Portal 2

Portal 2

129 ratings
A Piece of Wall
File Size
19.731 MB
Apr 5 @ 4:56pm
Apr 5 @ 6:06pm
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A Piece of Wall

Announcer: "Warning. The testing track you are entering is currently: Under Construction. Due to this fact, the following tests are impossible. You will be provided with a portable panel and arm assembly to assist you with completing these tests."

These tests feature a custom testing element, the movable portalable wall. You can place this wall anywhere you desire and shoot portals onto it to help you solve the test. This is a mechanic that is not new, but I have developed my own version out of interest in it. I think this is a cool element and I will be designing more tests with it in the future. Since this is the first map using it, the solution is fairly easy, but it's still fun to solve. Let me know any thoughts!

The piece of wall can be a bit of a pain to manipulate, unfortunately this isn't something I can really fix, just because the hitbox needs to be that big to accommodate a portal placed on it. If you're having trouble getting it where you want it to go, make sure you're not dragging it along the ground or on any other surface. Lift it high into the air to get the angles of the wall to auto adjust to facing you, and try to put the wall through portals and doors with the base of the arm first. You might have to back up a bit and lift the wall up to reorient it and get it through portals and doors base first. If you're not sure what I mean by this, watch my solution video starting from this timestamp: https://youtu.be/4os0bLgpNMU?si=1kYGhS1xO9xh_obM&t=62 The next few seconds don't contain major solution spoilers but they show what I mean.

SOLUTION: https://youtu.be/4os0bLgpNMU
MoistSkittles  [author] May 5 @ 7:33pm 
I've updated the description with some tips to help getting the wall to cooperate with you.
joe98 May 5 @ 5:13pm 
I figure that have to carry the piece of wall through a portal but I can't get it through.
davurbach Apr 23 @ 1:46pm 
difficult to get through doors and portals, but otherwise a cool idea
Wizzator Apr 16 @ 11:56pm 
A very interesting and fun concept! Thank you for creating! :steamthumbsup:
Citg Apr 16 @ 2:03pm 
great map, music broke on a quicksave but otherwise stellar!
Carthage Apr 14 @ 6:17pm 
Great mechanic, lots of potential!

Could have use some better visual indicators that it could be picked up, and it's a bit big. Otherwise lots of fun, and great map. :steamthumbsup:
M-A-R-K-74 Apr 13 @ 1:52am 
Really nice concept :steamthumbsup:
Texoa Apr 11 @ 12:15am 
Cool! I really like how you used this element in your puzzle.
lowelldogger Apr 10 @ 5:53am 
It's a great new test element but a bit unwieldy.
dreamy3817 Apr 9 @ 9:37pm 
cool :steamthumbsup::steamthumbsup: