has specific locations for vehicles to spawn. The image above shows us the area where each individual vehicle has a possibility to spawn.

This diagram was taken from BAMC[] crew on their Reddit page.

Lester Infiltration
This method is the easiest method of gaining access to Fort Zancudo. This method requires small amounts of money, but gives the benenficial access to Fort Zancudo.

Difficulty: ★★☆☆☆
The item difficulty is placed at two stars, the reason for this is due to the minor preperation to this and the ability to control your cars balance mid-air.

$4000 is required to use the service to cancel out cops hassling you.
A decently fast car, this is needed for the ramp that Rockstar has hiddenly added to the terrain.

1) First, you must travel to the outer tunnel of Fort Zancudo, this is fairly easy to find, you can look at my map for the exact area.

You want to aim for the road (out of the tunnel) near the top left corner, in-game this is on a road, not a bridge. This is important, because there is a hill that is used to get over the fence later on.

2) You will need to recognise the area you're going to be ramping over, this is important because you have a 3 minute time limit to do this trick to get into Fort Zancudo, you want to have the most time you have so you view your selection of planes and take off without effort. Preperation is key!

3) You will need to phone your mechanic or steal a decently fast car, if you have your own personal car with you, ignore this step, keep in mind a car is required.

4) Open up the phone and scroll down to Lester and call him.

5) Once called, select 'cops turn a blind eye'. This allows cops not to hassle you in Fort Zancudo, this is key because normally, you would get a 5 star wanted level, not anymore. You may not want to select it instantly and allign your car before selecting, this give you the most out of your money, allowing you to maximise your time.

6) Straighten and prepare before drive, once you think you have assigned yourself to the correct position, drive as fast as possible. You want to try and aim for the hill, the diagram below shows the area more detailed. It's recommended you wait before selecting the Lester option for the cops to ignore you after you've assigned your direction.

7) Once you drive up the hill, you should have enough momentum to launch you over the fence like the pictures below.

8) Now you should land in Fort Zancudo without getting any stars and having the cops after you, which is dang handy. Now you can explore the Fort Zancudo during this time or gain a jet or tank.

Recommended / Additional:
This section is not required, because you're already in the base, the whole point of this method. This additional information contains suggestions of your next step, which I would recommend to you as a viewer to get the beneficial route on this method.

9) Find a location with a jet within the time limit of the perk of not having cops after you.

10) Get in the jet and fly off. The reason why this is recommended is normally, when you have the cops after you in Fort Zancudo and try and steal a jet, a homing missle will lock onto you or the merceneries will damage your plane, but within the perk limit that we got from Lester, we can steal the jet without any hassle or damage taken to the plane.

Viewer Contribution
Viewer Contribution
A section specifically for the users who viewed this guide and contributed advice and suggestions, thank you for your contribution and to show my gratification, I added this section. I will verify if these methods work by adding a verification notice.

Blazey 14 May @ 6:26am - Verified ✓
With wanted level just go in go left, go straight to first hangar, ignore the few planes in bays on left etc. When you jump in spam W or tap on stick to save half a second or so hotwiring. Go straight out of the hangar (tiny bit of yaw to dodge a wall) and go straight over the fence into swamp area. From here you can go low to lose them momentarily if they're RIGHT up your ass.. usually not needed - just go vertical

Many cars that are lowered you'll get tail happy as you leave the road and bushes catch under the car, basically ANYTHING can do this jump. Go to the sand road to the right of this guide.. past the (right side) of large bush at the turn, a really steep and smooth bit. Super easy even a taxi only needs a short run up. You also generally land safer and get moving towards the hangar sooner, and you won't hit the concrete/pole stuff in middle of airstrip either. The highway launch aims you straight at it and at higher speed.

JKRevan 4 May @ 7:56pm - Verified ✓
There is another way
By the front gate (near where the 1st jump pic) there is a low wall with no fence, park a car there, climb the car and climb the wall, you shouldnt get wanted till the end of the road, if you use lester's service there's MORE than enough time to get the jet and fly off.

if you do without paying lester, take off VERY low and you wont get a lock on from the sam sites, once you're clear off the base, you can climb safely

Don't ask why I added this here, but I felt that this represented my attitude on GTA, especially in heists.
16 comentarii
SUPER-TANK 3 mart. 2018 la 23:02 
Recently I found out that I can drive into the base in any car as long as it's not too fat to squeeze through the checkpoints
Kevin James 6 oct. 2015 la 14:28 
on the first part of flight you wrote only one day down
HazelS 19 mai 2015 la 11:25 
You can easily get into the Fort without any stars. Just call Merryweather and order a helicopter pickup. You are safe from any stars as long as you are a passenger in the heli, you can fly right above the Fort. Now call lester for the cops to turn a blind eye and chute down.
Blazey 伊達 政宗 13 mai 2015 la 22:39 
Ok now that is posted.. who knows what direction/gate/fence to take a TANK to get it out ? I think I saw PS3 video of people getting out on mountain side.. speaking of which mountain jump in is pretty decent option.. if you get bored of highway/beach entries :D

The jumping on car method sounds fun, reminds of the original GTA glitch parking next to fences and getting out on other side of fence.. :D lol good times.. cheers R* for pushing this series.. well further than I think any of us imagined especially back then :) this game was a fantasy back then, good things come to those who wait !

Oh.. *EDIT* pretty sure you need a cargobob or to use gun barrel fence physics risky method (you get launched up a bit by hitting barrel into fences/walls in the right way, bit of momentum and timing it should flip you over those fences.. almost did it just now but was in the bit between the fences so was just fkn pinball basically lol
Blazey 伊達 政宗 13 mai 2015 la 22:26 
With wanted level just go in go left, go straight to first hangar, ignore the few planes in bays on left etc. When you jump in spam W or tap on stick to save half a second or so hotwiring. Go straight out of the hangar (tiny bit of yaw to dodge a wall) and go straight over the fence into swamp area. From here you can go low to lose them momentarily if they're RIGHT up your ass.. usually not needed - just go vertical

Many cars that are lowered you'll get tail happy as you leave the road and bushes catch under the car, basically ANYTHING can do this jump. Go to the sand road to the right of this guide.. past the (right side) of large bush at the turn, a really steep and smooth bit. Super easy even a taxi only needs a short run up. You also generally land safer and get moving towards the hangar sooner, and you won't hit the concrete/pole stuff in middle of airstrip either. The highway launch aims you straight at it and at higher speed.
djsamkin 5 mai 2015 la 15:00 
this is a great guide. but it only features loud and smart ways of getting in. i hope to see more ways added in the future.
Squackety 4 mai 2015 la 17:43 
doing this with a motor cycle is pretty easy.
EvenMoarDakka 4 mai 2015 la 11:56 
There is another way
By the front gate (near where the 1st jump pic) there is a low wall with no fence, park a car there, climb the car and climb the wall, you shouldnt get wanted till the end of the road, if you use lester's service there's MORE than enough time to get the jet and fly off.

if you do without paying lester, take off VERY low and you wont get a lock on from the sam sites, once you're clear off the base, you can climb safely.
sayaplayer 4 mai 2015 la 6:48 
Or buy a Hydra because your not a pesant c:

pls no h8 m8
james  [autor] 4 mai 2015 la 4:38 
Thanks Pineapplechok, I'll add that when I start working on the next section / method. I never took that in mind while playing singleplayer while creating this guide, thank you.