Dota 2
362 lượt đánh giá
"I, Omniknight"
Bởi Burn
Feel the glorious might of the All Seeing All Knowing One, the Omniscience, and become Its most valued champion!
Understand the lore, learn the history, follow the story of Omniknight and uncover the hidden plot of one of most recognizable heroes of Dota 2.
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I am Purist Thunderwrath, I am the Omniknight.
The Champion of the Omniscience. A hero of the First and Second War of the Ancients. I have spent my entire life in the service of All Seeing One.

When I was a Knight in the Order of Emauracus, the Omniscience had chosen to reveal Itself to me, imbue me with holy powers and grant me the honor and great responsibility to represent It in the War of the Ancients. In my victories It shall fulfill Its divine plan to postpone the end of the world.

My Faith

The holy powers that were granted to me by the Omniscience I do not control directly, I only pray to the All Seeing One to assist me in my battles. Most of the time my prayers are answered, but very seldom they are not.
When they are not answered, my holy abilities may not land on the target intended or the Guardian Angel might bless us with his presence too early or too late. Sometimes the All Knowing One punishes me for my pride with inexperienced teammates.
There are plenty of other instances when my prayers are not heard, but this is why each day I meditate for hours upon hours, sharpening my mind and honing my soul.

The ability for which I'm most known for, Purification, as it was named by the elders back in Emauracus, is coined "Heal" by the simple folk. One can see how this nickname came to be, but I assure you no foe, who was affected by it has ever called it "Heal".[/previewicon]

The All Knowing One knows all about magic. Unbeknown to most, magic was Its creation. A long time ago the Omniscience was the only wielder of it until the endless darkness stole it and used it for evil.

Would-be gods and false prophets with their false dieties are untrue to the fundamental law of all that is good - the law of love. I am a bright beacon of love and peace. No foe can run away from it, no foe can deny it, all shall feel the presence of the All Knowing One.

The All Seeing One sees the weakness of our mortal shells. Since the beginning of all, It had a mortal shell of Its own. And as It's mortal shell is indestructible against the dark menaces from outside, so It briefly grants the same indestructibility to all Its allies.

My War

It is not titles that honor men, but men that honor titles. I will always remember these words when entering the battlefield. I am Omniknight, defender of the light, I shall SUPPORT my team with all the necessities it requires to achieve victory.

Leading in the vanguard and killing the enemy is not my job. Since I don't require as much gold as others, I won't be in the way of the CARRY. I shan't steal hero kills, but I also shan't put my teammates in danger. My only job is to keep my allies alive and provide map visibility!

In the beginning it is best for me to partner up with a carry, preferably a range hero, since I don't depend on gold as much. My skills are the highest ranked tools for keeping any carry alive throughout the battle. At early stages I will, however, only use Purification in emergencies, because in the beginning my Purification is very weak and not worth it.

My Omnisquirrel Omnisquire (courier), is assisting me in every battle.
Don't forget to "lock" him in, otherwise he will be replaced.

Omniwards should always be purchased and placed in key positions throughout the battle. In the beginning I will give each ward (ctrl + left click) to an ally, who will be in a different lane than me.

To put on my wounds and keep me going, but before the battle starts I shall ask my teammates if they want a share of it.

(2) In the heat of battle, a drink of cool water shall quench my thirst and restore my concentration to pray to the Omniscience.

Since the Soul Ring will be my first item, I shall purchase the recipe first, for I do not wish to occupy the courier unnecessary.

As soon as I will advance in experience, I shall decide what to learn - Repel or Degen Aura. If there are heavy magic users in sight, I will learn Repel. If there are not, I will learn Degen Aura. There are instances when I learn Repel only one time or even learn it before Purification at the start. Please see below "My Repel" for further information.

At the exact three minute mark, I will show my gratitude to my squire by giving him wings so he could get closer to the Omniscience and resemble the Guardian Angel.

As a committed support, I'm unable to inflict noticeable damage to the enemy, except using Purification. I will need to be very careful when engaging the enemy. Naturally I will stay away from the middle lane, I will only go there to place Omniwards and assist the mid-laner if needed.

