Dota 2
Oath of the Dead Hair Bracers
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Usuń z ulubionych
Heroes: Necrophos
Slots: Head
Non Hero: Wearable
Utility: Imported
Tagi: Necrolyte
Rozmiar pliku
1.238 MB
24 grudnia 2014 o 13:06
1 lista zmian ( zobacz )

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W 1 kolekcji stworzonej przez Sith Happens.
Treasure of the Living Tomb [Treasure Chest]
Przedmioty: 17
Watch how DOTA2 sets are designed, sculpted, textured and more, live on LIVEWORKSHOP!!! Interact with creators, learn new techniques, workflows, best practices, suggest ideas or just hang out and enjoy the live art.

LiveWorkshop & Star Ladder have partnered up to bring you 6 Hero Bundles for Star Ladder season XII, including a full Sniper set!!!
Browse through the bundles and discover all new mutiple items per hero, spell effects, hero effects, animations and neat lil' surprises. We packed an incredible amount of work into this chest, we hope the quality shines through and you love it as much as we do.

Rate, fave and share each bundle to make sure you get these on the next season of Star Ladder friends! :D
-Sith Happens.