Train Simulator Classic 2024

Train Simulator Classic 2024

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N.S1136 GNoSR BR Standard 2MT at Heith then passenger to Hairnie Junction

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N.S1136 GNoSR BR Standard 2MT at Heith then passenger to Hairnie Junction

In 1 collection by Not.Silent
GNoSR Scottish Steam
10 items
READ ALL BELOW BEFORE STARTING. 1960’s and you are in charge of a BR Standard 2MT 2-6-0. It is a freezing, foggy, Scottish winter morning on the NE coast.

NOTE: All signals - ground or above, are approved for you in this scenario.
I mention this because this route does have a few signal issues, and it can be confusing.

During this scenario you will have to: reverse light engine on to 3 carriages, go forward then reverse them into a platform at Neith, go light engine into the shed to take on water, negotiate the station to then reverse onto the same 3 carriages, go on an all-stops passenger run to Hairnkie Junction connecting with a service to Portbyvie.

Do NOT need: Southampton-Salisbury Extension

Route: GnoSR Lines (Worshop by literofcola & Ed Shneebly)
Duration: 41 minutes Difficulty: Medium
Scenario: Standard

Extra DLC:
What is in the Workshop route is required.
J50 (static only for Scottish authenticity - Press F2 / Cancel if you do not own it)

Feedback is always welcome, so please leave a comment.
Not.Silent  [author] Jun 11 @ 1:16am 
Hello robmerlo. Good to hear from you over there.
Great you were able to run it and enjoy it. Regards from over here!
The Socceroos play ove here tonight. I was going to go, but it doesn't start until 8pm here - and I am not into late night drives at night in the rain anymore - after an event.
robmerlo Jun 11 @ 12:58am 
Thank you N.S enjoyed the shunt then the run well done
Not.Silent  [author] May 24 @ 7:56pm 
Hello tonix. Always great to hear from you. Thank you for the kind words.
tonix May 24 @ 2:59pm 
some shunting from start but nice details & some AI
works well. thank you
Not.Silent  [author] May 24 @ 1:38pm 
Hi Beduth Bob. Greta you are enjoying this collection.
Not.Silent  [author] May 24 @ 1:37pm 
Thanks pjohnandlyns. This route is a bit of fun for me.
Beduth May 22 @ 9:42am 
Same as PJ , No problems ran fine , looking forward to the next one . .. BOB
pjohnandlyns May 22 @ 4:50am 
Hi NS. Ran OK with no problems at all.
Not.Silent  [author] May 22 @ 3:50am 
Hi guenter.weber46. Great you have enjoyed them so far.
All this collection will all be in winter, as I am particularly enjoying ...steam, snow, surf and sun! Portbyvie is particularly good.
guenter.weber46 May 22 @ 3:46am 
Hello N.S. Parts 1-6 now completed without any problems in the new TSC 2024.
Nice winter story. What does it look like in summer?
So far, thank you very much!