I will purchase the second set of Omniwards and use it in my lane and again in the middle. Until the end of the battle I shall never hesitate to buy and place Omniwards! For Omniwards are my unknown fifth ability, and I shall always use it.

My first real item will be Soul Ring and since I already have the recipe, I will visit the side lane shops to buy the other two items for it.

To assemble the Arcane Boots I do not need to go to the secret shop. Although it says that the Energy Booster can be only bought in secret shop, it is untrue. I can buy it in lane shop as well.

I shan't forget to drop this item (or any other item that has large mana pool) before using my Soul Ring. Once I used my Soul Ring I will pick up the Arcane Boots, that way I will regain more mana.

Before I start collecting gold for Mekansm, I shall check if my allies already started collecting items for it. If they don't, I shall inform my team that Mekansm is my next item.

As with Soul Ring, Mekansm will grant me more health if before using it I drop an item that provides health.

I will make sure that I'm present in every team fight, which means a Town Portal is always with me. If the Guardian Angel is not yet ready, I will advise my team to wait for it. Sometimes it may be still too early for team fights, so by the time I learn the Guardian Angel I won't be afraid using it to push the lane. I always must estimate correctly the range of the Guardian Angel. The radius is exactly in the middle of my Purification and Repel radius. To assume correctly the radius during a team battle may not be easy, but nothing worth having is.

Late into the battle, I will eventually become an easy prey for the enemy. That is why I shall not separate myself from the carry. Any carry will approve of a reliable support who is always nearby. But even when I'm with the carry and/or with the team, I'm always targeted first (especially by Legion Commander and Doom). That is why I shall keep my distance from the frontier and only charge in if I want to use my Guardian Angel.

Me and Phantom Assassin are perhaps the most famous hero duo. Partially because of our rumored romance (our love child has my looks, but is lethal as his mother), but mainly because we have such a great synergy throughout the whole battle. For us it isn't even unheard of to defeat the whole enemy team by ourselves.

A deadly duo in the early stage, partnering with Axe may result in rivers of blood flowing from his axe, but it somehow won't guarantee a victory. His Berserker's Call is perfect for my Purification ability. Usually Axe will blink in the midst of the enemy and use Berserker's Call, I will follow with Purification and if done right, Axe will mop up the enemy with Culling Blade.

Another axe wielder, Centaur Warrunner, when Repelled will not receive self damage from his Double Edge ability. A deadly warrior as it is, with me he becomes unstoppable. He either blinks in or just runs to the enemy, performs his Hoof Stomp to stun and damage the enemy. I cast Purification on him and immediately follow up with Repel. Once he's Repelled, he's free to Double Edge, up to two times, the foe without losing health.

With Bounty Hunter the opponent's life can end instantaneously. Nothing beats taking an enemy by surprise and deliver an immense amount of damage before he even realizes what's going on.

Basically I work well with heroes that can become invisible, blink or that can pull in closer the enemy for my Purification damage.

[Word from author]
In public games I always play as a hard support, but when I get together with friends I do not shy away to play as a carry. Of course I need to inform my team about that before the game. Omniknight carry usually goes for Degen Aura instead of Repel, and the items include:

Check out LodA's Omniknight carry gameplay for additional information:
My Repel

Repel is truly an amazing ability granted to me by the Omniscience!
There are only a few methods of removing my Repel protection.

Repel's primary use is to give magic immunity to an ally. But among all other heroes, I am the wielder of the only ability that can remove buffs and debuffs. While Black King Bar protects only the owner, as does Rage only the Lifestealer and Blade Fury only the Juggernaut, I can cast Repel on anyone, removing debuffs from ally and removing buffs from foe.

Sometimes I will use Repel offensively on an enemy, but I must be careful when doing so! I don't want needlessly endanger my teammates or give a dying enemy a chance to escape.

Except for Centaur Warrunner's Stampede slow debuff and Tusk's Walrus PUNCH! slow debuff, Repel can remove any slow effect debuffs.

Repel can not remove a stun effect from an ally, but if cast before a stun occurs, it will protect the ally against the stun and against the stun's damage. Some very strong heroes, who are easy prey when stunned, e.g. Phantom Assassin and Storm Spirit, especially enjoy the protection of Repel.

Repel can also remove all Rune effects on foes, but cannot interrupt the enemy from teleporting.

Repel will not safe anyone from Techies's Land Mines, but Remote Mines will be harmless; And Stasis Traps will not be triggered when walked over.

In a team fight, using Repel on an enemy before Naga Siren's Song of the Siren, will allow my whole team to attack that one Repelled enemy hero with physical damage before the sleep runs out in seven seconds and the enemy team will wake up.

Necrophos's Heartstopper Aura goes through Repel. Also, Repel blocks the damage, but not the stun from his Reaper's Scythe.

An ally with Repel, who is attacking Razor will lose the Repel protection, because of Razor's passive ability Unstable Current.

Sometimes Spirit Breaker will be in Repel radius during his Charge of Darkness. I will take the opportunity and throw Repel on him when he's passing through, he will certainly appreciate it.

Those self-inflicting damage heroes like Centaur Warrunner, Huskar, Pudge and Io will also appreciate your Repel since with it they won't lose health.

The damage from Ancient Apparition's Ice Blast will not go through Repel, but it's debuff will. My affected ally will not be healed by my Purification and Repel will not remove it; And even though it says invulnerable units cannot shatter, sadly the Guardian Angel is the exception.

Axe's Culling Blade will ignore my Repel and Guardian Angel, as will Doom's Doom.

Using only the sound, some projectile spells are very easy to detect and then to counter with Repel. Such as Gyrocopter's Homing Missile, Skywrath Mage's Arcane Bolt, Alchemist's Unstable Concoction and Tinker's Heat-Seeking Missile. But it's also possible to successfully react to Disruptor's Glimpse, Necrophos's Death Pulse, Kunkka's X Marks the Spot and Tusk's Snowball.

Some heroes, like Spectre, do not like to be Repelled.

When the Repel ability is fully learned, there's a two second wait time between Repels. Sometimes I advise the carry, who is about to lose the Repel protection to make two steps back, so I could cast Repel on him again. Those two steps back can make the difference between a victory and a defeat.

My Archenemy

In my meditations the All Seeing One shows me the nine demons of the unending darkness. As I am the weapon of the light, these demons are weapons of darkness, corruptors of souls.
There are nine demons among us and each has its own kingdom in hell, and Lucifer is their master.

As an infant, Abaddon's soul was surrendered to a demon. This demon is the keeper of innocent souls. He holds them in hell and torments them. For his reign is over Limbo.

Akasha, the demon of Lust, the Queen of Pain was summoned into our world by wicked men. Now freed from servitude she instills her sufferings on anyone she deigned to notice.

Having a hunger for souls that cannot be quenched, the Shadow Fiend Nevermore is the demon of Gluttony.

Lion's greed for power was his undoing. Trading away his soul and killing anyone who would stand in his way. And when the powers he received were not enough, he ventured into hell to look for more, crowning himself in the process as the demon of Greed.

The demon of Anger, instead of suffering from the Imprisonment his fellow demons bounded him to, Terrorblade turned himself into a raging demon of unimaginable power.

The Undying is the self-proclaimed herald of the one he calls the Dead God. Forcing others to believe in this diety, the Undying is actually possessed by the demon of Heresy.

The demon of Violence, a being of pure malice and malevolence, has always taken a deep and abiding interest in the flesh. Ripping it from his victims and adding it to his own form, making him stronger. No wonder wherever the Shadow Demon treads, a river of blood and guts is left behind.

In his ambition for immortality, King Ostarion tricked his champions to kill the innocents and harvest their souls to fuel his Wraith Essence. In the end all were victims to the Wraith King's ambition, but for the demon of Fraud it was not enough.

The lord and master of all kingdoms of hell, in the very center of it, condemned for committing the ultimate sin, the terrible Treachery against the Omniscience, lashed by inescapable needs, twisted by unimaginable talents, is Lucifer, the Fallen Champion, the Most Unclean,
better known as Doom ... for he will bring it to this world.

