Dota 2
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Sniper 7.35d
By Juantxo
Sniper, the sharpshooter from Keen, is a long-range hero adept at lane control and picking off targets from a safe distance. His ability to deal damage from afar makes him a popular and effective choice in various team compositions.
Introduction to Sniper
Sniper, the sharpshooter from Keen, is a long-range hero adept at lane control and picking off targets from a safe distance. His ability to deal damage from afar makes him a popular and effective choice in various team compositions.
Key Abilities
Shrapnel - Great for slowing enemies and dealing damage over time in an area.
Headshot - A passive effect that provides a chance to slow and critically hit.
Take Aim - Temporarily increases Sniper's attack range.
Assassinate - Ultimate ability that targets and shoots a powerful shot at an enemy from great distance.
Recommended Items
Starting: Wraith Band, Tango, Faerie Fire
Early Game: Power Treads, Magic Wand
Mid Game: Maelstrom, Dragon Lance
Late Game: Mjollnir, Hurricane Pike, Monkey King Bar
Situational: Black King Bar, Shadow Blade, Satanic
Gameplay Strategy
Early Game: Focus on safe farming using your range. Maintain good positioning to avoid ganks.
Mid Game: Engage in team fights from a safe position. Use Shrapnel to control enemy movements and battle zones.
Late Game: Keep good positioning in large team fights. Sniper excels here due to his ability to take out key targets from a distance.
Tips and Tricks
Mastering Sniper is all about positioning. Learn to stay in the backlines during battles.
Use Assassinate to finish off fleeing enemies with low health.
Leverage the extended range of Take Aim to safely damage towers.