Space Engineers

Space Engineers

52 rating
[obsolete] Obsidian Furnace (for Survival)
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Type: Mod
Mod category: Block, Production
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165.917 KB
9 Jan 2015 @ 2:05am
21 Sep 2015 @ 8:37am
3 Catatan Perubahan ( lihat )

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[obsolete] Obsidian Furnace (for Survival)

1000 Ores => 1 Obsidian Ingot
1 Obsidian Ingot =>
305 Si
100 Fe
100 Ice Ore
disassemble 1 ingot takes 10 second for removing lags.
Fully realistic way to convert stones in metals and silicon.

The extraction of resources used atomic hydrogen.
Stones are metal oxides and silica.
Result - water and minerals.

1Kg Stone = (Si - 0.305 Kg, Fe 0.10 Kg, Ni - 0.0035 Kg, Co - 0.0035 Kg, Mg - 0.0285 Kg, Ag - 0.001 Kg, Au - 0.0001 Kg, Pt - 0.000001 Kg, U - 0.00001 Kg)

This mod make sense for Survival Only.
Not use custom models or textures. Use only SE default model (Assembler, Blast Furnace, Bulletproof Glass for Obsidian).
(Limitations in the game: As a result of only one product is obtained. This limitation forces us to use disassembler.)

V1.01 - Small update
- vanilla Asseblers (and other custom Assemblers use a "Components" blueprint class) accept Obsidian Ingot for dissasemble.
- vanilla Blast Furnace (And other Refinery use a "CommonMetals" blueprint class) accept Stones for sintering in Obsidian ingots.

After a long search - our scientists have found ancient knowledge base. It was an ancient Wiki. From this knowledge base we got magical knowledge. The great ancient scholars Wat, Ohm and Ampere (not relatives) have given us the knowledge to transform the stones to Metal Ingots. This knowledge is called Electrolysis!

As a result, internal audit, it was found that the subcontractor has not created a new device, but only add changes in the firmware to the conventional devices. The company apologizes and publishes firmware version 1.01, this firmware adds new capabilities to the devices without removing the old ones.

Persei Heavy Industries Present:

Obsidian Blast Furnace (refinery): transform Stone -> Obsidian Ingot
Obsidian Furnace (assembler): transform Gravel <-> Obsidian Ingot
Obsidian Synthesizer (assembler): transform Obsidian Ingot <-> (Si,Fe,Ni,Co,Ag,Au,Pt,U)

For got metal ingot, use Obsidian Synthesizer as disassembler for obsidian ingot.

Stone -> refine -> Obsidian Ingot <-> disassemble <-> Silicon and Metal ingot
Stone -> refine ->Gravel <->assemble <-> Obsidian Ingot <-> disassemble <-> Silicon and Metal ingot

No cheat, vanilla ore to ingot transform Ratio is:

Stone 0.9
Fe 0.7
Si 0.7
Ni 0.4
Co 0.3
Ag 0.1
Au 0.01
Mg 0.007 (cheat :-) )
U 0.007
Pt 0.005

Aluminium Use for Electrodes

This is a common chemistry, no magic or fusion.

This is more than realistic, look Wiki, but requires megawatts of energy.
Since you already own a personal nuclear reactor...

Some Description from Wiki:

As obsidian is molten rock.

Stone is Basalt and Granite


Si - 55% /2 (O2) = 27%
Al - 20% /2 (O2) = 10%
Fe - 14% /2 (O2) = 7%
Mg - 8% /2 (O2) = 4%

Ag < 1% = 1%
Au < 1% = 1%
Pt < 1% = 1%

U < 1% = 1%


Si - 70% /2 = 35%
Al - 10% /2 = 5%
Fe - 8% /2 = 4%
Mg - 8% /2 = 4%

Ag < 1% = 1%
Au < 1% = 1%
Pt < 1% = 1%

U < 1% = 1%

Total approximate yield:

Si = 25%+36%/2 = 30.5%
Fe = 7%+3%/2 = 10%
Al = 7%+7%/2 = 7% (Ni 0.35%,Co 0.35%)
Mg = 5%+0.7%/2 = 2.85%

Ag = 0.1%
Au = 0.01%
U = 0.001%
Pt = 0.0001%


Этот мод имеет смысл только в режиме Выживания. (И смысл его в том чтоб куда то деть камни)
Используются стандартные модели Ассемблера, Дуговой Печи и Бронебойных стекол для Обсидиана.

