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Golf It!

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Alt3R's Midnight Mountain [Spyro]
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Aug 4 @ 9:56pm
Aug 13 @ 1:29am
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Alt3R's Midnight Mountain [Spyro]

Spyro fans are going to love this 18 hole course inspired by the Midnight Mountain home world from the 3rd installment of the game trilogy!

Moderately simple yet full of atmosphere, this course is great for all players from beginner to pro.


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Alt3R  [author] Aug 13 @ 12:26am 
@An Angelineer That's some solid advice, I appreciate it! Thanks :)
An Angelineer Aug 12 @ 9:54pm 
Maybe you could put an hint with a rock or another small doodad indicating where to aim at? It's pretty commonly done to help players when a very specific angle is needed on a shot.
Still, good map overall.
Alt3R  [author] Aug 12 @ 9:47pm 
@An Angelineer
There is a specific angle that's somewhere up the left side that will get you past that hole in one stroke XD
To be fair I was worried about that one being a bit TOO challenging, but once you find the angle, it's really easy to to consistently lol
An Angelineer Aug 12 @ 12:03am 
How the heck can you pass that "trap hole" on hole 12? I just climb the slide and end up in it every time lol
There's probably a specific bounce that does it, but I just can't find it. XD
Alt3R  [author] Aug 7 @ 9:40pm 
Hey, I'm glad you had fun! I'll look into the low frames issue and see if there's anything I can do on my end 🛠
Demonstrata Aug 7 @ 3:33pm 
Fun course and unique scoring that made it even more fun.
But... all three players in the game did encounter super low frame and jittering on hole 12 or 13 that also affected play... club didn't move smoothly so the ball couldn't be hit with any power.