Dota 2
Untame Wilds - Bangor GreatBoar
Heroes: Beastmaster
Utility: Imported
Special: Spring2015
Taggar: Ability, boar
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13 jan, 2015 @ 19:34
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I 1 samling av Ben Denis
Beasts from the Untame Wilds
8 artiklar
Untamed Wilds Set for Beastmaster

The thaw of spring is known to bring out the new bloom of great trees and flowers, but the thaw of spring will also awaken then great slumbering beasts. This bloom has seen Karrosh gather poewrful new allies in battle. Joined by Bangor GreatBoar and Kahndor the Guide, Karrosh is ready to take on many foes.


Full set includes Helm, Shoulder, Weapon, Belt, Bracer, Custom Boar and Custom Bird.
Boar comes with a full set of custom animations. Please watch the Gifs above in the main preview section to see these animations.

Full set includes Helm, Shoulder, Weapon, Belt, Bracer, Custom Boar and Custom Bird.
Boar comes with a full set of custom animations. Please watch the Gifs above in the main preview section to see these animations.

Concept, Modelling and Texturing by NME
Boar Rig and Animation by ToFo