Arma 3
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Wrong Line of Work
Data Type: Scenario
Scenario Gameplay: Singleplayer, Multiplayer, Coop
Scenario Map: Stratis
Meta: Dependency
File Size
10.817 MB
Feb 18, 2015 @ 7:22am
Feb 23, 2015 @ 6:16pm
8 Change Notes ( view )

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Wrong Line of Work


NOTE: I'm having problems downloading Armaholic stuff for some reason, but as long as you can get the necessary files, it should work just fine.

Bain stacked cash up real high in Payday 2, but all his dirty work got him in some serious trouble, enough to make him depart to the ArmA universe.

In this mission, Bain runs a team of up to 16 heisters, ready to do whatever it takes to get to the top of the society's food chain.


  • Stealth action with a wide range of approaches and possibilities.
  • Customizable equipment to better suit your needs and strategies.
  • Voice acting.
  • Custom sound effects.
  • Immersive and situational music.
  • Up to 16 player cooperation.
  • References to many other known games and classics.
  • Balanced, but not easy, gameplay.
  • A secret cheat for the faint of heart.

Alright guys, your objective is to steal a jet that is being kept on Stratis Air Base for maintenance and testing purposes. It's not going to stay there for too long, and it's being heavily guarded by the Air Base security, a private company and, if things get too nasty, the military. You need to be quick and accurate, there's definitely no room for mistakes here, gentleman.

There are a few things that you need to know before going in.

First, as I mentioned, the military will get involved, given the fact that the alarm system is triggered, and you don't want that. Mainly because they outnumber you, they have more resources and are better trained than you - No offense, by the way.

To prevent that from happening, I have a few cards on my sleeve. So, pay attention, will ya?

The only reliable way of communication between the military base and the Air Base is a communication tower that is being powered by three generators scattered around the Air Base. Fortunatly, I know exactly where they are. All you need to do is hit the three of 'em simultaneously with some explosive charges. Once you do that, you'll have a window of 10 minutes to act freely before the alarm sets off. Just remember that people inside the Air Base will, obviously, be aware of your presence.
Remember to hit them SIMULTANEOUSLY, 'cause if you don't, the system will be able to check for malfunctions and will trigger the alarm in a matter of seconds.
You may also simply kill the guy that is responsible for the security system. His location is right after the entrance to the Air Base through the main road. The problem with this alternative is that the window it gives is a little bit tighter. The security guy is supposed to answer a call every 5 minutes or so. If he doesn't... Well, I guess you know.
Should you be detected before acomplishing any of the above, it will take about 30 seconds to estabilish communication with the security, and the alarm will be triggered.

There is another matter that you should take care of before stealing that jet.

As a safety measure, the military set some Anti-Air sites around the Air Base. You can imagine that the jet won't be of much value if it is tore apart by some heat-seaking missile in the middle of its flight - Not to mention the fact that... You'll die inside it.
What you gotta do is simple: You will go to these sites and destroy the A.A. guns by any means. Please, ensure that you take care of the people around it AND the gun itself. We don't want any surprises.

Also, you don't want to alert these guys before taking care of the communication first. If they detect you, things turn into a mess.

Assuming that you take care of everything - and I know you will - the last step is a piece of cake. All you gotta do is fly that jet, heading south of the island. Once it is confirmed that the jet is free from danger, our job is done.

That's it gentleman. All the important information I could gather is properly marked on your maps. We put a lot of money in this operation, buying weapons, ammo, and equipment. I know - I hope, actually - that you put them to good use.

Once again, I advise against using brutal force. Military forces arrive in the scene in less than two minutes after the alarm is triggered.

Stealth is your best bet. At least, until you take care of their communications.

  • Play this scenario through the multiplayer section to avoid some minor bugs.

[] - Sound Effects
[] - Music

All of the voice acting and some of the songs belongs to OVERKILL Software
I own no rights of any of the sound effects and songs.

O Garoto do Phil  [author] Mar 4, 2015 @ 4:47pm 
Please do! And not only about this particular scenario, I'd really like to hear some suggestions about new creations aswell!
Thank you for your kind words, to be honest, I love creating content. I'm a huge fan of games that allow players to freely express themselves, like Little Big Planet, for instance. (one of my favorites!)

