Dota 2
264 ratings
7.11 (Core) Darkterror, the FACELESS VOID: Standard
By SirHoneybun
Time stops for no one, except Faceless Void. Darkterror manipulates time to hinder enemies and avoid harm, trapping foes and allies alike in a timeless Chronosphere.

Darkterror the Faceless Void is a melee agility hard carry hero. Given a little time, he becomes a terrifyingly powerful hero capable of destroying entire enemy teams in seconds.
Wielding his cosmically powered mace, each hit can lock his foes in time, stopping them in place. He can jump into or out of combat using Time Walk, and passively can avoid any damage with Backtrack which even works against True Strike. His ultimate, Chronosphere, locks time for everything within its area of effect, giving him time to strike down any enemies caught within with no resistance from them for several seconds. Faceless Void is a hard carry and, as such, scales heavily from items and reaches his full potential in late game, growing into one of the most powerful and destructive Heroes in the game making him almost impossible to stop.

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Lurtle Oct 25, 2015 @ 11:06pm 
Awesome descriptions! Although too many choices in your situationals to choose from for learning players
SirHoneybun  [author] Oct 25, 2014 @ 2:51pm 
All your damage comes from bash, why would you max backtrack? I think one value point is enough.
白人 Oct 25, 2014 @ 7:43am 
Why bash is maxxed instead of evasion
SirHoneybun  [author] Oct 20, 2014 @ 3:00pm 
Yeah I thought about adding it to the list, but in the end chose not to. I think Void has one of the best attack animations in the game and has really awesome base damage at lvl 1, it can be a good pick up especially if you're a number 1 position on your team. Also you do what you can to win your lane, and outlast hitting your opponent is one of them, so yeah it can be good at times, but I think a lot of the times you can give it a miss.
Diaz Ex Machina Oct 20, 2014 @ 10:52am 
What about Quelling Blade? It is very useful as a Starting/Early Game item to farm more easily.