This War of Mine

This War of Mine

Not enough ratings
Dose of a "Mathematician"
By PsyKitten
A Quick Guide on how to convert Celsius to Fahrenheit, Efficiently splitting up Food between your Group, and More!
Please keep in mind this guide is not intended to help you beat the game or accomplish all the achievements. It is used to help broaden your knowledge and get a few ideas to aid in the game. ***Prone to eventually add more information.
Basic Introduction to the Guide
Bad Kat Studios {ParasiticArtist} put together a simple, fun guide to help you get an idea on how to survive the cold winter weeks along with a few bonus material to give you something to think about. This includes the main topic of: How To Convert Celsius to Fahrenheit and sub topics like; "Item Stacking", "Heater Fuel and Temperature" and more. While this guide is actually not intended to help you beat the game to the very end, there are intentions to give your mind a workout. Possibly yet, this may be that tid bit information you may have needed to get through parts of the game! Want more information or an mathematical equation? Comment below and tell us what you would like us to add.

For more fun come join our grand opening on Steam at; Bad Kat Studios {Steam}
NOTE: This guide was not to judge anyone's intelligence level.
How To Convert Celsius to Fahrenheit

This War of Mine is a realistic survival platformer that takes place during a war where you must scavenge, kill, defend and survive within a randomized set of days. (Generally within 25-45 days) In this mind-bending platformer, the temperature within the "SafeHouse" or Your Base plays a big part as the colder the temperature is, the easier it is for your characters to get sick and die off. However, in This War of Mine, the temperature is measured in Celsius by default which may confuse a lot of players if it was not for the color change it provided with the temperatures. Negative Temperatures will appear blue, Low Temperatures will appear as orange and the Higher Temperatures will be a red/bold red.
Most of us should have learned how to Convert Celsius to Fahrenheit and Fahrenheit to Celsius while we were still in school or maybe Kelvin to Celsius/Fahrenheit to those who may use that form of measurement. Those who do not know what Kelvin is; Kelvin is the SI base unit of thermodynamic temperature which is equal in magnitude to the degree Celsius. Unfortunately, many of us forget what we learned in school or may never even learned it in the first place. Here is a quick way to get a better idea of what the temperature is in your game when you may be unable to read Celsius.

1 Celsius = 33(.8) Fahrenheit
2 Celsius = 35(.6) Fahrenheit
3 Celsius = 37(.4) Fahrenheit

Basically what you need to know for the game starting at a base of 1 Celsius/33.8 Fahrenheit; you add two(2) Fahrenheit for every one(1) Celsius. However, that is wrong as every so often you will run into only one(1) additional Fahrenheit instead of two(2).

4C = 39(.2)F
5C = 41F
6C = 42(.8)F

7C = 44(.6)F

In school most of us learned that;
The temperature T in degrees Fahrenheit (°F) is equal to the temperature T in degrees Celsius (°C) times 9/5 plus 32:
T(°F) = T(°C) × 9/5 + 32
Convert 20 degrees Celsius to degrees Fahrenheit:
T(°F) = 20°C × 9/5(1.8) + 32 = 68 °F

But since Mathematics is time consuming, we decided to do everything for you! So after a whole hour of just coding it into the forum, we present to you a table of everything you are going to need to know for the game when it comes to temperature! Plus a few extras just for fun. Besides could you just imagine being out in -273.15 °C?! Neither can we, but we do know it's an insta-freeze!

Celsius (°C)
Fahrenheit (°F)
Quick Idea
-273.15 °C
-459.67 °F
absolute zero temperature
-20 °C
-4.0 °F
-10 °C
14.0 °F
-9 °C
15.8 °F
-8 °C
17.6 °F
-7 °C
19.4 °F
-6 °C
21.2 °F
-5 °C
23.0 °F
-4 °C
24.8 °F
-3 °C
26.6 °F
-2 °C
28.4 °F
-1 °C
30.2 °F
0 °C
32.0 °F
freezing point of water
10 °C
50.0 °F
20 °C
68.0 °F
21 °C
69.8 °F
room temperature
30 °C
86.0 °F
37 °C
98.6 °F
average body temperature
40 °C
104.0 °F
50 °C
122.0 °F[/td ][/tr]
60 °C
140.0 °F
70 °C
158.0 °F
100 °C
212.0 °F
boiling point of water

NOTE: The game itself is actually pretty easy going when it came to temperatures as we suspect that it's not going directly by mathematics, however just knowing these will give you a better idea and help you out in the long run.
Warming It Up
When you enter the "Winter Season" of This War of Mine, heaters are essential! We plan on building enough to fill the whole house just to see what happens for our amusement though we have yet to do this. During a few plays of This War of Mine we decided to add this small tid-bit about how much it will take to warm up your survivors during the winter. Please note; this is not 100% accurate.
Looking back to "How To Convert Celsius to Fahrenheit", our table explains that it will need to at least be 21 Celsius to just have it at room temperature which is about 68 Fahrenheit. Unfortunately, that is easier said than done. Bad Kat Studios (we) recommend to be less-likely to prevent illness, have three Level 1 Heaters or one Level 1 and one Level 2 Heaters. Have two Level 2 Heaters if you could. When fueling heaters which acquire "Fuel" that can be made by Books, Wood, or Components(4); they help keep your shelter warm. Each Fuel(1) helps the temperature go up from 1 to 3 degrees in a Level 1 Heater. In a Level 2 Heater; Each Fuel(1) can help the temperature go up from 2 to 4 degrees. The more fuel you put in the Heaters the better your situation will be as long as you keep up with it.
Sometimes heating your shelter can be more important than other things in your survival through the war. Find something you could sacrifice for a day or two just to stock up on Fuel which may be food or building something. {For Survivor Number 2 or Less} It takes only one day for a Survivor to go Hungry, don't panic when they go hungry as they can pull off the day without affecting them or at least dramatically. In two days your Survivor will go to being Very Hungry then eventually Starving. If you can care less about them then go ahead and put off feeding them in turn of participating in Events or Scavenging. Wasting Food will mean you have more prior needs than Fuel, which depending on the Character, can dramatically decrease the space in your bag. Each time you pick up food (Raw Meat, Can Goods, Veggies) it decreases one space in your bag in turn meaning less room of picking up fuel. Not having fuel to heat your heater can/will dramatically affect your Survivors like becoming seriously ill.

1 Book = One Fuel
1 Wood = One Fuel
4 Components = One Fuel

Keep that in mind if you have priorities of building things. Using Books would be your safest way of making fuel but you should probably always keep at least one encase a survivor is sad and need something to read. Using wood is not bad if you have extras after building whatever it is you needed. However, keep in mind you should plan ahead of how much you will need next time. Lastly, using Components is probably in our opinion the desperate way of getting fuel. While it is easily obtained, it is just as easily to get rid of. You should only use Components if you are left in the cold and are at risk of dying off because you have no other ways of making fuel which there should never be a situation like that if you plan everything ahead.
Each heater should have at least 5 stacks of Fuel but never less than 3 if you wish to keep warm. Always plan ahead in any situation. Calculate how much supplies you will need for a object, then how much you will need for the next important thing as this would be your priority.
Dinner is Now Served
While some of us may believe it is okay to starve your Survivors; here is a few quick ideas to help preserve food.

---Feed Those Who Deserve It: While most Survivors are important in different areas, it is important to keep your best or Scavengers fairly fed. Never have them over "Hungry". Those who tend not to do much other than Guard or Sleep, they can be fed another day until their hunger status gets critical. **Sometimes it's just as important to feed sick Survivors or Injured than your Scavengers.

---Make The Best of Your Supplies: When you have 1 Raw Meat, 1 Vegetables, Required Water and Fuel, always choose to make two meals instead of one option. When a Hungry Survivor eats one of the cooked meals, it fills them up better than just eating the raw meat or vegetables. We see it as two for the price of one. Be careful though if you are running low on supplies as fuel may be more important during the winter to heat the shelter than to cook a meal.

---The Emergency Can: Save up your Canned Goods as it is more filling than the other items in the game. Think of them as; "Don't push this button unless it's an emergency" type situation. If you are worried about a survivor then go ahead and sacrifice a can, but don't sacrifice them all.

---Cheater of a Dealer Every now and then, the neighborhood trader will come by offering you some goods. It is clear that this trader wants more than the next trader in turn for items, however sometimes you may have no choice to give in and giveaway a lot of your supplies just for a can of food or medicine. If your game-play has limited traders or none with food; you may have to invest in a moonshine still to have something worthy of trade. Moonshine and Alcohol is effective objects of trade when everything else is not in reach. (Deep down you don't need it for any of your survivors.) However, make this less of a priority until food gets harder to come by.

---Stealing is the LawUnfortunatly, you may have no other choice than to steal from someone. Don't be scared to steal from people as it does nothing other than decrease your Survivors Moral, maybe hurt your survivor if you are stealing from bandits unsuccessfully. Your survivors will get over it eventually with a book, or someone to talk to. **You should not steal more than once until your survivors moral goes back to normal as this could be risky.
EdenStarGazer Jan 25, 2016 @ 8:13am 
Yeah, I'm just serious enough about "atmosphere" in a game to learn how to do the conversions myself. I mean, changing the units of measurement in the options is like visiting a foreign country without learning any new words. :60sRadio:
PsyKitten  [author] Jan 25, 2016 @ 5:02am 
Im sorry, your point was?
misstiesha Dec 28, 2015 @ 6:00pm 
There's literally an option in the menu to change the degrees to Fahrenheit.
EdenStarGazer Mar 28, 2015 @ 12:56pm 
I enjoyed the math in your guide. I'm one of those who have forgotten the formulas for conversion, but simply remember that 0 is freezing :> I also noticed that the game usually starts at between 21 and 24 and the survivors report feeling comfortable until it starts dropping. So, I usually shoot for keeping the temp above 20. It usually balances out. But, I wondered about having 2 heaters, as I usually have mine a level 2. I want to give it a try now definitely with 2 or 3. Thanks for the guide!