I thank you again, and hope you guys have a really good time playing this one. :)
The Pain Mar 4, 2015 @ 4:14pm 
MCC is great, my friend and I always launch with it because if we get bored (Or a mission is too hard or too bad) we can go into Zeus with it, and if a respawn puts us extremely far away (We don't have 5 minutes to run to another one of us) we can just teleport each other. It's essential to us. That and Personal Armory are our basic setups.

You're gonna make it well as a gamemaker, I think. This is very well made, and you're new! I've played far worse from far more experienced people, and that's saying something :D

We may attempt it again tonight, so if I come across anything that would be a good addition, I'll suggest
O Garoto do Phil  [author] Mar 4, 2015 @ 2:45pm 
I thought that the timed respawn with tickets would be the optimal solution. But I'm not used to scripting, and couldn't find anything substancial in the internet. That's why I had to use a built-in solution, the "SIDE" respawn.
To be honest, I've only used MCC in order to place custom objects around the map, like the generators, buildings, tables and some other stuff. I didn't even know that the players would be able to use it for anything. :P
I'm new to this Editor thing, but I'm really glad that you guys enjoyed my humble piece of work.

BTW, I've set up the AA's, but most of the time, they weren't able to catch the jet, due to its absurd speed. So, I've put some triggers that simply explode the jet if you get a certain area without taking out the AA's. But I guess you guys found out about it, right? Hahahaha.

Once again, thank you for all your feedback and your kind words. Any suggestions are more than welcome, as I said, I'm eager to learn new things. :)
The Pain Mar 3, 2015 @ 11:14pm 
There was two of us, and while I survived (I'm oddly good in CQC situations with long rifles) much of it, my friend didn't much. The squad system "works" as lives, but it's far from optimal (Could seriously use a revive script on both this and the no mods version) especially in a full server. It's a pain when your friend dies and suddenly they're back at spawn with no gear and have the classic slow A2 vehicles to drive. MCC helped, but the server lags out over time and it becomes impossible to teleport a player, so it could also use a respawn system (Not too many, say 3 a person?) so it's not as bad when you're no longer a squad.

But overall it worked well. Very well made, and enjoyable. We didn't make it to the jet (We wanted to try winging it and seeing if we could take off with the AA) but it was still fun. With 2 players it works flawlessly.
O Garoto do Phil  [author] Mar 3, 2015 @ 4:21pm 
I'm glad that you liked it! How many were playing? I didn't get the chance to test it with more players, so I hope it was a good experience for everyone. :)
The Pain Mar 3, 2015 @ 4:08pm 
It worked. It would appear that I managed to screw something up somehow, which just required a restart of the mission. After that we could get our mod gear and whatnot.

Also, really well designed mission, perhaps I shouldn't have used an unsuppressed G3 to shoot at people near us!
O Garoto do Phil  [author] Mar 3, 2015 @ 9:33am 
I believe that the No mods version doesn't contain any mods, given the fact that I disabled 'em all on the launcher. But, I'm not quite sure if I disabled the Personal Armory, because I don't think it was enabled through the launcher in the first place.
Please, give it a try if you will, if you have problems with the no mods version, please, let me know. :)
The Pain Mar 2, 2015 @ 8:48pm 
So, can you not use MCC or Personal Armory in this? Because I can't use either :(
O Garoto do Phil  [author] Feb 24, 2015 @ 12:32pm 
I couldn't really get what is your problem exaclty, but if you're having problem with the mods, just subscribe to this version:

No mods are needed! :)
WesleySniper187 Feb 24, 2015 @ 9:01am 
,,,i dont understaND THIS PART OF DOWNLOAD,,,I KNO WHOW TO GET TO THE PROPERTIES AND THE RIGHT CLICK SHIT,,BUT THE NAAME STUFF IS CONFUSING ME,,PLZ GIVE ME AN EXAMPLE,,TRYING TO GET all in arma terrian packYou'll also need to add a Launch Parameter to Steam, in order to do so right-click on ArmA 3 Alpha and click Properties and then Set Launch Options. In the window that opens enter in -mod=@your_mod_folder_name