Against the Storm

Against the Storm

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How to modify the game’s localization
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Here's how to modify text in any language in Against the Storm, in case you want to customize text, improve the quality of the translation, fix a typo, or simply change the wording of some descriptions.
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Modifying the game’s localization

If you want to change the localization of the game for yourself or other people in the community (for fun or because you think there is something wrong with the official translation), you can do so by simply pasting a custom JSON file into the game's directory. Here's how to do it.
Step 1: Find the text you want to edit
First, you need to find the ID of the string you want to edit.
  1. Go to the public text database[]of Against the Storm. There you will find every text and language in the game.
  2. Find the text fragment you want to change. Copy its ID (from column A).
  3. Copy the language code (en, ja, pl, etc.) for the language you want to change (from the first row of the sheet).
Step 2: Create a custom JSON file
One you have the string ID and the language code, it's time to create a custom JSON file.
  1. You can create the custom JSON in any text editor, like Notepad++[]for example.
  2. The file should only contain the strings you want to change. The game will load the rest from the original text database.
  3. The structure of the JSON should be “ID”: “your custom text”, enclosed in { } brackets. Use commas at the end of the line when there are multiple items. Here's an example:
    { “MenuUI_ReputationBarTooltip_RewardsButtonTooltip_Header”: “Header override test”, “MenuUI_ReputationBarTooltip_RewardsButtonTooltip_Desc”: “Header override test” }
  4. Save the text file with the .json extension and name it with the corresponding language code, for example: “en.json” (if you are changing the English version of the game), “ja.json” (if you are changing the Japanese version of the game), etc.
Step 3: Paste the files into the game's directory
Once the file is ready, it's time to paste it into the game's direcotry.
  1. Go into the game’s installation folder. By default, it will be located under this path:
    • Steam:
      C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Against the Storm
    • GOG:
      C:\Program Files (x86)\GOG Galaxy\Games\Against the Storm
    • EGS:
      C:\Program Files\Epic Games\AgainstTheStorm
    • PC Game Pass
      C:\XboxGames\Against the Storm\Content
  2. In the game’s directory, look for the “Against The Storm_Data” folder. Open it, and create a new folder inside, named “Texts”.
  3. Paste the JSON into the new “Texts” folder. Make sure it’s correctly named (so just the language code, like “en.json”).
Step 4: Enjoy and make a backup
And that's it! Simply launch the game, and you should see the changes in the language you modified. You can also share the JSON files with other players or try out their modifications.

IMPORTANT: please make a backup of your modified localization files, as we cannot guarantee that they will not be deleted by Steam after an update. Also keep in mind that text in the game may change from time to time due to updates, so your modifier localization files may become outdated/incorrect after a few patches.

Also, please be careful when downloading JSON files from other players.