(Ограничения в игре: В результате работы получается только один продукт. Это ограничение заставляет нас использовать дизассемблер.)

После долгих лет изысканий, наши ученые нашли древнюю базу данных. Это была древняя Вики.
Из этой базы данных наши ученые получили древние знания. Великие древние ученые Ват, Ом, Ампер подарили нам знания об трансформации камней в металлы. Это знание называется Электролиз.

В результате внутренних проверок, было выяснено что субподрядчик, не создал новое устройство, а только добавил изменение в прошивку к обычным устройствам. Фирма приносит извинения и публикует прошивку версии 1.01, эта прошивка добавляет к устройствам новые возможности не удаляя старые.

Persei Heavy Industries реализовало эти знания в металле, и подарило нам:

Обсидиановую дуговую печь - преобразует Камни в Обсидиан
Обсидиановую печь - преобразует Гравий в Обсидиан
Обсидиановый синтезатор - преобразует Обсидиан в слитки Металлов.

(Для получения металлов из камней используйте Обсидиановую дуговую печь для получения Обсидиановых слитков, и Обсидиановый синтезатор в качестве дизассемблера на обсидиановые слитки)

Небольшое обновление: теперь обычные ассемблеры принимают обсидиановые слитки для обработки
и дуговые печи спекают камни в обсидиановые слитки.

Выход при преобразовании:

Алюминия нет в игре и значит он используется для электродов Обычно используют графит :).

Это обычная химия, никакой магии или термоядерного синтеза.

Это более чем реалистично, См. Вики, но требует мегаватты энергии для реализации,
так как вы уже владеете персональным ядерным реактором, то это не проблема:



Si = 25%+36%/2 = 30.5%
Fe = 7%+3%/2 = 10%
Al = 7%+7%/2 = 7% (Ni 0.35%,Co 0.35%)
Mg = 5%+0.7%/2 = 2.85%

Ag = 0.1%
Au = 0.01%
U = 0.001%
Pt = 0.0001%

55 Komentar
Phantom1306  [pembuat] 15 Sep 2023 @ 1:58am 
I haven't played this game for several years, the mod was created for myself as an experiment, and became outdated when the game switched to DХ11, so don't use this mod, there are people who can easily repeat it.
RoadWolfY 8 Sep 2023 @ 4:06am 
For people woundering - mod doesn't work anymore. Can't insert stone into obsidian furnaces and synthesizer doesn't have a model at all, which makes impossible to interact with. The cleaning of old, broken mods from personal list continues...
djskagnetti 17 Mei 2019 @ 9:09pm 
Please update this mod. Obsidian blast furnace just 3 purple blocks, when i placed it it crashed the game. This mod was awesome, is there anything else like it? I know regular refineries give extra minerals now when refining stone, but it's just not the same. Need this mod again! Thank you very much for your work.
Bigeagle 24 Okt 2017 @ 5:04pm 
works for me.
the obsidian synthesizer is just convenient because you need disassembling for the mod to work and your normal assemblers are likely to have construction work to do. with the synthesizer it's simply all assemblers are just assemblers while the synthesizers can get the disassemble job with repeat.
just in case someone else wonders why they are there.
EnduringVirus 1 Jun 2017 @ 9:06pm 
Does this still work? anyone know? it hasnt been updated in quite awhile.. im guessing abandoned?
mid endian 10 Jan 2016 @ 8:48pm 
okay, I see you set a longer delay for disassembling obsidian to deal with the lag spikes, but I have question:

if standard assembler can take apart an obsidian ingot, why use obsidian synthesizer?
Phantom1306  [pembuat] 9 Nov 2015 @ 1:10am 
The extraction of resources used atomic hydrogen.
Stones are metal oxides and silica.
Result - water and minerals.
Psysop 8 Nov 2015 @ 1:59pm 
Why is there now ice generated from obsidian ?
Jayden Hawke 22 Sep 2015 @ 4:45pm 
The lag seems to result when the assembler has a full inventory of obsidian(even worse in creative) and then attempts to process it all at once. The key to preventing lag I've found is to keep the obsidian in a storage container and activate the assembler so that it only pulls what it needs for a each disassembly cycle, processes it, then pulls more for the next. This way, it tends to act as an interupt/multi thread. As long as you keep the quantity in each cycle low, you don't even notice.
JoRx 21 Sep 2015 @ 8:07am 
Causes crippling lag when using. Totally broken mod. Do not use!