This War of Mine

This War of Mine

36 人が評価
새 DLC 추가 도전과제 100% 가이드/ New DLC Achievement 100% Guide
作者: Make Something Useless
New DLC - This War of Mine - War Child Charity DLC
Note: Street Art achievement 100% guide.
새로 추가된 DLC - This War of Mine - War Child Charity DLC의
도전 과제 Note: Street Art(그라피티 벽화 모으기) 100% 가이드 입니다.

그라피티(Graffiti) 벽화 위치

10개의 그라피티 벽화를 모으면 도전과제가 완료 됩니다.

1.포탄맞은 작은집(Shelled Cottage)

2. 버려진 작은집(Abandoned Cottage)

3. 파괴된 벽돌집(Ruined Block of Flats)

4. 슈퍼 마켓(Supermarket)

5. 포탄맞은 학교(Shelled Shcool)

6. 반토막난 집(Semi-Detached House)

7. 창고(Warehouse)

8. 차고(Garage)

9. 윤락가(Brothel)

10. 시립 병원(City Hospital)

2 件のコメント
nukem266 2017年8月26日 1時45分 
Hi, I found a fix for Note: Street Art graffiti achievement, if people are till having issues unlocking it, still unable to pop the achieve on restarting the game and looking at the graffiti.

The reason will be you have to make sure it is the same character that goes to each location and discovers it. I tried and tested this last night. My last location I sent someone else other than my main scavenger as he was drunk. Until I sent the main scavenger out to the same place the achievement didnt pop.

Altair 2015年3月13日 15時41分 
Approve +1 :ss13ok: