Sid Meier's Civilization V

Sid Meier's Civilization V

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-- ExplosiveWatermelon's Civilizations --
A collection of Civilizations designed, at least in part, by ExplosiveWatermelon.
Items (31)
(Coiot + EW) The Khoshuts under Gushi Khan
Created by ExplosiveWatermelon
When the crystal lord of the month of Chaitra was full, from that day of the first season of the year according to the Kalachakra, he became king of the three parts of Tibet and set up the white umbrella of his laws on the peak of the world. The Khoshuts u...
(EW + Arilasqueto) Zheng under Koxinga
Created by ExplosiveWatermelon
This island was the dominion of my fatherand should descend to none other than myself. Zheng under Koxinga UA: Lord of the Imperial Legacy - Constructing a Courthouse in a former Capital or City-State starts a We Love the King Day both locally and in your ...
(EW + ER) Kokang under Olive Yang
Created by ExplosiveWatermelon
Adds the Special Region of Kokang between Burma (Myanmar) and China under lesbian warlord princess Olive Yang as a playable civilization into the game! Uniques --- Leader Name: Olive Yang UA: Angel Tears: When a Trade deal ends, your trading partner enters...
(EW + GPuzzle) Japan under Tokugawa Yoshinobu
Created by ExplosiveWatermelon
Tokugawa under Yoshinobu UA: Drawing of the Last Sword - Buildings that provide Unit Production provide Experience. Units earn Science upon Promotion. UU: Shinsengumi - Replaces the Longswordsman. Slightly Cheaper. Generates Science upon Upgrade, and this ...
(EW + GPuzzle) New England under William Stoughton
Created by ExplosiveWatermelon
God sifted a whole Nation that he might send choice Grain over into this Wilderness. New England under William Stoughton UA: Appeal to God - Cities begin with a copy of all existing religious buildings in the Capital and are automatically converted to the ...
(EW + TopHatPaladin) The Oeselians under Vesse
Created by ExplosiveWatermelon
The Oeselians under Vesse UA: Thunderbolt of Taara - Naval Trade Routes increase Naval Unit Strength and discount Naval Unit production in their origin depending on the distance traveled. Gold generation increases the yields of Local Trade routes. UU: Pira...
(EW) Gajapati under Kapilendra Deva
Created by ExplosiveWatermelon
When he compared his own elephant force with that of Kapilendra Deva, he saw it to not even be of a poor number of two hundred only as against two lakhs of the great Gajapati. Gajapati under Kapilendra Deva UA: Servant-King of Jagannath - Defensive Buildin...
(EW) Karelia under Ukki Vainamoinen
Created by ExplosiveWatermelon
O hills of Karelia, the hills of home/where birch leaves are budding now spring has come/and the cuckoo calling both high and low ---/O hills of my homeland, I love you so! Karelia under Ukki Väinämöinen UA: Karhunpesäsuunnitelma - Influence does not degra...
(EW) Kuwait under Mubarak al-Sabah
Created by ExplosiveWatermelon
Kuwait was the Marseilles of the Persian Gulf. Its population was good natured, mixed, and vicious. Zheng He has discovered Kuwait under Mubarak al-Sabah! Kuwait under Mubarak al-Sabah UA: Marseille of the Gulf - Naval Units...
(EW) Loegria under Artoria
Created by ExplosiveWatermelon
I just like it for the lore, okay? Loegria under Artoria UA: King of Knights - Generate influence towards City-States you're protecting upon killing an enemy Unit, doubled during a Golden Age. Earn Great General points based on the amount of Experience a U...
(EW) Makhnovia under Nestor Makhno
Created by ExplosiveWatermelon
Power begets parasites. Long live Anarchy! Makhnovia under Nestor Makhno UA: Mother Anarchy Loves Her Sons - Enemy Cities enter Anarchy while your Units are within range, and Units earn +3 Experience per turn near Enemy Cities. Units claim neutral tiles re...
(EW) Murrinh-Patha under Nemarluk
Created by ExplosiveWatermelon
It was not only Nemarluk's desire to protect his people and their lands from the invaders, it was also his obligation and duty. The Murrinh-Patha under Nemarluk UA: Ngoiminggi - Enemies may be captured when fighting near a Great General or within your Citi...
(EW) Nepal under Jung Bahadur Rana
Created by ExplosiveWatermelon
A cat would fly at an elephant if it were forced into a corner, but it must be a very small corner into which the Nepalese would be forced before they would fly at British or cease to be their faithful ally. Nepal under Jung Bahadur Rana UA: Daudaha System...
(EW) New France under Louis de Buade
Created by ExplosiveWatermelon
Non, je n'ai point de réponse à faire à votre général que par la bouche de mes canons et de mes fusils. New France under Louis de Buade UA: Reply of the Cannons - Units start with bonus experience for every Luxury Resource traded away. Units generate Great...
(EW) Norway under Eystein I
Created by ExplosiveWatermelon
I shall make time for this, because sometimes a person's sorrow may be assuaged by talking. Norway under Eystein I UA: Augustus of Agdanes - Earn Great Admiral points upon constructing Wonders and Religious Buildings. Settling a new Landmass grants Populat...
(EW) Paris under Louis Charles Delescluze
Created by ExplosiveWatermelon
The Commune is counting on you- count on the Commune! Paris Commune under Louis Charles Delescluze UA: Le Cri du Peuple - Constructing Courthouses and Economic Buildings grants Great Writer points in the Capital. Units receive an extra +1 Movement for ever...
(EW) Priamurye under Mikhail Diterikhs
Created by ExplosiveWatermelon
He is just a good, religious, simple-minded Russian. When in trouble or assailed by doubts, I like to have a talk with him, and I invariably feel at peace with myself afterward. Priamurye under Mikhail Diterikhs UA: The Black Buffer - Purchasing a Unit wit...
(EW) Russia under Alexander Kolchak
Created by ExplosiveWatermelon
I call upon you, citizens, to unite and to sacrifice your all, if necessary, in the struggle with Bolshevism. Russia under Alexander Kolchak UA: Siberian Expedition - Adopting Social Policies and Ideology Tenets grants Great General points for every Ally w...
(EW) Sparta under Agesilaus
Created by ExplosiveWatermelon
When the tiniest creature defends itself like this against aggressors, what ought men to do, do you reckon? Sparta under Agesilaus II UA: Lysander's Lover - Enemy Capitals take damage for every City of theirs you have Annexed, and earn a Spy for every Capi...
(EW) Tay Son under Quang Trung
Created by ExplosiveWatermelon
Fight to teach them a lesson, enshrined in our history, that the heroes of the South shall always reign supreme! Zheng He has discovered Tay Son under Quang Trung! Tay Son under Quang Trung UA: Brothers of the Mountainside -...
(EW) The Britons under Riothamus
Created by ExplosiveWatermelon
Maybe he will make thee a knight of his Round Table - and there is no honor in all of the world that can be so great as that. The Britons under Riothamus UA: Son of Prophecy - Can grant population from the Capital to other Cities in exchange for Production...
(EW) The Hadza under Indaya
Created by ExplosiveWatermelon
Nearby, sat on a dead tree stump, sat an angry-looking little bird the colour of milk chocolate. As we approached, it started whistling. Here was our duettist. "Tik'iliko," said Mwapo. The Hadza under Indaya UA: Cradle of Civilization - Units have movement...
(EW) The Hudson's Bay Company under George Simpson
Created by ExplosiveWatermelon
Over time, it is all too common for people to lose touch with their heritage, as the thrill and immediacy of the present crowds out the echoes and lessons of the past. It would be a shame if that were to happen with respect to the fur trade. It is a semina...
(EW) The Khanty under Alach
Created by ExplosiveWatermelon
But beyond Wisu by the Sea of Darkness there lies a land known by the name of Yura. In summers the days are very long there, so that the Sun does not set for forty days, as the merchants say; but in winters the nights are equally long. The Khanty under Ala...
(EW) The Métis under Louis Riel
Created by ExplosiveWatermelon
I have nothing but my heart and I have given it long ago to my country. The Métis under Louis Riel UA: Chosen from the Flock - Great Prophets act as a Great General in Friendly Territory. Mounted Units receive an extra +20% Combat Bonus when fighting near ...
(EW) The Shuar under Kirruba
Created by ExplosiveWatermelon
Coward! When I was in life thou didst not dare to insult me thus, thou didst tremble at the sound of my name, coward! The Shuar under Kirruba UA: Visions of the Arútam Wakaní - Upon Growth, Enemy Cities following your Religion have a chance to sacrifice Po...
(EW) The Yukaghir under Teki Odulok
Created by ExplosiveWatermelon
The purpose of anthropology is to make the world safe for human differences. The Yukaghir under Teki Odulok UA: Chuoledii Nyiediil - Purchasing a Tile grants Scientist points and speeds up Border Growth in all other Cities. Border Growth attracts nearby Ca...
(EW) Tonga under Siaosi I
Created by ExplosiveWatermelon
We do not wish for war: it brings poverty, starvation, sleepless nights, fatigue, death of the body, which is frequently followed by everlasting misery in hell. Tonga under Siaosi I UA: Sword and Scripture - Converting Cities and adopting religions generat...
(Lungora + EW) The Nivkh under Umu
Created by ExplosiveWatermelon
A poor boy lived all alone in the house, eight fathoms wide and eight fathoms long. And he lay facing one direction only. The Nivkh under Umu UA: Songs of the Bear God - Expending a Great Person starts We Love the King Day in both the closest City and the ...
(Lungora + EW) Yenisei Kyrgyz under Barsbek
Created by ExplosiveWatermelon
My right hand held the sun, my left hand held the moon, I took the sun and put it in place of the moon, I took the moon and put it in place of the sun. Together with the sun and moon, I flew high into the sky. Yenisei Kyrgyz under Barsbek UA: Umai Beg - Mi...
(Lungora and EW) Saba-Da'amat under Makeda
Created by ExplosiveWatermelon
How fortunate are your men and how fortunate are these your courtiers, who are always in attendance on you and can hear your wisdom! Saba-Da'amat under Makeda UA: Queen of Sheba - Cities settled next to a unique copy of a luxury resource get a permanent ex...