[Word from author]:
As a constant Omniknight player, it was hard to enter a game when there was Doom as an opponent. He is the most devastating hero against Omniknight. His Doom ability will silence Omniknight, making him useless, and most likely kill him. There was a time when I would not pick Omniknight, because Doom was in play.
It is thanks to this Foulfell Shard[] that I now feel motivated to face Doom.
The nine demons mentioned in the Foulfell Shard info are a hint for Dante Alighieri's "Nine circles of Hell". For roleplay purpose this Foulfell Shard suits Omniknight's crusade the most.
And as Omniknight would say: "In defeating Doom I will best the inferno itself."
My Armory

To track my achievements, I imbued by hammer with gems that provide me the necessary information I need. My hammer the "Demon's Bane" was with me ever since I started my crusade. I'm glad that I did it. It's not only to have an overview of my battle statistics, but it also serves as an important reminder of my crusade against the dark forces of evil.

Your support for these Omniknight sets (not yet accepted for game) would be highly appreciated:

Wrath of the Righteousness Battlegear by DMN

Shield of the Omniscience by Xajai

Grand Crusader's Asylum by GreyskyS

Vestments of the Enlightened by PsEuDo

Gift of the Severe Mountains by LSM

My Love

My Omni-thanks goes to all Omni-artists and supporters out there.
Especially to ChiZ, Vermilion Wlad, dylanliwanag, daniDem, jonny212, FadlyRomdhani, TamplierPainter, Kakaha, Medoed, Eon19, wilddeonpwn, Everydayfrags, LodA, TwistedBOLT, kizer and Valve© in general.

But my deepest gratitude goes to JunKazama15[] for vividly illustrating my affection to Mordred; And to BOLT, who made a touching short movie about it.

I also am honored by 4fun's dramatized short movie about my origin story.

Of course I also enjoy comedy, so please be entertained by the amusing music video by the popular WTF, and the funny voice over by SirActionSlacks1.

Partial text was used from "", "Star Wars", "Game of Thrones", "Will you be there?", "Dante's Inferno", "Rifleman's Creed", "Lord of the Rings" and "Bible".

Special thanks to LIGHTKNIGHT69, ranked[] as the most experienced Omniknight in the world (while I'm in top 25), for inspiring me to write this guide. Please feel free to congratulate him for his achievement in the comment section of his profile.

And, of course, THANK YOU, dear reader, for taking the time and reading this guide.
What do you think about this roleplay guide from the hero's perspective?
For which hero would you like to see a similar guide? Comment below, let me know.
Please support me by upvoting this guide.

I wish you all the best and may the Omniscience always be with you!
64 bình luận
Wiedel 4 Thg08, 2021 @ 7:37am 
this is very well made, but sadly out of date
Burn  [tác giả] 6 Thg03, 2016 @ 1:34am 
Check out the Russian version of this guide:
The graphics were improved, so even a non-Russian reader will enjoy it ^^
Kowalth 21 Thg02, 2016 @ 9:35am 
This guy needsa "TL;DR". So badly. I came for a quick overview and tips and finished with headache.
clavicle 26 Thg01, 2016 @ 7:04am 
Dude dis was most epic guide i ever seen so far. Ty bruh
Separated from other Sigmas 2 Thg12, 2015 @ 7:37am 
would play it again 10/10
Gangstasauce 16 Thg11, 2015 @ 1:31am 
damn bro, props on the guide
Satyricon 14 Thg07, 2015 @ 6:14am 
dude nice sense of humour. Nice of you to mix it so that the guide is fun to read as well as quite informative. you da real mvp :)
Rincewind 29 Thg05, 2015 @ 12:58pm 
Quick question, which hero are you refering to as the child of PA and omni?
Torimir 26 Thg04, 2015 @ 8:46am 
OMG!!! As far as I'm concerned, you're the BEST Omniknight for creating this guide!
g=o 5 Thg02, 2015 @ 6:31am 
Great guide, really enjoyed it! I'd like to make a request: could you make one with Skywrath Mage and Vengeful Spirit? Their lore touched me the most of all heroes.