Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

85 ratings
Komplex Holzmarktstraße re-issue
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May 16, 2024 @ 4:58am
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Komplex Holzmarktstraße re-issue

In 1 collection by AmiPolizeiFunk
Ami's Essential Berlin Assets
289 items
This is an updated version of my Komplex Holzmarktstraße asset from 2018. These buildings are based on real buildings near Alexanderplatz and the Fernsehturm in Berlin. They are the first examples of the common WHH-GT-18 Plattenbau type, or "bauform," from 1971. They have been restored and metal surfaces have been used to cover and protect the facades, a common practice called "recladding." These particular buildings are instantly recognizable from the observation deck of the TV Tower because of their bright primary colors.

Why the re-issue?
A few years ago, CO updated sub-buildings to share the colormask colors (and night illumination colors) of their parent main buildings. This was a needed and welcomed change, but it broke the way my Komplex Holzmarktstraße buildings are intended to function. No longer did they get random colormask colors for their balconies, but instead the balconies would always match the main colormask. This has always bugged me, so now since I'm having a sort of CS1 Renaissance, I decided to finally fix it. The solution I came up with was to include four separate buildings in the pack:

1. KH yellow balcony
2. KH blue balcony
3. KH white balcony
4. KH colormasked balcony

Search "KH" (RICO) in FindIt!

The first three assets have fixed colors for their balconies (yellow, blue, and white) and retain their original colormask on the facade. The last building replicates how the building has been working in your game for the last few years -- if you use it -- where color of the balconies will match the color of the facade.

The buildings no longer have sub-buildings, and most of their textures are shared, so be sure to use LSM. The hand-made LODs have also been updated. Since this bauform WHH-GT-18 is so common, I may release a few more facade variations in the near future. Please consider joining and supporting me on Patreon if you enjoy my work! Und wie immer... viel Spaß!


威严蕾米 May 21, 2024 @ 6:07am 
Nomisman May 20, 2024 @ 4:33am 
Really nice! This will be perfect in the housing project district I just started working on.
Slayerfanatic May 16, 2024 @ 9:32am 
Very good buildings!
HgLampe May 16, 2024 @ 7:25am 
Hallo mein Freund , Thanks for your Berliner buildings!could you make some assets of U-Bahn stations in Berlin? Just like those elevated stations on U1 & U2 , I've been looking for them for a long time and I would really appreciate it if you can do this.